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Artemus  Ward 







Reprinted  from  the  American  Copyri\;lit  Edition, 

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Artemus  Wauh  in  London  .  , 

I. — Arrival  in  London 7 

LI. — Personal  ll6collcctions ,  11 

III. — The  Grecnlion  and  Oliver  Cromwell li 

IV.— At  the  Tomb  of  Shakspearc 17 

v.— Is  introduced  at  the  Club 20 

VI.— The  Tow'-r  of  London 2-1 

VII. — Science  am]  Natural  History 27 

VIII.— A  Visit  to  the  British  Museum * 31 

IX.— Pyrotcchny ol 

X.— The  Negro  Question 38 

Essays  and  Sketches:         ,        . 

I. — About  Editors 41 

II.— Editing 43 

III. — Morality  and  Genius 4-1 

IV.—Pop' '.  rity 45 

v.— All  ::    Difficulty  in  the  Way 46 

VI.— Othello '. 47 

VII. — Scenes  outside  the  Fair  Ground 49 

VIII,-  Colored  People's  Church 51 

IX.— Spirits 52 

X.— Mr.  Blowhard 54 

XL — Market  Morning 55 

XII. — We  see  two  Witches , 57 

XIII.^— Rough  beginning  of  the  Honeymoon 60 

XrV. — Prom  a  Homely  Man 61 

XV.— The  Elephant 63 

XVI.— Busts 65 


r  %' 



XVII.— A  Colored  Man  of  the  name  of  Jeffries 66 

XVIII. — How  tho  Napoleon  of  Sellers  was  Sold 67 

XIX.— Ou  Autumn 69 

XX. — Paying  for  his  Provender  by  Praying 70 

XXL— Names 71 

XXII.— Hunting  Trouble 72 

XXIII.— Ho  found  bo  Would 73 

XXIV.— Dark  Doings 74 

XXV.— A  Hard  Case.... 75 

XXVI.— Reporters .'. 76 

XXVII. — Burial  in  Richmond  and  Resurrection  in  Boston 77 

XXVIII.-IIe  had  the  little  Voucher  in  liis  Pocket '79 

XXIX.— Tho  Gentlemanly  Conductor 80 

XXX.— A  Mayoralty  Election 81 

XXXI.— Fishing  Excursion.. :..  83 

XXXIL— Red  Hand  :  A  Tale  of  Revenge 84 

XXXIII. — The  last  of  tho  Culkinses — A  Duel  in  Cleveland — Distance  ten  paces 

— Bloody  result — Flight  of  one  of  the  Principals — Full  particulars  87 

XXXIV. — How  Old  Abe  received  the  news  of  his  Nomination 90 

XXXV.— Roberto  the  Rover:  A  Tale  of  Sea  and  Shore 91 

0  ' 

Among  THE  Fenians,  &c. :  '  ', 

Preliminary 95 

Artemus  Ward  among  the  Fenians 98 

Artemus  Ward  in  Washington ....  102 

The  Draft  in  Baldinsville 106 


; 0 

I. — Aittfuiuii  introducing  himself  to  Mr.  Punch 7 

11. — Do  his  clothes  have  a  Welchy  appearance  ? 27 

III. — ArteniuB  Ward  as  Capting  of  the  Home  Guards 41 

IV. — A  visit  to  the  Tomb  of  Shakspeare 53 

V. — Artemus  is  taken  for  a  Salor  boy <>7 

VI.~PlayfulDess  of  the  Rocky  Mountain  Bear ■* 81 










Artemus  "Ward  arrives  in  London— Introduces  himself  to  Mr.  Punch. 

PART  I.       • 


Mk.  Punch,  My  dear  Sir, — You 
prob'ly  didn't  meet  my  uncle  Wilyim 
when  he  was  on  these  shores.  I  jedge 
so  from  the  fack  that  his  pursoots  wasn't 
litrary.     Commerce,  which  it  has  been 

trooly  observed  by  a  statesman,  oi 
somebody,  is  the  foundation  stone  onto 
which  a  nation's  greatness  rests,  glori- 
ous C(Jtamerce  was  Uncle  Wilyim's  fort. 
He  sold  soap.    It  smelt  pretty,  and 




•  '< 


redily  commanded  two  pents  a  cake. 
I'm  the  only  litrary  man  in  our  fam'ly. 
It  is  troo,  I  once  had  a  dear  cuzzun 
who  wrote  22  versis  onto  "  A  Child 
who  nearly  Died  of  the  Measles,  0 ! " 
but  as  he  injoodiciously  introjuced  a 
ohorious  at  the  end  of  each  stanzy,  the 
parrents  didn't  like  it  at  all.  The 
father  in  particler  wept  afresh,  assault- 
ed my  cuzzun,  and  said  he  never  felt  so 
ridicklus  in  his  intire  life.  The  onhappy 
result  was  that  my  cuzzun  abandind 
poetry  forever,  and  went  back  to  shoe- 
makin,  a  shattered  man. 

My  Uncle  Wilyim  disposed  of  his 
3oap,  and  returned  to  his  nativ  land 
with  a  very  exolted  opinyin  of  the  Bri- 
tish public.  "It  is  a  edycated  com- 
munity," said  he  ;  "  they're  a  intelle'c- 
tooal  peple.  In  one  small  village  alone 
I  sold  50  cakes  of  soap,  incloodin 
barronial  halls,  where  they  offered  me 
a  ducal  coronet,  but  I  said  no— give  it 
to  the  poor."  This  was  the  way  Uncle 
Wilyim  went  on.  He  told  us,  however, 
some  stories  that  was  rather  too  much 
to  be  easily  swallerd.  In  fack,  my 
Uncle  Wilyim  was  not  a  emblem  of 
trooth.  He  retired  some  years  ago  on 
a  hansum  comptency  derived  from  the 
insurance-money  he  received  on  a  rather 
shaky  skooner  he  owned,  and  which 
turned  up  while  lying  at  a  wharf  one 
night,  the  cargo  having  fortnitly  been 
remooved  the  day  afore  the  disaatriss 
calamty  occurd.  Uncle  Wilyim  said  it 
was  one  of  the  most  sing'ler  things  he 
ever  heard  of;  and,  after  collectin  the 
insurance-money,  he  bust  into  a  flood  of 
tears,  and  retired  to  his  farm  in  Peim- 
sylvany.  He  was  my  uncle  by  marri- 
age only.  I  do  not  say  that  he  Vasn't 
a  honest  man.    I  simply  say  that  if  you 

have  a  uncle,  and  bitter  experunce  tells 
you  it  is  more  profitable  in  a  pecoonery 
pint  of  view  to  put  pewter  spoons  instid 
of  silver  ones  onto  the  table  when  that 
uncle  dines  with  you  in  a  frenly  way — 
I  simply  say,  there  is  sumthun  wrong  in 
our  social  sistem,  which  calls  loudly  for 

I  'rived  on  these  shores  at  Liverpool, 
and  proceeded  at  once  to  London.  I 
stopt  at  the  Washington  Hotel  in  Liver- 
pool, because  it  was  named  after  a 
countryman  of  mme  who  didn't  get 
his  living  by  makin'  mistakes,  and 
whose  mem'ry  is  dear  to  civilised  peple 
all  over  the  world,  because  he  was 
gentle  and  good  as  well  as  trooly  great. 
We  read  in  Histry  of  any  number  of 
great  individooals,  but  how  few  of  'em, 
alars  !  should  we  want  to  take  home  to 
supper  with  us !  Among  others,  I  would 
call  your  attention  to  Alexander  the 
Great,  who  conkerd  the  world,  and 
wept  because  he  couldn't  do  it  sum 
more,  and  then  took  to  gin-and-seltzer, 
gettin'  tight  every  day  afore  dinner 
with  the  most  disgtlstin'  reg'larity, 
causin' .  his  parunts  to  regret  they 
hadn't  'prenticed  him  in  his  early  youth 
to  a  biskit-baker,  or  some  other  occupa- 
tion of  a  peaceful  and  quiet  character. 
I  say,  therefore,  to  the  great  men  now 
livin'  (you  could  put  'em  all  into  Hydt 
Park,  by  the  way,  and  still  leave  room 
for  a  large  and  respectable  concourse  of 
rioters) — be  good.  I  say  to  that  gifted ' 
'but  bald-heded  Prooshun,  Bismarck,  be 
good  and  gentle  in  your  hour  of  triump. 
/always  am.  I  admit  that  our  lines  is 
different,  Bismarck's  and  mine ;  but  the 
same  glo'rus  principle  is  involved.  I 
am  a  exhibiter  of  startlin'  curiositys, 
wax  works,  snaix,  etsetry,  T"  either  of 




whom,"  as  a  American  statesman  whose 
name  I  ain't  at  liberty  to  mention  for 
periitical  resins,  as  he  expecks  to  be  a 
candidate  for  a  prom'nent  offiss,  and 
hence  doesn't  wish  to  excite  the  rage 
and  jehsy  of  other  showmen — "  either 
of  whom  is  wuth  dubble  the  price  of 
admission  ")  ;  I  say  I  am  a  exhibiter  of 
startlin  cm-iositys,  and  I  also  have  my 
hours  of  triump,  but  I  try  to  be  good  in 
'em.  If  you  say,  "  Ah,  ye^,  but  also 
your  hours  of  grfef  and  misfortin;"  I 
answer  it  is  troo,  and  you  prob'ly  refer 
to  the  circumstans  of  my  hirin'  a  young 
man  of  dissypated  habits  to  fix  hisself 
up  as  A  real  Caimibal  from  New  Zeelan, 
and  when  I  was  simply  telling  the 
audience  that  he  was  the  most  feroshus 
Cannibal  of  his  tribe,  and  that,  alone 
and  unassisted,  he  had  et  sev'ril  of  our 
fellow-countrymen,  and  that  he  had  at 
one  time  even  contemplated  eatin  his 
Uncle  Thomas  on  his  mother's  side,  as 
well  as  other  near  and  dear  relatives, — 
when  I  was  makin'  these  simple  state- 
ments, the  mis'ble  young  man  said  I 
was  a  Iyer,  and  knockt  me  off  the  plat- 
form. Not  quite  satisfied  with  this,  he 
cum  and  trod  hevily  on  me,  and  as  he 
was  a  very  musculer  person  and  wore 
remarkable  thick  boots,  I  knew  at  once 
that  a  canary  bird  wasn't  walkin'  over 

I  admit  that  my  ambition  overlept 
herself  in  this  instuns,  and  I've  been 
Very  careful  ever  since  to  deal  square 
with  the  public.  If  I  was  the  public  I 
should  insist  on  squareness,  tho'  I 
shouldn't  do  as  a  portion  of  my  audi- 
ence did  on  the  occasion  jest  mentioned, 
which  they  was  omplyed  m  sum  naberin' 
coal  mines.  "  As  you  hain't  got  no 
more  Cannybals  to  show  us,  old  man," 

said  one  of  'em,  who  seemed  to  be  a 
kind  of  leader  among  'em — a  tall  dis- , 
'greeble  skoundril — "  as  you  seem  to  be 
out  of  Cannybals,  we'll  sorter  look  round 
here  and  fix  things.  Them  wax  figgers 
of  yours  want  washm'.  There's  Napo- 
leon Bonyparte  and  Julius  Caesar — they 
must  have  a  bath,"  with  which  coarse 
and  brutal  remark  he  imitated  the  shrill 
war-hoop  of  the  western  savige,  and, 
assisted  by  his  infamus  coal-heavin  com- 
panyins,  he  threw  all  my  wax-work  into 
the  river,  and  let  my  wild  bears  loose  to 
pray  on  a  peaceful  and  inoffensive  agri- 
cultooral  community. 

Leavin  Liverpool  (I'm  goin'  back 
there,  tho — I  want  to  see  the  Docks, 
which  I  heard  spoken  of  at  least  once 
while  I  was  there)  I  cum  to  London  in 
a  1st  class  car,  passin'  the  time  very 
agreeable  in  discussin,  with  a  country- 
man of  mine,  the  celebrated  Schleswig- 
Holstein  question.  We  took  that 
int'resting  question  up  and  carefully 
traced  it  from  the  time  it  commenced 
being  so,  down  to  the  present  day,  when 
my  countryman,  at  the  close  of  a  four 
hours'  annymated  debate,  said  he  didn't 
know  anything  about  it  himself,  and  he 
wanted  to  know  if  I  did.  I  told  him 
that  I  did  not.  He's  at  Ramsgate  now, 
and  I  am  to  write  him  when  I  feel  like 
givin  him  two  days  in  which  to  discuss 
the  question  of  negro  slavery  in  America. 
But  now  I  do  not  feel  like  it. 

London  at  last,  and  I'm  stoppin'  at 
the  Greenlion  tiivem.  I  like  the  lan'- 
lord  very  much  indeed.  He  had  fallen 
into  a  few  triflin  errors  in  regard  to 
America — ^lie  was  under  the  impression, 
for  instance,  that  we  et  hay  over  there, 
and  had  horns  growin  out  of  the  back 
part  of  our  heads — ^but  his  chops  and 



1  . 


beer  is  ekal  to  any  I  ever  partook.  You 
must  cum  and  see  me,  and  bring  the 
boys.  I'm  told  that  Garrick  used  to 
cum  here,  but  I'm  growin  skeptycal 
about  Garrick's  favorit  taverns.  I've 
had  over  500  public-houses  pinted  out 
to  me  where  Garrick  went.  I  was  in- 
dooced  one  night,  by  a  seleck  comp'ny 
of  Britons,  to  visit  sum  25  public-houses. 

and  they  confidentially  told  me  that 
Garrick  used  to  go  to  each  one  of  'em. 
Also,  Dr.  Johnson.  This  won't  do,  you 

May  be  I've  rambled  a  bit  in  this 
communycation.  I'll  try  and  be  more 
collected  in  my  next,  and  meanwhile, 
b'lieve  me  Trooly  Yours, 

Artemus  Ward. 

*  "W --fS^  S(!!!»6«ii>5»>«!^-**«i«««. 



You'll  be  glad  to  learn  that  I've 
made  a  good  impression  onto  the  mind 
of  the  lan'lord  of  the  Greenlion  tavern. 
He  made  a  speech  about  me  last  night. 
Risin'  in  the  bar  he  spoke  as  follers, 
there  bein  over  20  individooals  present : 
"  This  North  American  has  been  a 
inmate  of  my  'ouse  oyer  two  weeks,  yit 
he  hasn't  made  no  attempt  to  scalp  any 
member  of  my  fam'ly.  He  hasn't 
broke  no  cups  or  sassers,  or  furniture  of 
any  kind.  (Hear,  hear.')  I  find  I  can 
trust  him  with  lited  candles.  He  eats 
his  wittles  with  a  knife  and  a  fork. 
Peple  of  this  kind  should  be  encur- 
ridged.  I  purpose  'is  'elth !"  (Loud 

What  could  I  do  but  modestly  get  up 
and  express  a  fervint  hope  that  the 
Atlantic  Cable  would  bind  the  two 
countries  still  more  clostly  together  ? 
The  lan'lord  said  my  speech  was  full  of 
orig'nality,  but  his  idee  was  the  old 
stage  co'ach  was  more  safer,  and  he  tho't 
peple  would  indors  that  opinyin  in  doo 
time.  ^ 

I'm  gettin'  on  exceedin'  well  in  Lon- 
don. I  see  now,  however,  that  I  made 
a  mistake  in  orderin'  my  close  afore  I 
left  home.  The  trooth  is  the  taler  in 
our  little  villige  owed  me  for  a  pig  and 
I  didn't  see  any  other  way  of  gettin  my 
pay.  Ten  years  ago  these  close  would 
no  doubt  have  been  fash'n'ble,  and  per- 
haps they  would  be  ekally  sim'lar  ten 

years  hens.  But  now  they're  diff 'rejitly. 
The  taler  said  he  know'd  they  was  all 
right,  because  he  had  a  brother  in 
Wales  who  kept  him  informed  about 
London  fashins  reg'lar.  This  was  a 
infamus  falsehood.  But  as  the  ballud 
says  (which  I  heard  a  gen'l'man  in  a 
new  soot  of  black  close  and  white  kid 
gloves  sing  t'other  night),  Never  don't 
let  us  Despise  a  Man  because  ho  wears 
a  Raggid  Coat !  I  don't  know  as  wo 
do,  by  the  way,  tho'  we  gen'relly  get 
out  of  his  way  pretty  rapid ;  prob'ly  on 
account  of  tho  pity  which  tears  our 
boosums  for  his  onhappy  condition. 

This  last 'remark  is  a  sirkastic  and 
witherin'  thrust  at  them  blotid  peple 
who  live  in  gilded  saloons.  I  tho't  I'd 
explain  my  meanin'  to  you.  I  frekently 
have  to  explain  the  meanin'  of  my  re- 
marks. I  know  one  man — and  htf's  a 
man  of  varid  'complishments — ^who  often 
reads  my  articles  over  20  times  afore 
he  can  make  anything  of  'em  at  all. 
Our  skoolmaster  to  home  says  this  is  a 
pecoolerarity  of  geneyus.  My  wife 
says  it  is  a  pecoolerarity  of  infernal 
nonsens.  She's  a  exceedin  practycal 
woman.  I  luv  her  muchly,  however,  and 
humer  her  little  ways.  It's  a  recklis 
falshood  that  she  hepecks  me,  and  the 
young  man  in  our  neighbourhood  who 
said  to  me  one  evenin',  as  I  was  misten- 
in'  my  diafram  with  a  gentle  cocktail  at 
the  villige  tavum — who  said  to  me  in 





these  very  langwidge,  "  Go  home,  old 
man,  onless  you  desires  to  have  another 
teapot  throwd  at  you  by  B.  J.,"  prob'ly 
regrets  havin  said  so.  I  said,  "  Betsy 
Jane  is  my  wife's  front  name,  gentle 
yooth,  and  I  permits  no  person  to  alood 
to  her  as  B.  J.  outside  of  the  fam'ly 
circle,  of  trhich  I  am  it  principally  my- 
self. Your  other  observations  I  scorn 
and  disgust,  and  I  must  pollish  you  off." 
He  was  a  able-bodied  young  man,  and, 
remoovin  his  coat,  he  inquired  if  I 
wanted  to  be  ground  to  powder  ?  I 
said.  Yes,  if  there  was  a  Powder-grindist 
handy,  nothin  Avould  'ford  me  greater 
pleasure,  when  he  struck  me  a  painful 
blow  into  my  right  eye,  causin'  me  to 
make  a  rapid  retreat  into  the  fire-place. 
I  hadn't  no  idee  that  the  enemy  was  so 
well  organised.  But  I  rallied,  and  went 
for  him  in  a  rayther  vigris  style  for  my 
time  of  life.  His  parunts  lived  near  by, 
and  I  m\\  simply  state  15  minits  had 
only  elapst  after  the  first  act  when  he 
was  carried  home  on  a  shutter.  His 
mama  met  the  solium  processhun  at  the 
door,  and,  after  keerfully  looking  her 
orfspring  over,  she  said,  "  My  son,  I 
see  how  it  is  distinctually.  You've 
been  foolin'  round  a  Trashin  Masheen. 
You  went  in  at  the  place  where  they 
put  the  grain  in,  cum  out  with  the  straw, 
and  you  got  up  into  the  thingamyjig  and 
let  the  horses  tred  on  you,  didn't  you, 
my  son  ?"  The  pen  of  no  livm  Orthur 
could  describe  that  disfortnit  young 
man's  sittywation  more  clearer.  But  I 
was  sorry  for  him,  and  I  went  and 
nussed  him^ill  he  got  well.  His  reg'lar 
original  father  being  absent  to  the  war, 
I  told  him  I'd  be  a  father  to  him  myself. 
He  smilt  a  sickly  smile,  and  said  I'd  al- 
ready been  wuss  than  two  fathers  to  hmi. 

I  will  here  obsarvo  that  fitin  orter  be 
alius  avided,  exccp  in  extreem  cases. 
My  principle  is,  if  a  man  smites  mo  on 
the  right  cheek  I'll  turn  my  left  to  him, 
prob'ly ;  but  if  he  insinooates  that  my 
gran'mother  wasn't  all  right,  I'll  punch 
his  hed.  But  fitin  is  mis'ble  bisniss, 
gen'rally  speakin,  and  whenever  any 
enterprisin  countryman  of  mine  cums 
over  here  to  scoop  up  a  Briton  in  the 
prize  ring  I'm  alius  excessively  tickled 
when  he  gets  scooped  hisself,  which  it  is 
a  sad  fack  has  thus  far  been  the  case — 
my  only  sorror  bein'  that  t'other  feller 
wasn't  scooped  likewise.  It's  diff'rently 
with  scullin  boats,  which  is  a  manly 
sport,  and  I  can  only  explain  Mr.  Hamil's 
resunt  defeat  in  this  country  on  the 
grounds  that  he  wasn't  used  to  British 
water.  I  hope  this  explanation  will,  be 
entirely  satisfact'ry  to  all.  ' 

As  I  remarked  afoi-e,  I'm  getting  on 
well.  I'm  aware  that  I'm  in  tho  great 
metropolis  of  the  world,  and  it  doesn't 
make  me  onhappy  to  admit  the  fack. 
A  man  is  a  ass  who  dispoots  it.  That's 
all  that  ails  him.  I  know  there  is  sum 
peple  who  cum  over  here  and  snap  and 
snarl  'bout  this  and  that :  I  know  one 
man  who  says  it  is  a  shame  and  a  dis- 
graice  that  St.  Paul's  Church  isn't  a 
older  edifiss;  he  says  it  stould'be  years 
and  even  ages  older  than  it  is  ;  but  I 
decline  to  hold  myself  responsible  for 
the  conduck  of  this  idyit  simply  because 
he's  my  countryman.  I  spose  every 
civ'lised  land  is  endowed  with  its  full 
share  of  gibberin'  idyits,  and  it  can't 
be  helpt — ^leastways,  I  can't  think  of 
any  effectooal  plan  of  helpin'  it. 

I'm  a  little  sorry  you've  got  politics 
over  here,  but  I  shall  not  diskuss  'em 
with  nobody.    Tear  me  to  peaces  with 



wild  omnibus  bosses,  and  I  won't  diskuss 
'em.  I've  hqd  quite  enough  of  'em  at 
home,  thank  you.  I  was  at  Birming- 
ham t'other  night,  and  went  to  the  great 
meetin'  for  a  few  minits.  I  had'nt 
been  in  the  hall  long  when  a  stem 
lookin'  artisan  said  to  me, 

"  You  ar  from  Wales  ?  " 

No,  I  told  him  I  didn'.t  think  I  was. 
A  hidgyis  tho't  flasht  over  me.  It 
was  of  that  onprincipled  taler,  and  I 
said,  "  Has  my  clothin'  a  Welchy 
appearance  ?  " 

"  Not  by  no  means,"  he  answered, 
and  then  he  said,  "  And  what  is  your 
opinyin  of  the  present  crisis  ?  " 

I  said, "  I  don't  zackly  know.  Have 
you  got  it  very  bad  ?  " 

He  replied,  "  Sir,  it  is  sweepin'  over 
England  like  the  Cymoon  of  the  Desert!" 

"  Wall,"  I  said,  «  let  it  sweep ! " 

He  ceased  me  by  the  arm  and  said, 
"  Let  us  glance  at  hist'ry.  It  is  now 
some  two  thousand  years  —  " 

"  Is  it,  indeed  ?  "  I  replied.  ' 

"  Listm ! "  he  fiercely  cried ;  it  is 
only  a  little  over  two  thousand  years 
since  — " 

"  Oh,  bother ! "  I  remarkt,  «  let  us 
go  out  and  git  some  beer." 

"  No,  Sir.  I  want  no  gross  and  sen- 
sual beer.  I'll  not  move  from  this  spot 
till  I  can  vote.    Who  ar  you  ?  " 

I  handed  him  my  card,  which,  in 
addition  to  my  name,  contains  a  elabrit 
description  of  my  show.  "  Now,  Sir," 
I  proudly  said,  "  you  know  mo  ?  " 

"  I  soUumly  swear,"  he  sternly  re- 
plied, "  that  I  never  heard  of  you,  or 
your  show,  in  my  life  !  " 

"  And  this  man,"  I  cried  bitterly, 
"  calls  hi&self  a  intelligent  man,  and 
thinks  he  orter  be  allowed  to  vote ! 
What  a  holler  mockery !  " 

I've  no  objection  to  ev'ry  intelligent 
man  votin'  if  he  wants  to.  It's  a  plea- 
sant amoosement  no  douljt ;  but  there 
is  those  whose  igrance  is  so  dense  and 
loathsum  that  they  shouldn't  be  trustid 
with  a  ballit  any  more'n  one  of  my 
trained  serpunts  should  be  trusted  with 
a  child  to  play  with. 

I  went  to  the  station  with  a  view  of 
retumin'  to  town  on  the  cars.  "  This 
way,  Sir,"  said  the  guard ;  "  here  you 
ar,"  and  he  pinted  to  a  first-class  car- 
ridge,  the  sole  ockepant  of  which  was  a 
rayther  prepossessin'  female  of  about  30 

"  No,  I  thank  you,"  I  emestly  re- 
plied, "  I  prefer  to  walk." 

I  am,  dear  Sir, 

Very  respectively  yours, 

Artemus  Ward. 




Mr.  Punch,  My  dear  Sir, — It  is 
now  two  weeks  since  a  rayther  strange 
lookin  man  engaged  'partments  at  the 
Greenlion.  He  stated  ho  was  from  the 
celebrated  United  States,  but  beyond 
this  he  said  nothin.  He  seem'd  to  pre- 
fer soUytood.  He  remained  mostly  in 
his  room,  and  whenever  he  did  show 
hisself  he  walkt  in  a  moody  and  morose 
manner  in  the  garding,  with  his  lied 
boAved  down  and  his  arms  foldid  across 
his  brest.  He  reminded  mc  sumwhat 
of  the  celebrated  but  onhappy  Mr. 
Haller,  in  the  cheerful  play  of  The 
Stranger.  This  man  puzzled  me.  I'd 
been  puzzled  afore  several  times,  but 
never  so  severally  as  now.  Mine  Ost 
of  the  Greenlion  said  I  must  inter- 
rigate  this  strange  bein,  who  claimed  to 
be  my  countryman.  "  He  hasn't  called 
for  a  drop  of  beer  since  he's  been  in  this 
ere  Ouse,"  said  the  landlord.  "  I  look 
to  you,"  he  added, "  to  clear  up  this 
dark,  this  orful  mistry ! " 

I  wringed  the  lan'lord's  honest  hand, 
and  told  him  to  consider  the  mistry 
cleared  up. 

I  gained  axes  to  the  misterus  bein's 
room,  and  by  talkin  sweet  to  him  for  a 
few  minits,  I  found  out  who  he  was. 
Then  retumui  to  the  lan'lord,  wo  was 
nervisly  pacing  up  and  down  the  bar,  I 

"  Sweet  Rolando,  don't  tremble  no 
more !  I've  torn  the  marsk  from  the 
hawty  stranger's  face,  and  dived  into 
the  recesses  of  his  inmost  sole  !  He's 
a  Trans-Mejim ! 

I'd  been  to  the  Beefenham  theatre 

the  previs  evenin,  and  probably  the 
drammar  I  saw  affected  me,  because  I'm 
not  in  the  habit  of  going  on  as  per 
above.  I  like  the  Beefenham  theatre 
very  much  indeed,  because  there  a 
enthoosiastic  lover  of  the  theatre  like 
myself  can  unite  the  ligitermit  drammer 
with  fish.  Thus,  while  your  enraptured 
soul  drinks  in  the  lorfty  and  noble  sen- 
tences of  the  gifted  artists,  you  can  eat 
a  biled  mack'ril  jest  as  comfor'bly  as  in 
your  own  house.  I  felt  constrained, 
however,  to  tell  a  fond  mother  who  sot 
immegitly  behind  me,  and  who  was 
accompanied  by  a  gin  bottle  and  a  young 
infant — I  felt  constrained  to  tell  that 
mother,  when  her  infant  playfully 
mingled  a  rayher  oily  mack'ril  with  the 
httle  hair  which  is  left  on  my  vener'ble 
hed,  that  I  had  a  bottle  of  scented  hair 
oil  at  home,  which  on  the  whole  I  tho't 
I  preferred  to  that  which  her  orfspring 
was  greasin  me  with.  This  riled  the 
excellent  female,  and  she  said,  "  Git 
out !  You  never  was  a  infank  yourself, 
I  spose  !  Oh  no  !  You  was  too  good 
to  be  a  infank  you  was !  You  sUd  into 
the  world  all  ready  grow'd,  didn't  you  ? 
Git  out!"  "No,  Madam,"  I  replied, 
"  I  too  was  once  a  infant !  I  was  a 
luvly  child.  Peple  used  to  come  in 
large  and  enthusiastic  crowds  from  all 
parts  of  the  country  to  see  me,  I  was 
such  a  sweet  and  intel'gent  infant. 
The  excitement  was  so  intens,  in  fack, 
that  a  extra  hotel  was  startid  in  the 
town  to  accomodate  the  peple  who 
thronged  to  my  cradle."  Having  fin- 
ished these  troothful  statements,  I  smilt 


sweetly  on  the  worthy  female.  She 
said,  "  Drat  you,  what  do  you  come 
a-chaffing  me  for  ?  "  and  the  estymible 
woman  waa  really  gettin  furis,  when  I 
moUyfied  her  by  praisin  her  child,  and 
by  axin  pardin  for  all  I'd  said.  "  This 
little  gal,"  I  observed,  "this  surpris- 
ingly luvly  gal — "  when  the  mother 
said, "  It's  t'other  sect  is  he.  Sir :  it's  a 
boy."  "Wall,"  I  said,  "then  this 
little  boy,  whose  eye  is  like  a  eagle 
arsoaring  proudly  in  the  azure  sky,  will 
some  day  be  a  man,  if  he  don't  choke 
hisself  to  death  in  childhood's  sunny 
hours  with  a  smelt  or  a  bloater,  or  some 
other  drefful  calamity.  How  surblime 
the  tho't,  my  dear  Madam,  that  this 
infant  as  you  fondle  on  your  knee  on 
this  night,  may  grow  up  into  a  free  and 
independent  citizen,  whose  vote  will  be 
wdrth  from  ten  to  fifteen  pounds,  ac- 
cordin  as  suffrages  may  range  at  that 
joy  us  perid !  " 

Let  us  now  return,  jentle  reader,  to 
the  lan'lord  of  the  Greenlion,  who  we 
left  in  the  bar  in  a  state  of  anxiety  and 
perspire.  Rubbing  his  hot  face  with  a 
red  hankercher,  he  said, "  Is  the  stramge 
hem  a  American  ?  " 

"  He  is."  ;         • 


«  No." 

"A  Colonial?" 


"AMajer?"  .* 

"  Not  a  Majer." 

"ACaptmg?"     ^ 

"He  is  not."  , 

«  Aleftenant?"  -  ■ 

"  Not  even  that." 

"  Then,"  said  the  lan'lord  of  the 
Greenlion,  "  you  ar  deceived !  ^  He  is 
no  countryman  of  yours." 

"  Why  not  ? "  I  said. 

"  I  will  tell  you.  Sir,"  said  the  lan'- 
lord. "  My  son-in-law  is  employed  in  a 
bankin  house  where  ev'ry  American  as 
comes  to  these  shores  goes  to  git  his 
drafts  casht,  and  he  says  that  not  one 
has  arrived  on  these  shores  during  the 
last  18  months  as  wasn't  a  Gen'ral,  a 
Colonial,  a  Majer,  a  Capting,  or  a  left- 
enant !  This  man,  as  I  said  afore,  has 
deceeved  you !    He's  a  impostuer !  " 

I  reeled  into  a  chair.  For  a  mihit  I 
was  speechlis.  At  length  I  murmured, 
"  Alars !  I  fear  it  is  too  troo!  Even  I 
was  a  Capting  of  the  Home  Gards." 

"  To  be  sure,"  said  the  lan'lord ; 
"  you  all  do  it,  over  there." 

"  Wall,"  I  said,  "  whatever  nation 
this  person  belongs  to,  we  may  as  well 
go  and  hear  him  lectur  this  evenin.  He 
is  one  of  these  spirit  fellers — he  is  a 
Trans-Mejim,  and  when  he  slings  him- 
self into  a  trans-state,  he  says  the 
sperrits  of  departed  great  men  talk 
through  him.  He  says  that  to-night  sev'- 
ril  em'nent  persons  will  speak  through 
him — among  others,  Cromwell." 

"  And  this  Mr.  Cromwell — is  he 
dead  ?  "  said  the  lan'lord. 

I  told  him  that  Oliver  was  no  more. 

"  It's  a  umbug,"  said  the  lan'lord ; 
to  which  I  replied  that  we'd  best  go 
and  see,  and  we  went.  We  was  late, 
on  account  of  the  lan'lord's  extensiv 
acquamtans  with  the  public  house  keep- 
ers along  the  road,  and  the  hall  was 
some  two  miles  distant,  but  we^got  there 
at  last.  The  hall  was  about  half  full, 
and  the  Mejim  was  just  then  assumin* 
to  bo  Benjamin  Franklin,  who  was 
speakin  about  the  Atlantic  Cable. 

He  said  the  Cable  was  really  amerry- 
torious  affiur,  and  that  messiges  could 



be  sent  to  America,  and  there  was  no 
doubt  about  their  gettin  there  in  the 
course  of  a  week  or  two,  which  ho  said 
was  a  beautiful  idear,  and  much  quicker 
than  by  steamer  or  canal  boat.  It 
struck  me  that  if  this  was  Franklin  a 
spiritooal  life  hadn't  improved  the  old 
gentleman's  intellecks  particly. 

The  audiens  was  mostly  composed  of 
rayther  pale  peple,  whose  eyes  I  tho't 
rolled  round  in  a  somewhat  wild  manner. 
But  they  was  well-behaved,  and  the 
females  kept  saying,  "  How  beautiful ! 
What  a  surblime  thing  it  is,"  et  cetry, 
et  cetry.  Among  the  females  was  one 
who  was  a  fair  and  rosy  young  woman. 
She  sot  on  the  same  seat  we  did,  and 
the  lan'lord  of  the  Greenlion,  whose 
frekent  intervoos  with  other  lan'lords 
that  evenin  had  been  too  much  for  him, 
fastened  his  left  eye  on  the  fair  and 
rosy  young  person,  and  smilin  lovinly 
upon  her,  said,  "  You  may  give  me,  my 
dear,  four-penny-worth  of  gin— cold  gin. 
I  take  it  cold,  because " 

There  was  cries  of  "  Silence !  Shame ! 
Put  him  out!  theSkoffer!" 

"  Ain't  we  at  the  Spotted  Boar  ?  " 
the  lan'lord  hoarsely  whispered. 

"  No,"  I  answered,  "  It's  another 
kind  of  bore.  Lis'en.  Cromwell  is 
goin'  to  speak  through  our  inspired 
fren',  now." 

"  Is  he  ?  "  said  the  lan'lord—"  is  he  ? 
Wall,  I've  suthin  to  say,  also.  Was 
this  Cromwell  a  licensed  vittler  ?  " 

"  Not  that  I  ever  heard,"  I  anserd. 

"  I'm  sorry  for  that,**  said  the  lan'- 
lord with  a  sigh;  "  but  you  think  he 
was  a  man  who  would  wish  to  see 
licensed  vittlers  respected  in  their 
rights  ? " 

«  No  doubt." 

"  Wall,"  said  the  lan'lord,  "jest you 
keep  a  eye  on  me."  Then  risin  to  his 
feet  ho  said,  in  a  somewhat  husky  yet 
tol'bly  distink  voice, "  Mr.  Crumbwell ! " 

"  Cromwell !  "  I  cried. 

"  Yes,  Mr.  Cromwell :  that's  the  man 
I  mean,  Mr.  Cromble !  won't  you  please 
advise  that  gen'l'man  who  you're  talkin 
through ;  won't  you  advise  'im  during 
your  elekant  speech  to  settle  his  bill  at 
my  'ouse  to-night,  Mr.  Crumbles,"  said 
the  lan'lord,  glarin'  savigely  round  on 
the  peple,  "  because  if  he  don't,  there'll 
be  a  punched  'ed  to  be  seen  at  the 
Greenlion,  where  I  don't  want  no  more 
of  this  everlastin  nonsens.  ril  talk 
through  'im !  Here's  a  sperrit,"  said 
the  lan'lord,  a  smile  once  more  beamin 
on  his  face,  "  which  will  talk  through 
him  like  a  Dutch  father!  I'm  the 
sperrit  for  you,  young  feller !"  "  You're 
a  helthy  old  sperret,"  I  remarkt ;  and 
then  I  saw  the  necessity  of  gettin  him 
out  of  the  hall.  The  wimin  was  yellin 
and  screamin,  and  the  men  was  hoUerin' 
perlice.  A  perliceman  really  came  and 
coUered  my  fat  fren.  "  It's  only  a  fit, 
Sir»Richard,"  I  said.  I  always  call  the 
perlice  Sir  Richard.  It  pleases  them 
to  think  I'm  the  victim  of  a  deloosion 
and  they  always  treat  me  perlitely. 
This  one  did,  certainly,  for  he  let  us  go. 
We  saw  no  more  of  the  Trans-Mejim. 

It's  diffikilt,  of  course,  to  say  how 
long  these  noosances  will  be  allowed  to 
prowl  round.  I  should  say,  however,  if 
pressed  for  a  answer,  that  they  will 
prob'ly  continner  on  jest  about  as  long 
as  they  can  find  peple  to  lis'en  to  'em. 
Am  I  right  ? 

Yours,  faithful!, 
Artemus  Ward. 



Mr.  Punch,  My  dear  Sir, — I've 
been  lingerin  by  the  Tomb  of  the 
lamentid  Shakspearo. 

It  is  a  succesa. 

I  do  not  hes'tate  to  pronounce  it  as 

You  may  make  any  use  of  this  opinion 
that  you  see  fit.  If  you  think  its  publi- 
cation will  subswervo  the  cause  of  litte- 
ratoor,  .you  may  publicate  it. 

I  told  my  wife  Betsy  when  I  loft 
homer  that  I  should  go  to  the  birthpliice 
of  the  orthur  of  Otheller  and  other 
Piays.  She  said  that  as  long  as  I  kept 
out  of  Newgate  she  didn't  care  where  I 
went.  "  But,"  I  said, "  don't  you  know 
he  was  the  greatest  Poit  that  ever  lived  ? 
Not  one  of  these  common  poits,like  that 
young  idyit  who  writes  verses  to  our 
daughter,  about  the  Roses  as  growses, 
and  the  Breezes  as  blowses — ^but  a  Boss 
Poit — also  a  philosopher,  also  a  man  who 
knew  a  great  deal  about  everything." 

She  was  packing  my  things  at  the 
time,  and  the  only  answer  she  made 
was  to  ask  me  if  I  was  goin  to  carry 
both  of  my  red  flannel  night  caps. 

Yes.  I've  been  to  Stratford  onto 
the  Avon,  the  Birthplace  of  Shak- 
speare.  Mr.  S.  is  no  more.  He's 
been  dead  over  three  hundred  (300) 
years.  The  peple  of  his  native  town 
are  justly  proud  of  him.  They  cherish 
his  mem'ry,  and  them  as  sell  picturs  of 
his  birthplace,  &c.,  make  it  proftible 

ohorisin  it.    Almost  everybody  buys  a 
pictur  to  put  into  their  Albiom. 

As  I  stood  gazing  on  the  spot  where 
Shakspearo  is  s'posed  to  have  fell  down 
on  the  ice  and  hurt  hisself  when  a  boy, 
(this  spot  cannot  be  bought — the  town 
authorities  say  it  shall  never  be  taken 
from  Stratford)  I  wondered  if  three 
hundred  years  hence  picturs  .of  tny 
birthplace  will  be  in  demand?  Will 
the  peple  of  my  native  town  bo  proud 
of  me  in  three  hundred  years  ?  I  guess 
they  won't  short  of  that  time  because 
they  say  the  fat  man  weighing  1000 
pounds  which  I  exhibited  there  was 
stuffed  out  with  pillers  and  cushions,* 
which  he  said  one  very  hot  day  in  July, 
"  Oh  bother,  I  can't  stand  tliis,"  and 
commenced  pullin  the  pillers  out  from 
under  his  weskit,  and  heavin  'em  at  the 
audience.  I  never  saw  a  man  lose  flesh 
so  fast  in  my  life.  The  audience  said  I 
was  a  pretty  man  to  come  chiseUn  my 
own  townsmen  in  that  way.  I  said, 
"  Do  not  be  angry,  feller-citizens.  I 
exhibited  ,him  simply  as  a  work  of  art. 
I  simply  wished  to  show  you  that  a  man 
could  grow  fat  without  the  aid  of  cod- 
liver  oil."  But  they  wouldn't  listen  to 
me.  They  are  a  low  and  grovelin  set 
of  peple,  who  excite  a  feelin  of  loathin 
in  every  breast  where  lorfty  emotions 
and  original  idees  have  a  bidin  place. 

I  stopped  at  Leamington  a  few  minits 
on  my  way  to  Stratford  onto  the  Avon, 




and  a  very  beautiful  town  it  is.  I  went 
into  a  shoo  shop  to  mako  a  purchis,  and 
as  I  entered  I  saw  over  the  door  those 
dear  familiar  words,  "  By  Appintmont : 
II.  R.  II.;"  apd  I  said  to  the  man, 
*"  Squire,  excuse  mo,  but  this  is  too 
much.  I  have  seen  in  London  four 
hundred  boot  and  shoe  shops  by  Ap- 
pintmont :  II,  R.  II. ;  and  now  youWe 
at  it.  It  is  simply  onpossiblo  that  the 
Prince  can  wear  400  pairs  of  boots. 
Don't  tell  me,"  I  said,  in  a  voice 
choked  with  emotion — ^"  Oh,  do  not 
tell  me  that  you  also  make  boots  for 
him.  Say  slippers — say  that  you  mend 
a  boot  now  and  then  for  him ;  but  do 
not  tell  jno  that  you  make  'em  reg'lar 
for  him." 

The  man  smilt,  and  said  I  didn't 
understand  these  things.  Ho  said  I 
perhaps  had  not  noticed  in  London 
that  dealers  in  all  sorts  of  articles 
was  By  Appintraent.  I  said,  "  Oh, 
hadn't  I  ?  Then  a  sudden  thought 
flasht  over  me.  "I  have  it !"  I  said. 
"When  the  Prince  walks  through  a 
street,  he  no  doubt  looks  at  the  shop 

The  man  said,  "  No  doubt." 

"  And  the  enterprisin  tradesman,"  I 
continnerd,  "  the  moment  the  Prince 
gets  out  of  sight,  rushes  frantically  and 
has  a  tin  sign  painted.  By  Appintment, 
H.  R.  H. !  It  is  a  beautiful,  a  great 
i^lee ! " 

I  then  bought  a  pair  of  saoe  strings, 
and  wrmgin  the  shopman's  honest  hand, 
I  started  for  the  Tomb  of  Shakspeare  m 
a  hired  fly.  It  looked  however  more 
like  a  spider. 

"  And  this, "  I  said,  as  I  stood  in  the 
old  church-yard  at  Stratford,  beside  a 
Tombstone,  "  this  marks  the  spot  where 

lies  William  W.  Shakspeare.  Alans! 
and  this  is  the  spot  where — " 

*'  You've  got  tho  wrong  grave,"  said 
a  man — a  wortiiy  villager :  Shakspearo 
is  buried  inside  tho  church." 

"  Oh,"  I  said,  "  a  boy  told  mo  this 
was  it."  The  boy  larfed  and  put  tho 
shillin  I'd  given  him  into  his  left  oyo  in 
a  inglorious  manner,  and  commenced 
moving  backwards   towards  tho  street. 

I  pursood  and  captered  him,  and  after 
talking  to  him  a  spell  in  a  skarcastic 
stile,  I  let  him  wont.  .     ' ' 

Tho  old  church  was  damp  and  chill. 
It  waa  rainin.  Tho  only  persons  there 
when  I  entered  was  a  fine  bluff  old 
gentleman  who  was  talking  in  a  excited 
manner  to  a  fashnibly  dressed .  young 
man.  "No,  Ernest  Montresser,"  the 
old  gentleman  said,  "  it  is  idle  to  p»rsoo 
this  subjeck  no  further.  You  can  never 
marry  my  daughter.  You  were  seen 
last  Monday  in  Piccadilly  without  a 
umbreller !  I  said  then,  as  I  say  now, 
any  young  man  as  venturs  out  in  a 
imcertain  climit  like  this  without  a 
umbreller,  lacks  foresight,  caution, 
strength  of  mind  and  stability  ;  and 
he  is  not  a  proper  person  to  intrust 
a  daughter's  happiness  to." 

I  slapt  the  old  gentleman  on  the 
shoulder,  and  I  said,  "  You're  right ! 
You're  one  of  those  kind  of  men,  you 
are " 

He  wheeled  suddenly  round,  and  in 
a  indignant  voice,  said,  "  Go  way — go 
way !   This  is  a  privit  intervoo." 

I  didn't  stop  to  enrich  the  old  gentle- 
man's mind  with  my.  conversation.  I 
-sort  of  inferred  that  he  wasn't  inclined 
to  listen  to  me,  and  so  I  went  on.  But 
he  was  right  about  the  umbreller.  I'm 
I  really  delighted  with   this  grand  old 



country,  Mr.  Punch,  but  you  must 
admit  that  it  doca  rain  rayther  numer- 
ously hero.  Wliether  this  ia  owing  to 
a  raoncrkal  form  of  gov'mcnt  or  not, 
I  leave  all  candid  and  onprejudiced 
persons  to  say. 

William  Shakspcaro  was  born  in 
Stratford  in  ir)l]4.  All  the  commen- 
taters,  Shaksperian  scholars,  etaetry, 
arc  agi'ocd  on  this,  which  is  about  the 
only  thing  they  arc  agreed  on  in  regard 
to  him,  except  that  his  mantle  hasn't 
fallen  onto  any  poet  or  dramatist  hard 
enough  to  hurt  said  poet  or  dramatist 
much.  And  there  ia  no  doubt  if  these 
commentatera  and  persona  continner 
investigatiu  Shakspeare'a  career,  we 
shall  not,  in  doo  time,  know  anything 
about  it  at  all.  When  a  mere  lad  little 
William  attended  the  Grammcr  School, 
because,  as  he  said,  the  Grammer  School 
wouldn't  attend  him.  Thia  remarkable 
remark,  comin  from  one  so  young  and 
inexperunced,  set  poplo  to  thinkin  there 
might  bo  somcthin  in  this  lad.  He 
subsequently  wrote  Hamlet  and  Q-eorge 
Barnwell.  When  hia  kind  teacher  went 
to  London  to  accept  a  position  in  the 
offices  of  the  Metropolitan  Railway,  little 
William  was  chosen  by  his  fellow  pupils 
to  deliver  a  farewell  address.  "  Go  on, 
Sir,"  he  said, "  in  a  glorus  career.  Be 
like  a  eagle,  and  soar,  and  the  soarer  you 
get  the  more  we  shall  uU  be  gratified! 
That's  so."  . 

My  young  readers  who  wish  to  know 
about  Shakspeare,  better  get  these  vally- 
able  remarks  framed. 

I  returned  to  the  hotel.'  Meetin  a 
young  mari'ied  couple,  they  asked  me 
if  I  could  direct  them  to  the  hotel  which 
Washmgton  Irving  used  to  keep  ? 

"  I've  understood  that  ho  was  onsuc- 
cessful  as  a  lan'lord,"  said  the  lady. 

"  We've  understood,"  said  the  young 
man,"  "  that  ho  busted  up." 

I  told  'em  I  was  a  stranger,  and 
hurried  away.  They  were  from  my 
country,  and  ondoubtcdly  represented 
a  thrifty  lie  well  somewhere  in  Ponnsyl- 
vany.  It's  a  common  thing,  by  the- 
way,  for  a  old  farmer  in  Pennsylvany 
to  wake  up  some  mornin  and  find  ile 
squirtin  all  around  his  back  yard.  He 
sells  out  for  'normoua  price,  and  his 
children  put  on  gorgeoua  harness  and 
start  on  a  tower  to  astonish  pcple.  They 
succeed  in  doing  it.  Meantime  the  Ile 
it  squirts  and  squirts,  and  Time  rolls  on. 
Let  it  roll. 

A  very  nice  old  town  is  Stratford,  and 
a  capital  inn  is  the  Red  Horse.  Every 
admirer  of  the  great  S.  must  go  there 
once  certuily ;  and  to  say  one  isn't  a 
admirer  of  him,  is  equv'lont  to  sayin 
one  has  jest  about  brains  enough  to 
become  a  efficient  tinker. 

Some  kmd  person  has  sent  me  Chaw- 
cer's  poems.  Mr.  C.  had  talent,  but  ho 
couldn't  spel.  No  man  has  a  right  to 
be  a  lit'rary  man  onless  he  knows  how 
to  spel.  It  is  a  pity  that  Chawcer,  who 
had  genyus,  was  so  unedicatcd.  He's 
the  wuss  speller  I  know  of. 

I  guess  I'm  through,  and  so  I  lay 
down  the  pen,  which  is  more  mightier 
than  the  sword,  but  which  I'm  fraid 
would  stand  a  rayther  slim  chance 
beside  the  needle  gun. 

Adoo!  adoo!      ,  ■ 

Artemus  Ward. 





.  Mil.  Punch,  My  deau  Siu, — It  is 
seldira  that  tho  Commercial  relations 
between  great  Britain  and  tho  United 
States  is  mar'd  by  Games. 

It  is  Commerce,  after  all,  which  will 
keep  the  two  counti'ies  friendly  to'ards 
each  other  rather  than  statcsmerj. 

I  look  at  your  last  Parliament,  and  I 
can't  see  that  a  single  speech  was  encored 
during  tho  entire  session. 

Look  at  Congress — but  no,  I'd  rather 
not  look  at  Congress. 

Entertainin  this  great  regard  for  Com- 
merce "  whose  sales  whiten  every  sea," 
as  everybody  happily  observes  every 
chance  he  gets,  I  learn  with  disgust 
and  surprise  that  a  British  subjeck  bo't 
a  Barril  of  Apple  Sass  in  America 
recently,  and  when  he  arrove  home 
he  found  under  a  few  deloosiv  layers 
of  sass  nothin  but  saw-dust.  I  should 
have  instantly  gone  into  tho  City  and 
called  a  meetin  of  tho  leadin  com- 
mercial men  to  condem  and  repudiate, 
as  a  American,  this  gross  frawd,  if  I 
hadn't  learned  at  the  same  time  that 
the  draft  given  by  the  British  subjeck 
in  payment  for  this  frawdylent  sass  was 
drawd  onto  a  Bankin  House  in  London 
which  doesn't  have  a  existence,  but  far 
otherwise,  and  never  did. 

There  is  those  who  larf  at  these 
things,  but  to  me  they  merit  rebooks 
and  frowns. 

With  i^%  exception  of  my  Uncle 

Wilyim — who,  as  I've  l)eforo  stated, 
is  a  uncle  by  marriage  only,  who  is 
a  low  cusa  and  filled  his  coat  pockets 
with  pies  and  biled  eggs  at  his  weddin 
breakfast,  given  to  him  by  my  father, 
and  made  tho  clergyman  as  united  him 
a  present  of  my  father's  new  overcoat, 
and  when  my  father  on  discovcrin  it  got 
in  a  rago  and  denounced  him.  Uncle 
Wilyim  said  tho  old  man  (mcanin  my 
parent)  hadn't  any  ideo  of  first-class 
Ilumcr! — with  the  exception  of  this 
wretched  Uncle,  the  escutchin  of  my 
fam'ly  has  never  been  stained  by  Games. 
The  little  harmless  deceptions  I  resort 
to  in  my  perfcshion  I  do  not  call  Games. 
They  are  sacrifisses  to  Art. 

I  come  of  a  very  clover  fam'ly. 

The  Wards  is  a  very  clever  ftimlly, 

I  believe  we  are  descendid  from  tho 
Puritins,  who  nobly  fled  from  a  land  of 
despitism  to  a  land  of  freedim,  where 
they  could  not  only  enjoy  their  own 
religion,  but  prevent  everybody  else 
from  cnjoyin  hia. 

As  I  said  before,  we  are  a  very  clover 

I  was  strolling  up  Regent  Street  the 
other  day,  thinkin  Avhat  a  clever  fam'ly 
I  come  of,  and  looking  at  the  gay  shop- 
winders.  I've  got  some  new  close  since 
you  last  saw  me.  I  saw  them  others 
wouldn't  do.  They  carrid  the  observer 
too  far  back  into  tho  dim  vister  of  the 



pnft,  .i!vl  I ;;  ivo  'om  to  a  Orfun  AHylum. 
Tiio  close  I  \v;'ar  now  I  bo't  of  Mr. 
Mo.scH,  in  tilt'  Connaerciailloiul.  Thoy 
was  cxproasly  niailo,  Mr.Mosos  infornu'd 
mo,  for  a  nobleman,  Imt  as  they  fittt'd 
J)un  too  nniclily,  partic'ly  the  trows'rs 
(whicli  U  hlno,  with  lar^o  red  and 
wliite  ehccks)  lio  had  said,  "  My  dear 
feller,  make  me  some  more,  only  mind 
— Ix'  sure  you  sell  these  to  some  genteel 
old  feller." 

I  like  to  .- nuiter  thro'  Regent  Street. 
The  shops  are  pretty,  and  it  docs  the 
old  man's  heart  good  to  see  the  troops 
of  fine  healthy  girls  which  one  may 
always  see  there  at  certain  hours  in 
the  afternoon,  who  don't  spile  their 
beauty  by  devourin  cakes  and  sugar 
things,  as  too  many  of  the  American 
and  French  lasses  do.  It's  a  mistake 
about  everybody  being  out  of  town,  I 
gucsi.  Regent  Street  is  full.  I'm 
hero  ;  and,  as  I  said  before,  I  come 
of  a  very  clever  fam'ly. 

As  I  was  walkin  along,  amoosin  my- 
self by  stickin  my  penkifo  into  the 
calves  of  the  footmen  who  stood  waitin 
by  the  swell-coaches  (not  one  of  whom 
howled  with  angwish),  I  was  accosted 
by  a  man  of  about  thirty-five  summers, 
who  said,  "  I  have  seen  that  face  some^ 
wheres  afore  ! " 

Ho  was  a  little  shabby  in  his  wearin 
apparil.  His  coat  was  one  of  those 
black,  shiny  garments,  which  you  can 
always  toll  have  been  burnished  by  ad- 
versity ;  but  he  was  very  gentlemanly. 

"  Was  it  in  the  Crimea,  comrade  ? 
Yes,  it  was.  It  was  at  the  stormin  of 
Sebaatopol,  where  I  had  a  narrow  es- 
cape from  death,  that  we^met !" 

I  said,  "  No,  I  wasn't  at  Sebaatopol, 
I  escaped  a  fatal  wound  by  not  bein 

there.     It  was  a  healthy  old  fortress," 
I  added. 

''  It  was.  But  it  fell.  It  came  down 
with  a  crash." 

"  And  plucky  boys  they  was  who 
brought  her  down,"  I  added  •  "  and 
hurrah  for  'om  !" 

The  man  graspt  me  warmly  l)y  the 
hand,  and  said  he  had  been  in  America, 
rpper  Canada,  Africa,  Asia  Minor,  and 
oth<'r  towns,  and  he'd  never  mot  a  man 
he  liked  as  much  as  he  did  mo.  '•  Lot 
us,"  ho  added,  "  lot  us  to  the  shrine  of 
Bachus  !"  And  he  dragged  me  into  a 
jmblie  house.  I  was  determined  to  pay, 
so  I  said,  "  Mr.  Bachus,  giv  this  gfti'l'- 
man  what  ho  calls  for." 

We  Conversed  there  in  a  very  plea- 
sant manner  till  my  dinner-time  arrove, 
when  the  agreo'blo  gen'l'man  insisted 
that  I  should  *liiie  ^vitli  him.  "  We'll 
have  a  banquet,  i^^U',  lU  f<>r  the  gods  I" 

I  told  him  that  good  plain  vittles 
would  soot  me.  If  the  gods  wafit/>d  to 
have  the  dispopsy,  they  was  welcome 
to  it. 

We  had  soop  and  fish,  and  a  hot  jint, 
and  growsis,  and  wines  of  rare  and 
costly  vintige.  Wo  had  ices  and  we  had 
froots  from*  Greenland's  icy  mounting 
and  Injy's  coral  strands ;  and  when  the 
sumptoous  reparst  was  over,  the  agreo'- 
ble  man  said  he'd  unfortnitly  left  liis 
pocket-book  at  home  on  the  marble 
center-table.  "  But,  by  Jove  !"  ho 
said, "  it  was  a  feast  fit  for  the  gods  !" 

I  said,  "  Oh,  never  mind,"  and  drew 
out  my  puss  ;  tho'  I  in'ardly  wished  the 
gods,  as  the  dinner  was  fit  for  'em,  was 
there  to  pay  for  it. 

I  come  of  a  very  clever  fam'ly. 
The  agreo'blo  gentleman  then  said, 
"  Now,  I  will  show  you  our  Club.    It 




dates  back  to  the  time  of  William  the 
"  Did  Bill  belong  to  it  ?"  I  inquired. 
«  He  did." 

"  Wall,"  I  said,  "  if  Billy  was  one  of 
'em,  I  need  no  other  endorsement  as  to  its 
respectfulness,  and  I'll  go  with  you,  my 
gay  trooper  boy !"  And  we  went  off 

On  the  way  the  agree'ble  man  told 
me    that    the    Club    was    called    the 
Sloshers.     He  said  I  would  notice  that 
none  of  'em  appeared  in  evenin'  dress. 
He  said  it  was  agin  the  rools  of  the 
club.     In  fack,  if  any  member  appeared 
there  in  evenin  dress  he'd  be  instantly 
expeld.    "  And  yit,"  he  added, "  there's 
geneyus  there,  and  lorfty  emotions,  and 
intelleck.     You'll  be  surprised  at  the 
quantities  of  intelleck  you'll  see  there." 
We  reached  the  Sloshers  in  due  time, 
and  I  must  say  they  was  a  shaky-look- 
ing lot,  and  the  public  house  where  they 
convened  was  certingly  none  of  the  best. 
The  Sloshers  crowded  round  me,  and 
said  I  was  welcome.    "•  What  a  beautiful 
breastpin  you've  got,"  said  one  of  'em. 
"  Permit  me,"  and  he  took  it  out  of  my 
neckercher.    "  Isn't  it  luuly,"  he  said, 
parsin  it  to  another,  who  passed  it  to 
another.    It  was  given  me  by  my  Aunt, 
on  my  promism  her  I'd  never  swear 
profanely ;  and  I  never  have,  except  on 
very  special  occasions.      I    see    that 
beautiful  boosum  pin  a  parsin  from  one 
Slosher  to  another,  and  I'm  reminded 
of  them  sad  words  of  the  poit,  "  parsin 
away !  parsin  away  !"    I  never  saw  it 
no  more.    Then  in  comes  a  athletic 
female,  who  no  sooner  sees  me  than  she 
utters  a  wild  yell,  and  cries  : 

"  At  larst !  at  larst !    My  Wilyim, 
fi\>m  the  seas*!" 

I  said,  "  Not  at  all,  Marm.  Not  on 
no  account.  I  have  heard  the  boat- 
swain pipe  to  quarters — ^but  a  voice  in 
my  heart  didn't  whisper  Seu-zan  !  I've 
belayed  the  marlinspikes  on  the  upper 
jibpoop,  but  Seu-zan's  eye  wasn't  on  me, 
much.  Young  woman,  I  am  not  you're 
Saler  boy.     Far  different." 

"  Oh  yes,  you  are  !  "  she  howled, 
seizin  me  round  the  neck.  "  Oh,  how 
I've  lookt  forwards  to  this  meetin !" 

"  And  you'll  presently,"  I  said,"  have 
a  opportunity  of  lookin  backwards  to  it, 
because  I'm  on  the  point  of  leavin  this 

I  will  here  observe  that  I  come  of  a 
very  clever  fam'ly.  A  very  clever 
fam'ly,  indeed. 

"  Where,"  I  cried,  as  I  struggled  in 
vain  to  release  myself  from  the  eccen- 
tric female's  claws,  "  where  is  the  Cap- 
ting — the  man  who  was  in  the  Crimea, 
amidst  the  cannon's  thunder  ?  I  want 
him."  .      ■ 

He  came  forward,  and  cried,  "  What 
do  I  see  ?  Me  Sister !  me  sweet  Adu- 
laide !  and  in  teers !  Willin !"  he 
screamed,  "  and  you're  the  serpent  I 
took  to  my  boosum,  and  borrowed 
money  of,  and  went  round  with,  and 
was  cheerful  with,  are  you  ? — You  ought 
to  be  ashamed  of  yourself." 

Somehow  my  coat  was  jerked  off, 
the  brest-pocket  of  which  contained  my 
pocket-book,  and  it  parsed  away  like  the 
brestpin.  Then  they  sorter  quietly 
hustled  me  into  the  street. 

It  was  about  12  at  night  when  I 
reached  the  Greenlion. 

"  Ha !  ha !  you  sly  old  rascal,  you've 
been  up  to  larks !"  said  the  lan'lord, 
larfin  loudly,  and  digging  his  fist  into 
my  ribs. 



I  said,  "  Bigsby,  if  you  do  that  a^n, 
I  shall  hit  you  !  Much  as  I  respect  you 
and  your  excellent  fam'ly,  I  shall  dis- 
figger  your  beneverlent  countenance  for 


"^Vhat  has  ruffled  your  spirits, 
friend  ?"  said  the  landlord. 

"  My  spirits  has  been  ruffled,"  I 
ansorod  in  a  bittur  voice,  "  by  a  viper 


who  was  into  the  Crhnea.  What 
was  it,"  I  cried,  "  for  Sebastopol  to  fall 
down  without  enwelopin  in  its,  ruins  that 
viper  ?" 

I  then  went  to  bed.     I  come  of  a 
very  clever  fam'ly. 

Artemus  Wakd. 




Mr.  Punch,  My  dear  Sir,  —  I 
skurcely  need  inform  you  that  your  ex- 
cellent Tower  is  very  pop'lar  with  peple 
from  the  agricultooral  districks,  and  it 
was  chiefly  them  class  which  I  fcund 
waitin  at  the  gates  the  other  mornin. 

I  saw  at  once  that  tlie  Tower  v  as  es- 
tablished on  a  firm  basis.  In  the  entire 
history  of  fii-m  basisis  I  don't  find  a 
basis  more  firmer  than  this  one. 

"  You  have  no  Tower  in  America  ?" 
said  a  man  in  the  crowd,  who  had  some- 
how detected  my  denomination. 

"  Alars !  no,"  I  anserd  ;  "  we  bostc 
of  our  enterprise  and  improovments,  and 
yit  we  are  devoid  of  a  Tower.  America, 
oh  my  onhappy  country !  thou  has  not 
cot  no  Tower!     It's  a  swCet  Boon. 

The  gates  was  opened  after  awhile, 
and  we  all  purchist  tickets,  and  went 
mto  a  waitin-room. 

"  My  frens,"  said  a  pale-faced  little 
man,  in  black  ciose, "  this  is  a  sad  day." 

"  Inasmuch  as  to  how  ?"  I  said. 

"  I  mean  it  is  sad  to  think  that  so 
many  peple  have  been  killed  within 
these  gloomy  walls.  My  frens,  let  us 
drop  a  tear !" 

"  No,"  I  said,  "  you  must  excuse  me. 
Others  may  drop  one  if  they  feel  like 
it ;  but  as  for  me,  I  decline.  The  early 
managers  of  this  institootion  were  a  bad 
lot,  and  their  crimes  were  trooly  orful ; 
but  I  can't  sob  for  those  who  died  four 
or  five  himdred  years  ago.     If  they  was 

my  own  relations  I  couldn't.  It's  ab- 
surd to  shed  sobs  o\'er  things  which 
occurd  durin  the  rain  of  Henry  the 
Three.  Let  us  be  cheerful,"  I  con- 
tinnerd.  "  Look  at  the  fcstiv  Warders, 
in  their  red  flannil  jackets.  They  are 
cheerful,  and  why  should  it  not  be 
thusly  with  us  ?" 

A  Warder  now  took  us  in  charge, 
and  showed  us  the  Tratcr's  Gate,  the 
armors,  and  things.  The  Trater's  Gate 
is  wide  enuff  to  admit  about  twenty 
trators  abrest,  I  should  jcdge  ;  but 
beyond  this,  I  couldn't  see  that  it  was 
superior  to  gates  in  gen'ral. 

Traters,  I  will  here  remark,  are  a 
onfortnit  class  of  peple.  If  they  wasn't, 
they  wouldn't  be  traters.  They  con- 
spire to  bust  up  a  country — they  fail, 
and  they're  traters.  They  bust  her,  and 
they  become  statesmen  and  heroes. 

Take  the  case  of  Gloster,  afterwards 
Old  Dick  the  Three,  who  mav  be  seen 
at  the  Tower,  on  horseback,  in  a  heavy 
tin  overcoat — take  Mr.  Gloster's  case. 
Mr.  G.  was  a  conspirater  of  the  basist 
dye,  and  if  he'd  failed,  he  would  have 
been  hung  on  a  sour  apple  tree.  But 
Mr.  G.  succeeded,  and  became  great. 
He  was  slewd  by  Col.  Richmond,  but 
he  lives  in  histry,  and  his  equestrian 
figger  may  be  seen  daily  for  a  six-pence, 
in  conjunction  with  other  cm'nent  per- 
sons, and  no  extra  charge  for  the  War- 
der's able  and  bootiful  lectnr. 

i  < 



There's  one  king  in  this  room  who  is 
mounted  onto  a  foamin  steed,  his  right 
hand  graspin  a  barber's  pole.  I  didn't 
loam  his  name. 

The  room  where  the  daggers  and 
pistils  and  other  weppins  is  kept  is 
interestin.  Among  this  collection  of 
choice  cuttlery  I  notist  the  bow  and 
arrer  which  tho3e  hot-heded  old  chaps 
used  to  conduct  battles  with.  It  is 
quite  like  the  bow  and  arrer  used 
at  this  day  by  certin  tribes  of  Ameri- 
can •  Injuns,  and  they  shoot  'cm  off 
wth  such  a  excellent  precision  that  I 
almost  sigh'd  to  bo  a  Injun,  when  I  was 
in  the  Rocky  Mountin  regin.  They 
are  a  pleasant  lot  them  Injuns.  Mr. 
Cooper  and  Dr.  Catlin  have  told  us  of 
the  red  man's  wonerful  eloquence,  and 
I  found  it  so.  Our  party  was  stopt  on 
the  plains  of  Utah  by  a  band  of  Sho- 
slioncs,  whose  chief  said,  "  Brothers ! 
the  pale-face  is  welcome.  Brothers ! 
the  sun  is  sinkin  in  the  West,  and 
Wa-na-bucky-she  will  soon  cease  speak- 
in.  Brothers !  the  poor  red  man  belongs 
to  a  race  which  is  fast  becomin  extink." 
He  then  whooped  in  a  shrill  manner,  stole 
all  our  blankets  and  whisky,  and  fled  to  the 
primeval  forest  to  conceal  his  emotions. 

I  will  remark  here,  while  on  the  sub- 
jeck  of  Injuns,  that  they  are  in  the 
main  a  vci"  shaky  set,  with  even  less 
sense  than  the  Fenians,  and  when  I  hear 
pliilanthropists  bewailin  the  fack  that 
every  yet- 1-  "  carries  the  noble  red  man 
nearer  the  settin  sun,"  I  simply  have  to 
say  I'm^  glad  of  it,  tho'  it  is  rough  on 
the  settin  sun.  ^They  call  you  by  the 
sweet  name  of  Brother  one  minit,  and 
the  next  they  scalp  you  with  their 
Thomashawks.  But  I  wander.  Let  us 
return  to  the  Tower. 

At  one  end  of  the  room  where  the 
weppins  is  kept,  is  a  wax  figger  of 
Queen  Filizabeth,  mounted  on  a  fiery 
stuflcd  boss,  v.hose  glass  eye  flashes 
with  pride,  and  whose  red  morockcr 
nostril  dilates  hawtily,  as  if  conscious  of 
the  ^  royal  burden  he  bears.  I  have 
associated  Elizabeth  with  the  Spanish 
Armady .  She's  mixed  up  with  it  at  the 
Surry  Theatre^  where  Two  to  the  Core 
is  bein  acted,  and  in  which  a  full  bally 
core  is  introjooced  on  board  the  Spanish 
Admiral's  ship,  givin  the  audiens  the 
idee  that  he  intends  openin  a  moosic-hall 
in  Plymouth  the  moment  he  conkers 
that  town.  But  a  very  interesting  dram- 
mer  is  Troo  to  the  Core,  notwithstandin 
the  eccentric  conduck  of  the  Spanish 
Admiral ;  and  very  nice  it  is  in  Queen 
Elizabeth  to  make  Martin  Truegold  a 

The  Warder  shows  us  some  instroo- 
ments  of  tortur,  such  as  thumbscrews, 
throat-collars,  etc.,  statin  that  these 
was  conkerd  from  the  Spanish  Armady, 
and  addin  what  a  crooil  peple  the 
Spaniards  was  in  them  days — which 
eUssited  from  a  bright- eyed  little  girl  of 
about  twelve  summers  the  remark  that 
she  tho't  it  was  rich  to  talk  about  the 
crooilty  of  the  Spaniards  usin  thumb- 
screws, when  we  was  in  a  Tower  where 
so  many  poor  peple's  heads  had  been 
cut  oiF.  This  made  the  Warder  stammer 
and  turn  red. 

I  was  so  pleased  with  the  little  girl's 
brightness  that  I  could  have  kissed  the 
dear  child,  and  I  would  if  she'd  been  six 
years  older. 

I  think  my  companions  intended 
makin  a  day  of  it,  for  they  all  had  sand- 
wiches, sassiges,  etc  The  sad-lookin 
man,  who  had  wanted  us  to  drop  a  tear 



aforo  we  started  to  go  round,  fling'd 
such  quantities  of  sassige  into  his  mouth, 
that  I  expected  to  see  him  choke  hissclf 
to  death,  he  said  to  me,  in  the  Beau- 
champ  Tower,  where  the  poor  prisoners 
writ  their  onhappy  names  on  the  cold 
walls  "  This  is  a  sad  sight." 

"  It  is,  indeed,"  I  anserd.  "  You're 
hlack  in  the  face.  You  shouldn't  cat 
sassige  in  pubUc  without-some  rehearsals 
beforehand.  You  manage  it  orkwardly." 

"No,"  he  said,  "I  mean  this  sad 

Indeed,  he  was  quite  right.  Tho'  so 
long  ago  all  these  drefiFul  things  hap- 
pened, I  was  very  glad  to  git  away  from 
this  gloomy  room,  and  go  where  the  rich 
and  sparklin  Crown  Jewils  is  kept.  I 
was  so  pleased  with  the  Queen's  Crown, 
that  it  occurd  to  me  what  a  agree'blc 
surprise  it  would  be  to  send  a  slm'lar 
one  home  to  my  wife ;  and  I  asked  the 
Warder  what  was  the  vally  of  a  good, 
well-constructed  Crown  like  that.  He 
told  me,  but  on  cypherin  up  with  a  pen- 
cil the  amount  of  funs  I  have  in  the  Jint 
Stock  Bank,  I  conclooded  I'd  send  her 
a  genteel  silver  watch  instid. 

And  so  I  left  the  Tower.  It  is  a 
solid  and  commandin  edifis,  but  I  deny 
that  it  is  cheerful.  I  bid  it  adoo  without 
a  pang. 

I  was  droven  to  my  hotel  by  the 
most  melancholly  driver  of  a  four- 
wheeler  that  I  ever  saw.  He  heaved  a 
deep  sigh  as  I  gave  him  two  shillings. 
"  I'll  give  you  six  d.^a  more,"  I  said, 
"  if  it  hurts  you  so." 

"  It  isn't  that,"  he  said,  with  a  hart- 
rendin  groan,  "  it's  only  a  way  I  have. 
My  mind's  upset  to-day.  I  at  one  time 
tho't  I'd  drive  you  into  the  Thames. 
I've  been  readin  all  the  daily  papers  to 
try  and  understand  about  Governor 
Ay  re,  and  my  mind  is  totterin.  It's 
really  wonderful  I  didn't  drive  you  into 
the  Thames." 

I  asked  the  onliappy  man  what  his 
number  was,  so  I  could  redily  find  him 
in  case  I  should  want  him  agin,  and  bad 
him  good-bye.  And  then  I  tho't  what  a 
frollicksome  day  I'd  made  of  it.   » 

Respectably,  &c. 

Artemus  Waed. 


*°HN  BRiCHi 

"  Has  my  clothin'  a  'Welchy  appearance  ?  "Seepage  13 


Mr.  Pdnch,  My  dear  Sir, — I  was 
a  little  disapinted  in  not  receivin  a 
invitation  to  jine  in  the  meetins  of  the 
Social  Science  Congress. 

I  don't  exackly  see  how  they  go  on 
without  me. 

I  hope  it  wasn't  the  intentions  of  the 
Sciencers  to  exclood  me  from  their  deli- 

L6t  it  pars.  I  do  not  repine.  Let 
us  remember  Homer.  Twenty  cites 
claim  Homer  dead,  thro'  which  the  livin 






Mr.  Homer  coldn't  have  got  trusted  foi* 
a  sandwich  and  a  glass  of  bitter  beer, 
or  words  to  that  effeck. 

But  perhaps  it  was  a  oversight. 
Certinly  I  have  been  hosspitably  rec'd 
in  this  country.  Hospitality  has  been 
pored  all  over  me.  At  Liverpool  I  was 
asked  to  walk  all  over  the  docks,  which 
are  nine  miles  long ;  and  I  don't  re- 
member a  instance  since  my  'rival  in 
London  of  my  gettin  into  a  cab  without 
a  Briton  comin  and  perlitely  shuttin  the 
door  for  me,  and  then  extendin  his  open 
hand  to'ards  me,  in  the  most  frenly 
manner  possible.  Does  he  not,  by  this 
simple  yit  tuchin  gesture,  welcum  me  to 
Ilngland?*  Doesn't  he?  Oh  yes— I 
guess  he  doesn't  he.  And  it's  quite 
right  aipon^;  two  great  countries  which 
speak  the  same  langwidge,  except  as 
regards  H's.  And- I've  been  allowed 
to  walk  round  all  the  streets.  Even  at 
Buckinham  Pallis,  I  told  a  guard  I 
wanted  to  walk  round  there,  and  he 
said  I  could  walk  round  there.  I 
ascertained  subsequent  that  he  referd 
to  the  side-walk  instid  of  the  Pallis 
— but  I  couldn't  doubt  his  hosspital 

I  prepared  a  Essy  on  Animals  to  read 
before  the  Social  Science  meetins.  It 
is  a  subjeck  I  may  troothfully  say  I 
have  successfully  wrastlcd  with.  I 
tackled  it  when  only  nineteen  years  old. 
At  that  tender  age  I  writ  a  Essy  for  a 
lit'ry  Institoot  entitled,  "  Is  Cats  to  be 
Trusted  ? "  Of  the  merits  of  that  Essy 
it  doesn't  becum  me  to  speak,  but  I  may 
be  excoos'd  for  menti  nui  that  the  In- 
stitoot parsed  a  resolution  that ' ■  whether 
we  look  upon  the  length  of  this  Essy, 
or  the  manner  in  which  it  is  written,  we 
feel  that  we  will  not  express  any  opinion 

of  it,  and  we  hope  it  will  be  read  in 
other  towns." 

Of  course  the  Easy  I  writ  for  the 
Social  Science  Society  is  a  more  fin- 
isheder  production  than  the  one  on  Cats, 
which  was  wroten  when  my  mind  was 
crood,  and  afore  I  had  masterd  a 
graceful  and  ellygant  stile  of  composi- 
tion. I  could  not  even  punctooate  my 
sentences  proper  at  that  time,  and  I 
observe  with  pane,  on  lookin  over  this 
effort  of  my  yooth,  that  its  beauty  is  in 
one  or  two  instances  mar'd  by  ingram- 
maticisms.  This  was  unexcusable,  and 
I'm  surprised  I  did  it.  A  writer  who 
can't  write  in  a  grammerly  manner 
better  shut  .up  shop. 

You  shall  hear  this  Essy  on  Animals. 
Some  day  when  you  have  four  hours  to 
spare,  I'll  read  it  to  you.  I  think  youTl 
enjoy  it.  Or,  what  will  be  much  better, 
if  I  may  suggest— omit  all  pictures  in 
next  week's  Punchy  and  do  not  let  your 
contributors  write  enything  whatever 
(let  them  have  a  holiday ;  they  can  go 
to  the  British  Mooseum;)  and  publish 
my  Essy  intire.  It  will  fill  all  your 
coUumes  full,  and  create  comment. 
Does  this  proposition  strike  you?  Is 
it  a  go  ? 

In  case  I  had  read  the  Essy  to  the 
Social  Sciencers,  I  had  intended  it 
should  be  the  closin  attraction.  I  had 
intended  it  should  finish  the  proceedins. 
I  think  it  would  have  finished  them.  I 
understand  animals  better  than  any 
other  class  of  human  creatures.  I  have 
a  very  animal  mind,  and  I've  been 
identifi(d  with  'em  doorin  my  entire 
perfessional  career  as  a  showman,  more 
especial  bears,  wolves,  leopards  and 

The  leopard  is  as  lively  a  apimal  a^  I 



ever  came  into  contack  with.  It  is  troo 
he  cannot  change  his  spots,  but  you  can 
change  'em  for  him  with  a  paint-brush, 
as  I  once  did  in  the  case  of  a  leopard 
who  wasn't  nat'rally  spotted  in  a 
attractive  manner.  In  exhibitin  him  I 
used  to  stir  him  up  in  his  cage  with  a 
protracted  pole,  and  for  the  purpuss  of 
makin  him  yell  and  kick  up  in  a  leopardy 
manner,  I  used  to  casionally  whack  him 
over  the  head.  This  would  make  the 
children  inside  the  booth  scream  with 
fright,  which  would  make  fathers  of 
families  outside  the  booth  very  anxious 
to  come  in — ^because  there  is  a  large 
class  of  parents  who  have  a  imcontroU- 
able  passion  for  takin  then:  children  to 
places  where  they  will  stand  a  chance 
of  being  frightened  to  death. 

One  day  I  whacked  this  leopard  mo^ 
than  ushil,  which  elissited  a  remon- 
strance from  a  tall  gentleman  in  spec- 
tacles, who  said,  "My  good  man,  do 
not  beat  the  poor  caged  animal.  Rather 
fondle  him." 

"I'll  fondle  him  with  a  club,"  I 
anserd,  hittin  him  another  whack. 

"I  prithy  desist,"  said  the  gentleman ; 
"  stand  aside,  and  see  the  effeck  of 
kindness.  I  understand  the  idiosyncrar 
cies  of  these  creeturs  better  than  you 
do."  With  that  he  went  up  to  the 
cage,  and  thrustui  his  face  in  between 
the  iron  bars,  ho  said,  soothinly,  "  Come 
hither,  pretty  creetur."  The  pretty 
creetur  come-hithered  rayther  speedy, 
and  seized  the  gentleman  by  the 
whiskers,  which  he  tore  off  about  enuff 
to  stuff  a  small  cushion  with. 

He  said,  "You  vagabone,  I'll  have 
you  indicted  for  exhibitin  dangerous  and 
immoral  animals." 

J  leplied,  "  Gentle  Sir,  there  isn't  a 

animal  here  that  hasn't  a  beautiful 
moral,  but  you  mustn't  fondle  'em.  You 
mustn't  meddle  with  their  idiotsyn- 
cracies."  >  • 

The  gentleman  was  a  dramatic  cricket, 
and  he  wrote  a  article  for  a  paper,  in 
which  he  said  my  entertainment  was  a 
decided  failure. 

As  regards  Bears,  you  can  teach  'em 
to  do  interestin  things,  but  they're  on- 
reliable.  I  had  a  very  largo  grizzly 
bear  once,  who  would  dance,  and  larf, 
and  lay  down,  and  bow  his  head  in 
grief,  and  give  a  mournful  wale, 
etsetry.  But  he  often  annoyed  me. 
It  will  be  remembered  that  on  the 
occasion  of  the  first  battle  of  Bull 
Run,  it  suddenly  occurd  to  the  Fed'ral 
soldiers  that  they  had  business  in 
Washington  which  ought  not  to  be 
neglected,  and  they  all  started  for  that 
beautiful  and  romantic  city,  maintainin 
a  rate  of  speed  durin  the  entire  distance 
that  would  have  done  credit  to  the  cele- 
brated French  steed  Gladiateur.  Very 
nat'rally  our  Gov'ment  was  deeply 
grieved  at  this  defeat;  and  I  said  to 
my  Bear,  shortly  after,  as  I  was  givin  a 
exhibition  in  Ohio— I  said,  "  Brewin, 
are  you  not  sorry  the  National  arms  has 
sustained  a  defeat  ? "  His  business 
was  to  wale  dismal,  and  bow  his  head 
down,  the  band  (a  barrel  orgin  and  a 
wiolin)  playing  slow  and  melancholly 
moosic.  What  did  the  grizzly  old  cuss 
do,  however,  but  commence  darncin 
and  larfin  in  the  most  joyous  manner. 
I  had  a  namer  escape  from  bemg  im- 
prisoned for  disloyalty.  I  will  relate 
another  incident  in  the  career  of  this 
retchid  Bear.  I  used  to  present  what 
I  called  in  the  bills  a  Beautiful  living 
Pictur — showing  the  Bear's   fondness 



for  hia  Master :  in  which  I'd  lay  down 
on  a  piece  of  carpeting,  and  the  Bear 
would  come  and  lay  down  beside  me, 
restin  his  right  paw  on  ray  breast,  the 
Band  playing  "  Home,  Sweet  ffome,^' 
very  Soft  and  slow.  Altho'  I  say  it,  it 
was  a  tuchin  thing  to  see .  I've  seen  Tax- 
Collectors  weep  over  that  performance. 
Well,  one  day  I  said,  "  Ladies  and 
Gentlemen,  wo  will  now  show  you  the 
Bear's  fondness  for  his  master,"  and  I 
went  and  laid  down.  I  tho't  I  observed 
a  pecooliar  expression  into  his  eyes,  as 
ho  rolled  clumsily  to'ards  me,  but  I 
didn't  dream  of  the  scene  which  foUerd. 
He  laid  down,  and  put  his  paw  on  my 
breast.  "  Affection  of  the  bear  for  hjs 
Master,"  I  repeated.  "  You  see  the 
Monarch  of  the  Western  Wilds  in  a  sub- 


jugated  state.  Fierce  as  these  animals 
natrally  are,  we  now  see  that  they  have 
hearts,  and  can  love.  This  Bear,  the 
largest  in  the  world,  and  mesurin  seven- 
teen feet  round  the  body,  loves  mo  as  a 
mer-ther  loves  her  che-ild ! "  But  what 
was  my  horror  when  the  grizzly  and 
infamus  Bear  threw  hiS  other  paw  under 
me,  and  riz  with  me  to  his  feet.  Then 
claspin  mo  in  a  close  embrace  he  waltzed 
up  and  down  the  platform  in  a  fr;.^tfid 

manner,  I  yellin  with,  fear  and  anguish. 
To  make  matters  wuss,  a  low  scurrilus 
young  man  in  the  audiens  hollered 
out,  "  Playfulness  of  the  Bear !  Quick 
moosic ! "  I  jest  'scaped  with  my  life. 
•The  Bear  met  with  a  wiolent  death  the 
next  day,  by  bein  in  the  way  when  a 
hevily  loaded  gun  was  fired  off  by  one 
of  my  men. 

But  you  should  hear  my  Easy  which 
I  wrote  for  the  Social  Science  Meetins. 
It  would  have  had  a  movin  effock  on 

I  feel  that  I  must  now  conclood. 

I  have  read  Earl  Bright's  speech  at 
Leeds,  and  I  hope  we  shall  now  hoar 
from  John  Derby.  I  trust  that  not 
only  they,  but  Wm.  E.  Stanley  and 
Lord  Gladstone  will  cling  inflexibly  to 
those  great  fundamental  principles, 
which  they  understand  far  better  than 
I  do,  and  I  will  add  that  I  do  not  under- 
stand anything  about  any  of  them  what- 
ever in  tho  least — and  let  us  all  be 
happy,  and  live  within  our  mdans,  even 
if  we  have  to  borrer  money  to  do  it 

Very  respectively  yours, 

Artemus  Ward. 


p  i- 



Mr.  Punch,  My  dear  Sir, — You 
didn't  get  a  instructiv  article  from  my 
pen  last  week  on  account  of  my  nervus 
sistim  havin  underwent  a  drefflo  shock. 
I  got  caught  in  a  brief  shine  of  sun,  and 
it  utterly  upsot  me.  I  was  walkin  in 
Regent  Street  one  day  last  week, 
enjoyin  your  rich  black  fog  and  bracing 
rains,  when  all  at  once  the  Sun  bust  out 
and  actooally  shone  for  nearly  half  an 
hour  steady.  I  acted  promptly.  I 
called  a  cab  and  told  the  driver  to  run 
his  boss  at  a  friteful  rate  of  speed  to 
my  lodgins,  but  it  wasn't  of  no  avale.  I 
had  orful  cramps,  my  appytite  left  me, 
and  my  pults  went  down  to  10  degrees 
below  zero.  But  by  careful  nussih 
I  shall  no  doubt  recover  speedy,  if  the 
present  sparklin  and  exileratin  weather 

[All  of  the  foregoin  is  sarcasum.] 
It's  a  sing'lar  fack,  but  I  never  sot 
eyes  on  your  excellent  British  Mooseum 
till  the  other  day.  I've  sent  a  great 
many  peple  there,  as  also  to  your  genial 
"Tower  of"  London,  however.  It  hap- 
pened thusly :  When  one  of  my  excellent 
countrymen  jest  arrived  in  Lpndon 
would  come  and  see  me  and  display  a 
inclination  to  cling  to  me  too  lengthy, 
thus  showin  a  respect  for  mo  which  I 
feel  I  do  not  deserve,  I  Avould  siigjest  a 
visit  to  the  Mooseum  and  Tow^r.  The 
Mooseum  would  ockepy  him  a  day  at 
leest,  aud  the  Tower  another.  Thus  I've 

derived  considerable  peace  and  comfort 
from  them  noble  edifisscs,  and  I  hope 
they  will  long  continner  to  grace  your 
metroplis.  There's  my  fren  Col.  Lar- 
kins,  from  Wisconsin,  who  I  regret  to 
say  understands  the  Jamaica  question, 
and  wants  to  talk  with  me  about  it ;  I 
sent  him  to  the  Tower  four  days  ago, 
and  he  hasn't  got  throogh  with  it  yit. 
He  likes  it  very  much,  and  ho  writes 
me  that  he  can't  never  thank  me  sutH- 
cient  for  directin  him  to  so  intorestin  a 
bildin.  I  writ  him  not  to  mention  it.  The 
Col.  says  it  is  fortnit  we  live  in  a  intel- 
lectooal  age  which  wouldn't  countenance 
such  infamus  things  as  occurd  in  this 
Tower.  I'm  aware  that  it  is  fashin'ble 
to  compliment  this  age,  but  I  ain't  so 
clear  that  the  Col.  is  altogether  right. 
This  is  a  very  respectable  age,  but  it's 
pretty  easily  riled;  and  considerin  upon 
how  slight  a  provycation  we  who  live  in 
it  go  to  cuttin  each  other's  throats,  it 
may  perhaps  bo  doubted  whether  our 
intellecks  is  so  much  massiver  than  our 
ancestors'  intellecks  was,  after  all. 

I  alius  ride  outside  with  the  cabman. 
I  am  of  humble  parentage,  but  I  have 
(if  you  will  permit  me  to  say  so)  the 
spirit  of  the  eagle,  which  chafes  when 
shut  up  in  a  four-wheeler,  and  I  feel 
much  eagler  when  I'm  in  the  open  air. 
So  on  the  momin  on  wMch  I  went  to  the 
Mooseum  I  lit  a  pipe,  and  callin  a  cab, 
I  told  the  driver  to  take  me  there  as 



'  ! 

quick  as  his  Arabian  charger  could  go. 
The  driver  was  under  the  inflooenco  of 
beer,  and  narrerly  escaped  runnin  over 
a  aged  female  in  the  match  trade, 
whereupon  I  remonstratid  with  him.  I 
said, "  That  poor  old  woman  may  be  the 
only  mother  of  a  young  man  like  you." 
Then  throwing  considerable  pathos  into 
my  voice,  I  said, "  You  have  a  mother  ?  " 

Ho  said, ''  You  lie  !  "  I  got  down 
and  called  another  cab,  but  said  nothin 
to  this  driver  about  his  parents. 

The  British  Mooseum  is  a  magnifcent 
free  show  for  the  people.  It  is  kept 
open  for  the  benefit  of  all. 

The  humble  costymongcr,  who  tra- 
verses the  busy  streets  with  a  cart  con- 
taininall  kinds  of  vegetablcii',  ?uch  as 
carrots,  turnips,  etc.,  and  drawn  by  a 
spirited  jackass — ho  can  go  to  the  Moo- 
seum and  reap  benefits  therefrom  as 
well  as  the  lord  of  high  degree. 

«  And  this,"  I  said,  "  is  the  British 
Mooseum  !  These  noble  walls,"  I  con- 
tinnerd,  punchiu;^  them  with  my  umbrel- 
ler  to  see  if  the  masonry  was  all  right — 
but  I  wasn't  allowd  to  finish  my  enthoo- 
siastic  remarks,  for  a  man  with  a  gold 
band  on  his  hat  said,  in  a  hash  voice, 
that  I  must  stop  pokin  the  walls.  I  told 
him  I  would  do  so  by  all  means.  "  You 
see,"  I  said,  taking  hold  of  the  tassel 
which  waved  from  the  man's  belt,  and 
drawin  him  close  to  me  in  a  confidential 
way,  "  You  see,  I'm  lookin  round  this 
Mooseum,  and  if  I  like  it  I  shall  buy  it." 

Instid  of  larfin  hartily  at  these  re- 
marks, which  was  made  in  a  goakin 
spirit,  the  man  frowned  darkly  and 
"walked  away. 

I  first  visited  the  stufied  animals,  of 
which  the  gorillers  interested  me  most. 
These  simple-minded  monsters  live  in 

Afriky,  and  are  believed  to  be  human 
beins  to  a  slight  extent,  altho'  they  are 
not  allowed  to  vote.  In  this  depart- 
ment is  one  or  two  superior  giraffes.  I 
never  wouldcd  I  were  a  bird,  but  I've 
sometimes  wished  I  was  a  giraffe,  on 
account  of  the  long  distance  from  his 
mouth  to  his  stummuck.  Hence,  if  lie 
loved  beer,  one  mugful  would  give  him 
as  much  enjoyment  while  going  doAvn  as 
forty  mugfuls  would  ordinary  persons. 
And  he  wouldn't  get  intoxicated,  which 
is  a  beastly  way  of  amusin  oneself,  I 
must  say.  I  like  a  little  beer  now  and 
then,  and  when  the  teetotallers  inform 
us,  as  they  frekently  do,  that  it  is  vilp 
stuff,  and  that  even  the  swine  shrink 
from  it,  I  say  it  only  shows  that  the 
swine  is  a  ass  who  don't  know  what's 
good ;  but  to  pour  gin  and  brandy  down 
one's  throat  as  freely  as  though  it  were 
fresh  milk,  is  the  most  idiotic  way  of 
goin'  to  the  devil  that  I  know  of. 

I  enjoyed  myself  very  much  lookin 
at  the  Egyptian  mummy s,  the  Greek 
vasis,  etc.,  but  it  occurd  to  mo  there 
was  rayther  too  many  "Roman  anti- 
quitys  of  a  uncertin  date . ' '  Now,  I  like* 
the  British  Mooseum,  as  I  said  afore, 
but  when  I  see  a  lot  of  erthen  jugs  and 
pots  stuck  up  on  shelves,  and  all ''  of  a 
uncertin  date,"  I'm  at  a  loss  to  'zactly 
determin  whether  they  are  a  thousand 
years  old  or  was  bought  recent.  I  can 
cry  like  a  child  over  a  jug  one  thousand 
years  of  age,  especially  if  it  is  a  Roman 
jug ;  but  a  jug  of  a  uncertin  date  doesn't 
overwhelm  me  with  emotions.  Jugs 
and  pots  of  a  uncertin  age  is  doubtless 
vallyable  property,  but,  like  the  de- 
bentures of  the  London,  Chatham  and 
Dover  Railway,  a  man  doesn't  want  too 
many  of  them. 



I  waa  debarred  dut  of  the  icat 
readin-room.  A  man  told  mo  I  must 
apply  by  letter  for  admission,  and  that 
I  must  get  somebody  to  testify  that  I 
was  respectable.  I'm  a  little  'fraid  I 
shan't  get  in  there.  Scein  a  elderly 
gentleman,  with  a  beneverlenfc-lookin 
face  near  by,  I  ventured  to  ask  him  if 
he  would  certify  that  I  was  respectable. 
He  said  he  certainly  would  not,  but  he 
would  put  me  in  charge  of  a  policeman, 
if  that  would  do  mo  any  good.  A 
thought  struck  me.  "  I  refer  you  to 
Mr.  Punch,^^  I  said. 

"  Well,"  said  a  man,  who  had  lis- 
tened to  my  application,  "you  have 
done  it  now !  You  stood  some  chance 
before . "  I  will  get  this  infamus  wretch's 
name  before  you  go  to  press,  so  you  can 
denounce  him  in  the  present  number  of 
your  excellent  journal. 

The  statute  of  Apollo  is  a  pretty  slick 
statute .  A  young  yeoman  seemed  deeply 
imprest  with  it.  He  viewd  it  with 
silent  admiration.  At  home,  in  the 
beautiful  rural  districks  where  the  daisy 
sweetly  blooms,  he  would  bo  swearin  in 
a  honible  manner  at  his  bullocks,  and 
whacking  'em  over  the  head  with  a  hay- 
fork ;  but  here,  in  the  presence  of  Art, 
he  is  a  changed  bein. 

I  told  the  attendant  that  if  the  British 
nation  would  stand  tho  oxpens  of  a 
marble  bust  of  myself,  I  would  willingly 
sit  to  some  taJented  sculpist.  "  I  feel," 
I  said,  "that  this  is  a  dooty  I  owe  to 

posterity."  Ho  su.  ^  it  was  hily  prob'l, 
bii*^  he  was  inclined  to  ujink  that  tho 
B  Ii  natioTi  >vouldn't  are  to  enrich 
tl  MoQseur  mi)\  a  bust  of  me,  altho' 
he  entured  .o  think  that  if  I  paid  for 
one  myself  it  would  be  accepted  cheer- 
fully by  Madame  Tussaud,  who  would 
give  it  a  prom'nent  position  in  her 
Chamber  of  Horrers.  The  young  man 
was  very  polite,  and  I  thankt  him  kindly. 
After  visitin  the  Refreshment  room 
and  partakin  of  half  a  chicken  "  of  a 
uncertin  age,"  like  the  Roman  anti- 
quitys  I  have  previsly  spoken  of,  I  pre- 
pared to  leave.  As  I  passed  through 
the  animal  room  I  observed  with  pano 
that  a  benevolint  person  was  urgin  tho 
stufit  elephant  to  accept  a  cold  mu£5n, 
but  I  did  not  feel  called  on  to  remon- 
strate with  him,  any  more  than  I  did 
with  two  young  persons  of  diff'rent 
sexes  who  had  retired  behind  the  Ry- 
nosserhoss  to  squeeze  each  other's  hands. 
In  fack,  I  rayther  approved  of  the  latter 
proceedin,  for  it  carried  me  back  to  the 
siuiny  spring-time  of  wy  life.  I'm  in  tho 
shear  and  yeller  leaf  now,  but  I  don't 
forgit  the  time  when  to  squeeze  my 
Betsy's  hand  sent  a  thrill  through  mo 
like  folllii  off  the  roof  of  a  two-story 
house  ;  and  I  never  squozed  that  gentle 
hand  without  wantin  to  do  so  some  more, 
and  feelin  that  it  did  me  good. 

Trooly  yours, 

Artbmus  Ward. 







Nestling  among  tho  grand  hills  of 
Now  Ilampshiro,  in  tho  United  States 
of  America,  i3  a  village  called  Water- 

Perhaps  you  were  never  there. 

I  do  not  censure  you  if  you  neijcr 

One  can  get  on  very  well  without 
going  to  Waterbury. 

Indeed,  there  are  millions  of  meritori- 
ous persons  who  were  never  there,  and 
yet  they  are  happy. 

In  this  peaceful  hamlet  lived  a  young 
man  named  Pettingill. 

Reuben  Pettingill. 

lie  was  an  agriculturist. 

A  broad-shouldered,  deep-chested 

Ho  was  contented  to  live  in  this 
peaceful  hamlet. 

Ho  said  it  was  better  than  a  noisy 

•     Thus  do  these   simple   children  of 
nature  joke  in  a  first  class  manner. 


I  write  this  romance  in  the  French 

Yes :  something  that  way. 

The  French  style  consists  of  making 
just  as  many  paragraphs  as  possible. 

Thus  one  may  fill  up  a  coUumn  in  a 
very  short  time. 

I  am  paid  by  the  collumn,  and  tho 
quicker  I  can  fill  up  a  collumn — but 
this  is  a  matter  to  which  wo  will  not 

Wo  will  let  this  matter  pass. 


Reuben  Pettingill  was  extremely  in- 

Ho  worked  hard  all  the  year  round 
on  his  father's  little  farm. 

Right  he  was ! 

Industry  is  a  very  fine  thing. 

It  is  one  of  the  finest  things  of  which 
we  have  any  knowledge. 

Yet  do  not  frown,  "  do  not  weep  for 
me,"  when  I  state  thai  I  don't  like  it. 

It  doesn't  agree  with  me. 

I  prefer  indolence. 

I  am  happiest  when  I  am  idle. 

I  could  live  for  months  without  per- 
forming any*  kind  of  labour,  and  at  tho 
expiration  of  that  time  I  should  feel 
fresh  and  vigorous  enough  to  go  right 
on  in  the  same  way  for  numerous  more 

This  should  not  surprise  you. 

Nothing  that  a  modern  novellist  does 
should  excite  astonishment  in  any  well- 
regulated  mind. 


The  4th  of  July  is  always  celebrated 
in  America  with  guns,  and  processions, 
and  banners,  and  all  those  things. 



You  know  why  wo  colobrato  this  day. 

Tho  American  Revolution,  in  1775, 
was  perhaps  ono  of  tho  finest  revolutions 
that  was  over  seen.  But  I  have  no 
tinio  to  give  you  a  full  history  of  the 
American  Revolution.  It  would  con- 
sume year.s  to  do  it,and  I  might  weary  you. 

Ono  4th  of  July,  Reuben  Pittingill 
went  to  Boston. 

He  saw  great  sights. 

IIo  saw  tho  dense  throng  of  people, 
the  gay  volunteers,  tho  banners,  and, 
above  all,  ho  saw  tho  fireworks. 

I  despise  myself  for  using  so  low  a 
word,  but  tho  fireworks  "  licked"  him. 

A  now  world  was  opened  to  this 
young  man. 

Ho  returned  to  his  parents  and  the 
little  farm  among  the  hills,  with  his 
heart  full  of  fireworks. 

Ho  said,  "  I  will  make  some  myself" 

He  said  this  while  eating  a  lobster  on 
top  of  tho  coach. 

He  was  an  extraordinarily  skilful 
young  man  in  the  use  of  a  common 

With  that  simple  weapon  he  could 
make  from  soft  wood,  horses,  dogs,  cats, 
&c.     He  carved  excellent  soldiers  also. 

I  remember  his  masterpiece. 

It  was  "  Napoleon  crossing  the  Alps." 

Looking  at  it  critically,  I  should  say 
it  was  rather  short  of  Alps. 

An  Alp  or  two  more  would  have  im- 
proved it:  but,  as  a  whole,  ft  was  a 
wonderful  piece  of  work ;  and  what  a 
wonderful  piece  of  work  is  a  wooden 
man,  when  his  legs  and  arms  are  all  right. 


He  said,  "  I  can  make  just  as  good 
fireworks  as  them  in  Boston." 

*'  Them  "  was  not  grammatical,  but 
why  care  for  grammar  us  long  us  wo 
are  good  ? 

VI. — THE  father's  TEARS. 

Pettingill  neglected  the  farm. 

Ho  Biyd  that  it  might  till  itself — ho 
should  manufacture  some  gorgeous  fire- 
works, and  exhibit  them  on  the  village 
green  on  tho  next  4th  of  July. 

He  said  tho  Eagle  of  Fame  would 
flap  his  wings  over  their  humble  roof 
ere  many  months  should  pass  away. 

"  If  ho  does,"  said  old  Mr.  Pettingill, 
"^vo  must  shoot  him,  and  bile  him,  and 
eat  him,  because  we  shall  be  rather 
short  of  meat,  my  son,  if  you  go  on  in 
this  lazy  way." 

And  the  old  man  wept. 

IIo  shed  over  120  gallons  of  tears. 

That  is  to  say,  a  puncheon.  But  by 
all  means  let  us  avoid  turning  this  ro- 
mance into  a  farce. 


But  the  headstrong  young  man  went 
to  work,  making  fireworks. 

He  bought  and  carefully  studied  a 
work  on  pyrotechny. 

Tho  villagers  knew  that  he  was  a  re- 
markably skilful  young  man,  and  they 
all  said,  "  We  shall  have  a  great  treat 
next  4th  of  July." 

Meanwhile  Pettingill  worked  away. 


The  great  day  came  at  last. 
Thousands  poured  into  the  little  vil- 
lage from  far  and  near. 
There  was  an  oration,  of  course. 






Yes ;  there  was  an  6ratiou. 

We  have  a  passion  for  oratory  in 
America — political  oratory  chiefly. 

Our  political  orators  never  lose  a 
chance  to  "  express  their  views." 

They  will  do  it.  You  cannot  stop 

There  was  an  execution  in  Ohio  one 
day,  and  the  Sheriff,  before  placing  the 
rope  round  the  murderer's  neck,  asked 
him  if  he  had  any  remarks  to  make  ? 

"  If  he  hasn't,"  said  a  well-known 
local  orator,  pushing  his  way  rapidly 
through  the  dense  crowd  to  the  gallows 
— "  if  our  ill-starred  feller-citizen  don't 
feel  inclined  to  make  a  speech,  and  is 
in  no  hurry,  I  should  like  to  avail  my- 
self of  the  present  occasion  to  make 
some  remarks  on  the  necessity  of  a  now 
protective  tariff!" 

X. — pettinqill's  fireworks. 

As  I  said  in  Chapter  viii.,  there  was 
an  oration.  There  were  also  proces- 
sions, and  guns,  and  banners. 

"  This  evening,"  said  the  chairman 
of  the  committee  of  arrangements, "  this 
evening,  fellow-citizens,  there  vail  be  a 
grand  display  of  fireworks  on  the  village 
green,  sui^erintended  by  the  inventor 
and  manufacturer,  our  public-spirited 
townsman,  Mr.  Reuben  Pettingill." 

Night  closed  in,  and  an  immense  con- 
course of  people  gathered  on  the  village 

On  a  raised  platform,  amidst  his  fire- 
works, stood  Pettingill. 

He  felt  that  the  great  hour  of  his  life 
was  come,  and,  in  a  firm,  clear  voice,  he 

"The  fust  fireworks,  feller-citizens, 

will  be  a  rocket,  whit',  will  go  up  in  the 
air,  bust,  and  assume  the  shape  of  a 

He  applied  a  match  to  the  rocket,  but 
instead  of  going  up  in  the  air,  it  flew 
wildly  down  into  the  grass,  running 
some  distance  with  a  hissing  kind  of 
sound,  and  causing  the  masses  to  jump 
round  in  a  very  insane  manner. 

Pettingill  was  disappointed,  but  not 
disheartened.     Ho  tried  again. 

"  The  next  fireworks,"  he  said,  *'  will 
go  up  in  the  air,  bust,  and  become  a 
beautiful  revolvin'  wheel." 

But,  alas !  it  did'nt.  It  only  ploughed 
a  little  furrow  in  the  green  grass,  like 
its  unhappy  predecessor. 

The  masses  laughed  at  this,  and  one 
man — a  white-haired  old  villager — said, 
kindly  but  firmly,  "  Reuben,  I'm  'fraid 
you  don't  understand  pyrotechny." 

Reuben  was  amazed.  Why  did  his 
rockets  go  down  instead  of  up  ?  But, 
perhaps,  the  others  would  be  more  suc- 
cessful ;  and  with  a  flushed  face,  and  in 
a  voice  scarcely  as  firm  as  before,  he 
said : 

"  The  next  specime'n  of  pyrotechny 
will  go  up  in  the  air,  bust,  and  become  a 
eagle.  Said  eagle  will  soar  away  into 
the  western  skies,  leavin'  a  red  trail 
behind  him  as  he  so  soars." 

But,  alas  !  agaici.  No  eagle  soared, 
but,  on  the  contrary,  that  ordinarily 
proud  bird  buried  its  head  in  the  grass. 
The  people  were  dissatisfied.  They 
made  sarcastic  remarks.  Some  of  them 
howled  angrily.  The  aged  man,  who 
had  before  spoken,  said,  "  No,  Reuben, 
yovu  evidently  don't  understand  pyro- 

Pettingill  boiled  with  rage  and  dis- 



"  You  don't  understand  pyrotechny !" 
the  masses  shouted. 

Then  they  laughed  in  a  disagreeable 
manner,  and  some  unfeeling  lads  threw 
dirt  at  our  hero. 

"  You  don't  understand  pyrotechny !" 
the  masses  yelled  again. 

"  Don't  I  ? "  screamed  Pettmgill,  wild 
with  rage  ;  "  don't  you  think  I  do  ?  " 

Then  seizing  several  gigantic  rockets 
he  placed  them  over  a  box  of  powder, 
and  touched  the  whole  off. 

This  rocket  went  up.    It  did,  indeed. 

There  was  a  terrific  explosion. . 

No  one  was  killed,  fortunately ;  though 
many  were  injured. 

The  platform  was  almost  torn  to  pieces. 

But  proudly  erect  among  the  falling 
timbers  stood  Pettingill,  his  face  flashing 
with  wild  triumph  ;  and  he  shouted :  "  If 
I'm  any  judge  of  pyrotechny,  iAai  rocket 
has  went  off." 

Then  seeing  that  all  the  fingers  on  his 
right  hand  had  been  taken  close  off  in 
the  explosion,  he  added :  "  And  I  ain't 
so  dreadful  certain  but  four  of  my  fingers 
has  went  off  with  it,  because  I  don't  see 
'em  here  now  I  ■  ' 




I  WAS  sitting  in  the  bai',  quietly 
smokin  a  frugal  pipe,  when  two  middle- 
aged  and  stern-lookin  females  and  a 
young  and  pretty  female  suddenly 
entered  the  room.  They  were  accom- 
panied by  two  umbrellers  and  a  negro 
gentleman.  "  Do  you  feel  for  the  down- 
trodden ?  "  said  one  of  the  females,  a 
thin-faced  and  sharp-voiced  person  in 
green  spectacles.  "  Do  I  feel  for  it  ?" 
ansered.  the  lan'lord,  in  a  puzzled  voice 
— "  Do  I  feel  for  it  ?"  "  Yes ;  for  the 
oppressed,  the  benited?"  "Inasmuch 
as  to  which  ?"  said  the  lan'lord.  "  You 
see  this  man  ?"  said  the  female,  pintin 
her  umbreller  at  the  negro  gentleman. 
"  Yes,  marm,  I  see  him."  "  Yes !" 
said  the  female,  raisin  her  voice  to  a 
exceedin  high  pitch,  "  you  see  him,  and 
he's  your  brother !"  "  No,  I'm  darned 
if  he  is !"  said  the  lan'lord,  hastily  re- 
treatin  to  his  beer-casks.  "  And  yours !" 
shouted  the  excited  female,  addresbin 
me.  "  He  Is  also  your  brother !"  "  No, 
I  think  not,  marm,"  I  pleasantly  replied. 
"  The  nearest  we  come  to  that  color  in 
our  family  was  the  case  of  my  brother 
John.  He  had  the  janders  for  sev'ral 
years,  but  they  finally  left  him.  I  am 
happy  to  state  that,  at  the  present  time, 
he  hasn't  a  solitary  jander."  "  Look 
at  this  man  1"  screamed  the  female.  I 
looked  at  him.  He  was  an  able-bodied, 
well-dressed,  comfortable-looking  negro. 
He  looked  as  though  he  might  heave 

three  or  four  good  meals  a  day  into  him 
without  a  murmer.  "  Look  at  that 
down-trodden  man!"  cried  the  female. 
"  Who  trod  on  him  ? "  I  inquired. 
"  Villains !  despots !  "  "  Well,"  said 
the  lan'lord,  "  why  don't  you  go  to 
the  willing  about  it?  Why  do  you 
come  here  tellin  us  niggers  is  our 
brothers,  and  bracdishin  your  um- 
brellers round'  like  a  lot  of  lunytics  ? 
You'r  wuss  than  the  sperrit-rappers?" 
"  Have  you,"  said  middle-aged  female 
No.  2,  who  was  a  quieter  sort  of 
person,  "  have  you  no  sentiment  — 
no  poetry  in  your  soul — ^no  love  for 
the  beautiful  ?  Dost  never  go  into 
the  green  fields  to  cull  the  beautiful 
flowers ?"  "I  not  only  never  dost," 
said  the  landlord  in  an  angry  voice, 
"  but  I'll  bet  you  five  pound  you  can't 
bring  a  man  as  dares  say  I  durst." 
"  The  little  birds,"  continued  the  female, 
"  dost  not  love  to  gaze  onto  them  ?"  "  I 
would  I  were  a  bird,  that  I  might  fly  to 
thou?"  I  humoroiisly  sung,  casting  a 
sweet  glance  at  the  pretty  young  woman. 
"  Don't  you  look  in  that  way  at  my 
dawter  I"  said  female  No.  1,  in  a  violent 
voice ;  "  you're  old  enough  to  be  her 
father."  "  'Twas  an  innocent  look, 
dear  madam,"  I  softly  said.  "  You  be- 
hold in  me  an  emblem  of  innocence  and 
purity.  In  fact,  I  start  for  Rome  by 
the  first  train  to-morrow  to  sit  as  a 
model  to  a  celebrated  artist  who  is  about 



to  sculp  a  statue  to  be  called  Sweet 
Innocence.  Do  you  s'pose  a  sculpei* 
would  send  for  me  for  that  purpose 
onless  he  knowd  I  was  overflowing  with 
innocency  ?  Don't  make  a  error  about 
me."  "It  is  my  opinyn,"  said  the 
leading  female,  "  that  you're  a  scoffer 
and  a  wretch?  Your  mind  is  in  a 
wusser  beclouded  state  than  the  poor 
negroes  we  are  seeking  to  aid.  You 
ai'e  a  groper  in  the  dark  cellar  of  sin. 

0  sinful  man ! 

There  is  a  sparkling  fount, 
Come,  0  come,  and  drinlc. 

No:  you  will  not  come  and  drink." 
"  Yes,  ho  will,"  said  the  landlord,  "  if 
you'll  treat.  Jest  try  him."  "  As  for 
you,"  said  the  enraged  female  to  the 
landlord,  "  you're  a  degraded  bein,  too 
low  and  wulgar  to  talk  to."  "  This  is 
the  sparkhn  fount  for  me,  dear  sister !  " 
cried  the  lan'lord,  drawin  and  drinkin  a 
mug  of  beer.  Having  uttered  which 
goak,  he  gave  a  low  rumblin  larf,  and 
relapst  into  silence.  "  My  colored  fren," 

1  said  to  the  negro,  kindly,  "  what  is  it 
all  about  ?"  He  said  they  was  trying 
to  raise  money  to  send  missionaries  to 
the  Southern  States  in  America  to 
preach  to  the  vast  numbers  of  negroes 
recently  made  free  there .  He  said  they 
were  without  the  gospel.  They  were 
without  tracts.  I  said,  "  My  fren',  this 
is  a  seris  matter.  I  admjre  you  for  try- 
ing to  help  the  race  to  which  you  belong, 
and  far  be  it  from  me  to  say  anything 
again  carrying  the  gospel  among  the 

blacks  of  the  South.  Let  them  co  to 
them  by  all  means.  But  I  happen  to 
individually  know  that  there  are  some 
thousands  of  liberated  blacks  in  the 
South  who  are  starvin.  I  don't  blame 
anybody  for  this,  but  it  is  a  very  sad 
fact.  Some  are  really  too  ill  to  work, 
some  can't  get  work  to  do,  and  others 
are  too  foolish  to  see  any  necessity  for 
workin.  I  was  down  there  last  winter, 
and  I  observed  that  this  class  had 
plenty  of  preachin  for  their  souls,  but 
skurce  any  vittles  for  their  stummux. 
Now,  if  it  is  proposed  to  send  flour  and 
bacon  along  with  the  gospel,  the  idea  is 
really  a  excellent  one.  If,  on  the  t'other 
hand,  it  is  proposed  to  send  preachin 
alone,  all  I  can  say  is  that  it's  a  hard 
case  for  the  niggers.  If  you  expect  a 
colored  person  to  get  deeply  interested 
in  a  tract  when  his  stummuck  is  empty, 
you  expect  too  much,"  I  gave  negro 
as  much  as  I  could  afford,  and  the  kind- 
hearted  lan'lord  did  the  same.  I  said, 
"  Farewell,  my  colored  fren',  I  wish  you 
well,  certainly.  You  are  now  as  free  as 
the  eagle.  Be  like  him  and  soar.  But 
don't  attempt  to  convert  a  Ethiopian 
person  while  liis  stummack  yearns  for 
vittles.  And  you,  ladies — I  hope  you 
afe  ready  to  help  the  poor  and  unfortu- 
nate at  home,  as  you  seem  to  help  the 
poor  and  unfortunate  abroad."  When 
they  had  gone,  the  lan'lord  said, 
"  Come  into  the  garden.  Ward."  And 
we  went  and  culled  some  carrots  for 

1  • 


Artemus  "Ward  as  Capting  of  the  Home  Gaaxis.^Sec  page  15. 



We  hear  a  great  deal,  and  something 
too  much  about  the  poverty  of  editors. 
It  is  common  for  editors  to  parade  their 
poverty  and  joke  about  it  in  their 
papers.  We  see  these  witticisms  almost 
every  day  of  our  lives.    Sometimes  the 

editor  does  the  "  vater  vorks  business," 
as  Mr.  Samuel  Weller  called  weeping, 
and  makes  pathetic  appeals  to  his  sub- 
scribers. Sometimes  he  is  in  earnest 
when  he  makes  these  appeals,  but  Avhy 
••  on  airth  "  does  he  stick  to  a  business 

'      111  I 



that  will  not  support  him  decently  ? 
Wc  read  of  patriotic  and  lofty-minded 
individuals  who  sacrifice  health,  time, 
money,  and  perhaps  life  for  the  good  of 
humanity,  the  Union  and  that  sort  of 
thing,  hut  we  don't  see  them  very  often. 
Wo  must  say  that  Ave  could  count  up  all 
the  lofty  patriots  in  this  line  that  we  have 
ever  seen,  during  our  brief  but  chec- 
quered  and  romantic  career,  in  less  than 
half  a  day.  A  man  who  clings  to  a 
wretchedly  paying  business,  when  ho 
can  make  himself  and  others  near  and 
dear  to  him  fatter  and  happier  by  doing 
something  else,  is  about  as  near  an  ass 
as  possible  and  not  hanker  after  green 
grass  and  corn  in  the  ear.  The  tj-uth 
is,  editors  as  a  class  are  very  well  fed, 
groomed  and  harnessed.  They  have 
some  pains  that  otter  folk  do  not  have, 
and  they  also  have  some  privileges 
which  the  community  in  general  can't 
possess.  While  we  would  not  advise 
the  young  reader  to  "  go  for  an  editor," 
we  assure  him  he  can  do  much  worse. 
He  mustn't  spoil  a  flourishing  blacksmith 
or  popular  victualer  in  making  an  indif- 
ferent editor  of  himself,  however.  Ho 
must  be  endowed  with  some  fancy  and 
imagination  to  enchain  the  public  eye. 
It  was  Smith,  we  believe,  or  some  other 
man  with  an  odd  name,  who  thought 
Shakspeare  lacked  the  requisite  fancy 
and  imagination  for  a  successful  editor. 
To  those  persons  who  can't  live  by 
prmting  papers  we  would  say,  in  the 
language  of  the  profligate  boarder  when 
dunned  for  his  bill,  being  told  at  the 
same  tune  by  the  keeper  of  the  house 
that  he  couldn't  board  people  for  no- 
thing, "  sell  out  to  somebody  who  can." 
In  other  words,  fly  from  a  business 
which  don't  remunerate.    But  as  we 

intimated  before,  there  is  much  gammon 
in  the  popular  editorial  cry  of  poverty. 

Just  now  wo  see  a  touching  para- . 
graph  floating  through  the  papers  to  the 
effect  that  editors  don't  live  out  half 
their  years — that,  poor  souls !  they  wear 
themselves  out  for  the  benefit  of  a  cold 
and  unappreciating  world.  We  don't 
believe  it.  Gentle  reader,  don't  swal- 
low it.  It  is  a  footlight  trick  to  work 
on  your  feelings.  For  ourselves,  let  us 
say,  that  unless  wc  slip  up  considerably 
on  our  calculations,  it  will  be  a  long 
time  before  our  fellow-citizens  will  have 
the  melancholy  pleasure  of  erecting  to 
our  memory  a  towering  monument  of 
Parian  marble  on  the  Public  Square. 

Items. — They  are  very  "  scarce." 
Readers  may  complain  at  the  lack  of 
local  news  in  our  papers,  but  where  can 
we  get  it  ?  We  are  in  about  as  bad  a 
fix  as  the  French  leader  of  the  orchestra 
in  a  theatre  "  Out  West"  was.  He  was 
flourishing  his  baton  in  the  most  frantic 
manner — the  fiddles  were  squeaking — 
the  brass  instruments  were  braying — the 
cymbals  were  clashing,  and  the  orchestra 
was  making  all  the  noise  it  possibly  could. 
But  a  man  in  the  pit  wasn't  satisfied. 
"  Louder  !  louder !  louder !"  he  yelled. 
The  French  leader  dropped  his  baton  in 
despair,  wiped  the  perspiration  from  his 
brow,  told  the  orchestra  to  cease  playing, 
and  violently  spoke  as  follows  : — "  The 
gen'lman  may  cry  loud-AR  as  much  as 
he  please,  but  vere  we  get  de  wind,  by 
gar  ?"  A  few  hours  of  active  study 
will  show  the  reader  that  the  comparL 
sou  is  a  good  one. 



Before  you  go  for  an  Editor,  young 
man,  pause  and  take  a  big  think  !  Do 
not  rush  into  the  Editorial  harness 
rashly.  Look  around  and  see  if  there 
is  not  an  omnibus  to  drive — some  soil 
somewhere  to  be  tilled — a  clerkship  on 
some  meat  cart  to  be  filled — anything 
that  ia  reputable  and  healthy,  rather 
than  going  for  an  Editor,  which  is  hard 
business  at  best. 

We  are  not  a  horse,  and  consequently 
have  never  been  called  upon  to  furnish 
the  motive  power  for  a  threshing  ma- 
chine ;  but  we  fancy  that  the  life  of  the 
Editor,  who  is  forced  to  write,  write, 
write,  whether  he  feels  right  or  not,  is 
much  like  that  of  the  steed  in  question. 
If  the  yeas  and  neighs  could  be  obtained, 
Ave  believe  the  intelligent  horse  would 
decide  that  the  threshing  machine  is 
preferable  to  the  sanctum  Editorial. 

The  Editor's  work  is  never  done.  He 
is  drained  incessantly,  and  no  wonder 
that  he  dries  up  preiftaturely.  Other 
people  can  attend  banquets,  weddings, 
etc. ;  visit  halls  of  dazzling  light,  get 
inebriated,  break  windows,  lick  a  man 
occasionally,  and  enjoy  themselves  in  a 
variety  of  ways ;  but  the  Editor  cannot. 
He  must  stick  tenaciously  to  his  quill. 
The  press,  like  a  sick  baby,  mustn't  be 
left  alone  for  a  minute.  If  the  press  is 
left  to  run  itself  even  for  a  day,  some 
absurd  person  indignantly  orders  the 
carrier-boy  to  stop  bringing  "  that  infei'- 
nal  paper..  There's  nothing  in  it.  I 
won't  have  it  in  the  house!" 

The  elegant  Mantalini,  reduced  to 
mangletuming,  described  his  life  as  "'a 
dem'd  horrid  grind."  The  life  of  the 
Editor  is  all  of  that. 

But  there  is  a  good  time  coming,  wo 
feel  confident,  for  the  Editor.  A  time 
when  he  will  be  appreciated.  ^Vhen  ho 
will  have  a  front  seat.  When  ho  will 
have  pie  every  day,  and  wear  store 
clothes  continually.  When  the  harsh 
cry  of  "  stop  my  paper  "  will  no  more 
grate  upon  his  ears.  Courage,  ISIes- 
sieurs  the  Editors  !  Still,  sanguine  as 
we  are  of  the  coming  of  this  jolly  time, 
we  advise  the  aspirant  for  Editorial 
honors  to  pause  ere  he  takes  up  the 
quill  as  a  means  of  obtaining  his  bread 
and  butter.  Do  not,  at  least,  do  so  until ' 
you  have  been  jilted  several  dozen  times 
by  a  like  number  of  girls ;  until  you 
have  been  knocked  down  stairs  and 
soused  in  a  horse-pond ;  until  all  the 
"  gushing  "  feelings  within  you  have 
been  thoroughly  subdued ;  until,  in 
short,  your  hide  is  of  rhinoceros  thick- 
ness. Then,  0  aspirants  for  the  bubble 
reputation  at  the  press's  mouth,  throw 
yourselves  among  the  inkpots,  dust,  and 
cobwebs  of  the  printing  oflSce,  if  you  will. 

*  *  *  Good  my  lord,  will  you  see 
the  Editors  well  bestowed  ?  Do  you  hear, 
let  them  be  well  used,  for  they  are  the 
abstract  and  brief  chronicles  of  the 
time..  After  your  death  you  had  better 
have  a  bad  epitaph  than  their  ill  report 
while  you  live.- 

Hamlet,  sligldly  altered. 




We  sec  it  gravely  stated  in  a  popular 
Metropolitan  journal  that  "  true  genius 
goes  hand  in  hand,  necessarily,  with 
morality."  Tlie  statement  is  not  a 
startlingly  novel  one.  It  has  been 
made,  probably,  about  sixty  thousand 
times  before.  But  it  is  untrue  and 
foolish.  Wc  wish  genius  and  morality 
were  affectionate  companions,  but  it  is  a 
fact  that  they  are  often  bitter  enemies. 
They  don't  necessarily  coalesce  any 
more  than  oil  and  water  do.  Innumer- 
able instances  may  be  readily  produced 
in  support  of  this  proposition.  Nobody 
doubts  that  Sheridan  had  genius,  yet  he 
was  a  sad  dog.  Mr.  Byron,  the  author 
of  Childe  Harold  "  and  other  poems," 
was  a  man  of  genius,  we  think,  yet  Mr. 
Byron  was  a  fearfully  fast  man.  Edgar 
A.  Poe  wrote  magnificent  poetry  and 
majestic  prose,  but  he  was  in  private 
life  hardly  the  man  for  small  and  select 
tea  parties.  We  fancy  Sir  Richard 
Steele  was  a  man  of  genius,  but  he  got 
disreputably  drunk,  and  didn't  pay  his 
debts.  Swift  had  genius — an  immense 
lot  of  it — ^yet  Swift  was  a  cold-blooded, 
pitiless,  bad  man.  The  catalogue  might 
be  spun  out  to  any  length,  but  it  were 
useless  to  do  it.  We  don't  mean  to 
intimate  that  men  of  genius  must  neces- 

sarily be  sots  and  spendthrifts  —  we 
merely  speak  of  the  fact  that  very 
many  of  them  have  been  both,  and  in 
some  instances  much  worse  than  both. 
Still  we  can't  well  see  (though  some 
think  they  can)  how  the  pleasure  and 
instruction  people  derive  from  reading 
the  productions  of  these  great  lights  is 
diminished  because  their  morals  were 
"lavishly  loose."  They  might  have 
written  better  had  their  private  lives 
been  purer,  but  of  this  nobody  can 
determine,  for  the  pretty  good  reason 
that  nobody  knows. 

So  with  actors.  We  have  seen  people 
stay  away  from  the  theatre  because 
Mrs.  Grundy  said  the  star  of  the  even- 
ing invariably  retired  to  his  couch  in  a 
state  of  extreme  inebriety.  If  the  star 
is  afflicted  with  a  weakness  of  this  kind, 
we  may  regret  it.  We  may  pity  or 
censure  the  star.  But  we  must  still 
acknowledge  the  star's  genius,  and  ap- 
plaud it.  Hence  we  conclude  that  the 
chronic  weaknesses  of  actors  no  more 
affect  the  question  of  the  propriety  of 
patronizing  theatrical  representations, 
than  the  profligacy  of  journeymen  shoe- 
makers affects  the  question  of  the  pro- 
priety of  wearing  boots .  All  of  which  is 
respectfully  submitted. 




I  no  more 

What  a  queer  thing  is  popularity. 
Bill  Pug  Nose  of  the  "  Plug-Uglies  " 
ac([uire8  a  world-wide  reputation  by 
smashing  up  the  "champion  of  light 
weights,"  sets  up  a  Saloon  upon  it,  and 
realizes  the  first  month;  while  our 
Missionary,  who  collected  two  hundred 
blankets  last  August,  and  at  that  time 
saved  a  like  numbei-  of  little  negroes  in 
the  West  Indies  from  freezing,  has  re- 
ceived nothing  but  the  yellow  fever. 
The  Hon.  Oracular  M.  Matterson  be- 
comes able  to  withstand  any  quantity  of 
late  nights  and  bad  brandy,  is  elected 
to  Congress,  and  lobbies  through  con- 
tracts by  which  he  realizes  some 
$50,000,  while  private  individuals  lose 
$100,000  by  the  Atlantic  Cable.  Con- 
tracts are  popular — the  cable  isn't. 
Fiddlers,  Prima-Donnas,  Horse  Operas, 
learned  pigs,  and  five-legged  calves 
travel  through  the  country,  reaping 
"  golden  opinions,"  while  editors,  inven- 
tors, professors  and  humanitarians  gen- 
erally, are  starving  in  garrets.  Revivals 
of  religion,  fashions,  summer  resorts, 
and  pleasure  trips,  are  exceedingly 
popular,  while  trade,  commerce,  chloride 
of  lime,  and  all  the  concomitants 
necessary  to  render  the  inner  life  of 
denizens  of  cities  tolerable,  are  decided- 
ly NGN  EST.  Even  water,  which  was  so 
popular  and  populous  a  few  weeks 
agone,  comes  to  us  in  such  stinted 
sprinklings  that  it  has  become  popular 
to  supply  it  only  from  hydrants  in  suflS- 
cient  quantities  to  raise  one  hundred 
disgusting  smells  in  a  distance  of  two 

blocks.  Monsieur  Rcvierre,  with  nothing 
but  a  small  name  and  a  large  quantity 
of  hair,  makes  himself  exceedingly  popu- 
lar with  hotel-keepers  and  a  numerous 
progeny  of  female  Flaunts  and  Blounts, 
while  Felix  Smooth  and  Mr.  Chink, who 
persistently  set  forth  their  personal  and 
more  substantial  marital  charms  through 
the  columns  of  the  New  York  Herald, 
have  only  received  one  interview  each — 
one  from  a  man  in  female  attire,  and  the 
other  from  the  keeper  of  an  unmention- 
able house.  Popularity  is  a  queer  thing, 
very.  If  you  don't  believe  us,  try  it ! 

Dull. — It  is  a  scandalous  fact  that 
this  city  is  desperately  and  fearfully 
barren  of  incident.  No  "  dem'd, 
moist  unpleasant  bodies  "  are  fished  up 
out  of  the  river;  no  ambitious  young 
female  runs  off  with  her  "  feller  ; "  no 
stabbings,  gougings,  or  fisticuffs  occur  ; 
no  eminent  merchant  suspends  ;  no 
banker  or  railroad  man  defaults,  and 
not  even  a  dog-fight  disturbs  the  rigid 
and  corpse-like  quiet  of  the  city.  We 
want  a  murder.  We  insist  upon  having 
a  murder.  A  manslaughter  won't  do. 
It  must  be  murder,  premeditated,  foul, 
and  unnatural.  It  must  be  a  luscious 
murder,  abounding  in  soul-harrowing 
incidents.  Some  "  man  in  human 
shape"  must  chop  the  heads  of  his 
entire  family  off  with  a  meat-axe,  or 
insert  a  butcher-knife  ingeniously  under 
their  fifth  ribs.  Let  murder  be  done. 
Bring  on  your  murderers.  We  want  to 
be  Rochestered 



i   . 

An  enterprising  traveling  agent  for 
a  well-known  Cleveland  Tomb  Stone 
Manufactory  lately  made  a  business 
visit  to  a  small  town  in  an  adjoining 
county.  Hearing,  in  the  village,  that  a 
man  in  a  remote  part  of  the  township 
bad  lost  his  wife,  ho  thought  ho  would 
go  and  see  him  and  offer  him  consola- 
tion and  a  gravestone,  on  his  usual 
reasonable  terras.  He  started.  The 
road  was  a  frightful  one,  but  the  agent 
persevered,  and  finally  arrived  at  the 
bereaved  man's  house.  Bereaved  man's 
hired  girl  told  the  agent  that  the 
bereaved  man  was  splitting  fence  rails 
"  over  in  the  pastur,  about  two  milds." 
Tlie  indefatigable  agent  hitched  his 
horse  and  started  for  the  "pastur." 
After  falling  into  all  manner  of  mud- 
holes,  scratching  himself  with  briars, 
and  tumbling  over  decayed  logs,  the 
agent  at  length  found  the  bereaved  man. 

In  a  subdued  voice  he  asked  the  man 
if  he  had  lost  liis  wife.  The  man  said 
he  had.  The  agent  was  very  sorry  to 
hear  of  it,  and  sympathized  with  the 
man  very  deeply  in  his  great  affliction  ; 
but  death,  ho  said,  was  an  insatiate 
archer,  and  shot  down  all,  both  of  high 
and  low  degree.  Informed  the  man 
that  "  what  was  his  loss  was  her  gain," 
and  would  be  glad  to  sell  him  a  grave- 
stone to  mark  the  spot  where  the  beloved 
one  slept — marble  or  common  stone,  as 
he  chose,  at  prices  defying  competition. 
The  bereaved  man  said  there  was  "  a 
little  diflBculty  in  the  way."  "  Haven't 
you  lost  your  wife  ?"  inquired  the  agent. 
"  Why  yes,  I  have,"  said  the  man, 
"  but  no  grave  stun  ain't  necessary : 
you  see  the  cussed  critter  ain't  dead. 
She*s  scooted  with  another  man!" 
The  agent  retired.     , 




Everybody  knows  that  this  ia  one  of 
I\Ir.  W.  Shakespeare's  best  and  most 
attractive  plays.  The  public  k  more 
familiar  with  Othello  than  any  other 
of  "  the  great  Bard's"  efforts.  It  is 
the  most  quoted  from  by  writers  and 
orators,  Hamlet  perhaps  excepted,  and 
provincial  theatres  seem  to  take  more 
delight  in  doing  it  than  almost  any 
other  play  extant,  legitimate  or  other- 
wise. The  scene  is  laid  in  Venice. 
Othello,  a  warm-hearted,  impetuous  and 
rather  verdant  Moorish  gentleman,  con- 
siderably in  the  military  line,  falls  in 
love  and  marries  Desdemona,  daughter 
of  the  Hon.  Mr.  Brabantio,  who  repre- 
sents one  of  the  "  back  districts"  in  the 
Venetian  Senate.  The  Senator  is  quite 
vexed  at  this-^rends  his  linen  and  swears 
considerably — ^but  finally  dries  up,  re- 
questing the  Moor  to  remember  that 
Desdemona  has  deceived  her  Pa,  and 
bidding  him  to  look  out  that  she  don't 
Ukewise  come' it  over  him,  "  or  words  to 
that  effect."  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Othello  get 
along  veiy  pleasantly  for  awhile.  She 
is  sweet-tempered  and  affectionate — a 
nice,  sensible  woman,  not  at  all  inclined 
to  pantaloons,  he-female  conventions, 
pickled-beets  and  other  "  strong-minded" 
arrangements.  He  is  a  likely  man  and 
"  a  good  provider."  But  a  man  named 
lago,  who  we  believe  wants  to  get  Mr. 

0.  out  of  his  snug  government  berth 
that  he  may  go  into  it,  systematically 
and  effectually  ruins  the  Othello  house- 
hold. Had  there  been  a  Lecompton 
Constitution  up,  lago  would  have  been 
an  able  and  eloquent  advocate  of  it,  and 
would  thus  have  got  Othello's  position, 
for  the^  Moor  would  have  utterly  repu- 
diated that  pet  scheme  of  the  Devil  and 
several  other  gentlemen,  whose  names 
we  omit  out  of  regard  for  the  feelings 
of  their  parents.  Lecompton  wasn't  a 
"  test,"  however,  and  lago  took  another 
course  to  oust  Othello.  He  fell  in  with 
a  brainless  young  man  named  Roderigo 
and  won  all  of  his  money  at  euchre, 
(lago  always  played  foul.)  We  suppose 
he  did  this  to  procure  funds  to  help  him 
carry  out  his  vile  scheme.  Michael 
Cassio,  whose  first  name  '  ^uld  imply 
that  he  was  of  the  Irish  persuasion,  was 
the  unfortunate  individual  selected  by 
Mr.  I.  as  his  principal  tool.  This 
Cassio  was  a  young  officer  of  consid- 
erable promise  and  high  moral  worth. 
He  yet  unhappily  had  a  weakness  for 
drink,  and  through  this  weaknes  Mr. 

1.  determined  to  "  fetch  him."  He 
accordingly  proposed  a  drinking  bout 
with  Michael.  Michael  drank  faithfully 
every  time,  but  lago  adroitly  threw  his 
whiskey  on  the  floor.  While  Cassio  ia 
pouring  the  liquor  down  his  throat  lago 



Binfi;a  a  popular  })acchanalian  son;;,  the 
first  verso  of  which  ia  us  follows : 

Ami  lot  in«  tho  caniikin  clink,  clink, 
And  li't  mo  tho  canukiu  clink : 

A  solilifrV  (V  uiiin, 

A  lifoV  bnt  u  span, 
Why  tlion  let  n  Holilim-  drink." 

And  tho  infatuated  young  man  docs 
drink.  The  "  canakin  is  clhikcd"  until 
Michael  gets  as  tight  aa  a  l)oilcd  owl. 
Ho  has  ahout  seven  inches  of  whiskey  in 
him.  He  says  he  is  sober,  and  thinks 
he  can  walk  a  crack  wiih  distinguished 
success.  He  then  grows  religious  and 
"  hopes  to  bo  saved."  Ho  then  wants 
to  fight,  and  allows  ho  can  lick  a  yard 
full  of  tho  Venetian  fancy.  Ho  falls  in 
with  Roderigo  and  proceeds  to  smash 
him.  Montano  undertakes  to  stop  Cassio. 
when  that  intoxicated  person  stabs  him, 
lago  protends  to  be  very  sorry  to  see 
Michael  conduct  himself  in  this  improper 
manner,  and  undertakes  to  smooth  the 
thing  over  to  Othello,  who  rushes  in  with 
a  drawn  sword  and  wants  to  know  what's 
up.  lago  cunningly  gives  his  villainous 
explanation,  and  Othello  tells  Michael 
that  he  loves  him  but  he  can't  train  in 
his  regiment  any  more.  Desdemona, 
the  gentle  and  good,  sympathizes  with 
Cassio  and  intercedes  for  him  with  the 
Moor.  lago  gives  the  Moor  to  under- 
stand that  she  does  this  because  she  likes 
Michael  better  than  she  does  his  own 
dark-faced  self,  and  intimate?  that  their 
relations  (Desdemona's  and  Michael's) 
are  of  an  entirely  too  friendly  character. 

Tho  Moor  believes  tho  villain's  yarn, 
I  and  commences  making  himself  unhap{)y 
'  and  disagreeable  generally.  lago  tolls 
Othello  what  he  heard  Cassio  say  abotit 
"  sweet  Desdemona"  in  his  dreams,  but 
of  cotirse  the  story  was  a  creation  of 
lago's  fruitful  l)rain — in  short,  a  lie. 
Tlio  poor  Moor  swallows  it,  though,  and 
storms  terribly.  Ho  grabs  lago  by  tho 
throat  and  tells  him  to  give  him  tho 
ocular  proof.  lago  becomes  virtuously 
indignant  and  is  sorry  he  mentioned  the 
subject  to  the  Moor.  The  Moor  relents 
and  believes  lago.  Ho  then  tortures 
Desdemona  with  his  foul  suspicions,  and 
finally  smothers  hor  with  a  pillow  while 
she  is  in  bod.  Mrs.  lago,  who  ia  a 
woman  of  spirit,  comes  in  on  the  Moor 
just  as  ho  has  finished  tho  murder.  She 
gives  it  to  him  right  smartly,  and  shows 
him  ho  has  been  terribly  deceived.  Mr. 
lago  enters.  Mrs.  lago  pitches  into 
him  and  ho  stabs  her.  Othello  gives 
him  a  piece  of  his  mind  and  subsequently 
a  piece  of  his  sword.  lago,  with  a  sar- 
donic smile,  says  he  bleeds  but  isn't  hurt 
much.  He  then  walks  up  to  Othello, 
and  with  another  sardonic  smile,  points 
to  the  death-couch  of  poor  Desdemona. 
Ho  then  goes  off.  Othello  tells  the 
assembled  dignitaries  that  he  has  done 
tho  State  some  service  and  they  know 
it ;  asks  them  to  speak  of  him  as  he  is, 
and  do  as  fair  a  thing  as  they  can  under 
the  circumstances ;  calls  himself  a  cir- 
cumcised dog,  and  kills  himself,  which 
is  the  most  sensible  thing  he  can  do. 



There  is  sorao  fun  outaidc  the  Fair 
Ground.  Any  number  of  mountebanks 
have  pitched  their  tonts  there,  and  arc 
exhibiting  all  sorts  of  monstrosities  to 
large  and  enthusiastic  audiences.  There 
are  some  eloquent  men  among  the  show- 
men. Some  of  them  are  Demosthenic. 
Wo  looked  around  among  them  during 
the  last  day  wo  honored  the  Fair  with 
our  brilliant  presence,  and  were  rather 
pleased  at  some  things  wo  heard  and 

Tho  man  with  the  fat  woman  and  the 
little  woman  and  tho  litttlo  man  was 
there.  "  'Ero's  a  show  now,"  said  he, 
"  worth  seeing.  'Ere's  a  entertainment 
that  improves  tho  morals.  P.  T.  Bamum 
— ^you've  all  hcarn  o'  him.  What  did 
he  say  to  me  ?  Sez  he  to  me,  sez  P. 
T.  Bamum, '  Sir,  you  have  the  damdist 
best  show  travelin' ! — and  all  to  be  seen 
for  the  small  sum  of  fifteen  cents!" 

The  maji  with  the  blue  hog  was  there. 
Says  he,  "  GentleMEN,  this  beast  can't 
turn  round  in  a  crockery  grate  ten  feet 
square  and  is  of  a  bright  indigo  blue. 
Over  five  hundred  persons  have  seen 
this  wonderful  being  this  mornin',  and 
they  said  as  they  come  out,  '  What  can 
these  'ere  things  be  'f  Is  it  alive  ? 
Doth  it  breathe  and  have  a  being  ?  Ah 
yes,  they  say,  it  is  true,  and  we  have 
saw  a  entertainment  as  wo  never  saw 
afore.  'Tis  nature's  [only  fifteen  cents 
— 'ere's  your  change,  Sir]  own  sublime 
handiworks' — and  walk  right  in." 

The  man  with  the  wild  mare  was 

there.  "  Now,  then,  u\y  friends,  is  your 
time  to  see  tho  gorratist  qucoriosity  in 
tho  livin'  world — a  wild  mare  without 
no  hair — captercd  on  tho  roarin'  wild 
prahayrics  of  the  far  distant  West  by 
sixteen  Injuns.  Don't  fail  to  sec  this 
gcrratc  exhibition.  Only  fifteen  cents. 
Don't  go  hum  without  scein'  the  State 
Fair,  an'  you  >von't  sec  tho  State  Fair 
without  you  sec  my  show.  Gcrratist 
exhibition  in  the  known  world,  an'  all 
for  the  small  sum  of  fifteen  cents." 
Two  gentlemen  conncctec^  with  tlic  press 
here  walked  up  and  Jiskrd  the  showman, 
in  a  still  small  voice,  if  ho  extended  the 
usual  courtesies  to  editors.  He  said  he 
did,  and  requested  them  to  go  in.  Wliilo 
they  were  in  some  sly  dog  told  him  their 
names.  When  they  came  out  tho  show- 
man pretended  to  talk  with  thciji,  though 
he  didn't  say  a  word.  Tliey  were  evi- 
dently in  a  hurry.  "  There,  gentlcMEN, 
what  do  y^u  think  them  gentlemen  say  ? 
They  air  editors — editors,  gentlcMEN — 

Mr. of  the  Cleveland ,  and 

Mr. of  the  Detroit  ,  and 

they  say  it  is  tho  gerratist  show  they 
ever  seed  in  theirborn  days !"  [Nothing 
but  tho  tip  ends  of  the  editors'  coat-tails 
could  bo  seen  when  the  showman  con- 
cluded this  speech.] 

A  smart-looking  chap  was  doing  a 
brisk  business  with  a  gambling  contriv- 
ance. Seeing  two  policemen  approach, 
ha  rapidly  and  ingeniously  covered  the 
dico  up,  mounted  his  table,  and  shouted : 
"  'Ere's  the  only  great  show  on  the 



grounds  !  The  highly  trained  and  per- 
forming Mud  Turtle  with  nine  heads  and 
seventeen  tails,  captured  in  a  -well-forti- 
fied hencoop,  after  a  desperate  struggle, 
in  the  lowlands  of  the  Wabash  ! ! "  The 
facetious  wretch  esc:.ped. 

A  grave,  ministerial-looking  and 
cldery  man  in  a  white  choker  had  a 
gift-enterprise  concern.  "  My  friends,'' 
he  solemnly  said,  "  you  will  observe  that 
this  jewelry  is  elegant  indeed,  but  I 
can  afford  to  give  it  away,  as  I  have  a 
twin  brother  seven  years  older  than  I 
am,  in  New  York  City,  who  steals  it  a 
great  deal  faster  than  I  can  give  it  away. 
No  blanks,  my  friends — all  prizes — and 
only  fifty  cents  a  chance.  I  don't  make 
anything  myself,  my  friends — all  I  get 
goes  to  aid  a  sick  woman — ni_y  uunt  in  the 
country,  gentlemen — and  besides  I  like 
to  see  folks  enjoy  themselves !"  The 
old  scamp  said  all  this  with  a  perfectly 
grave  countenance. 

The  man  with  the  "  wonderful  calf 
with  five  legs  and  a  burning  head,"  and 
"  the  philosophical  lung-tester,"  were 
there.  Then  there  was  the  Flying 
Circus  and  any  number  of  other  in- 
genious contrivances  to  relieve  young 
ladies  and  gentlemen  from  the  rural 
districts  of  their  spare  change. 

A  young  man  was  bitterly  bewailing 
the  loss  of  his  watch,  which  had  been 
cut  from  his  pocket  by  some  thief. 
"  You  ain't  smart,"  said  a  middle-aged 
individual  in  a  dingy  Kossuth  hat  with 
a  feather  in  it,  and  who  had  a  very 
you-can't-fool-me  look.  "  Iv'e  been  to 
the  State  Fair  before,  I  want  yer  to 
understan',  and  know  my  bizniss  aboard 
a  propellar.  Here's  my  money,"  he 
exultingly  cried,  slapping  his  pantaloon's 
pocket.    About  half  an  hour  after  this 

we  saw  this  smart  individual  rushing 
frantically  around  after  a  policeman. 
Somebody  '^ad  adroitly  relieved  him  of 
HIS  money.  In  his  search  for  a  police- 
man he  encountered  the  young  man 
who  wasn't  smart.  "Haw,  haw,  haw," 
violently  laughed  the  latter,  "  by  G — , 
I  thought  you  was  smart — I  thought 
you  had  been  to  the  State  Fair  before." 
The  smart  man  looked  sad  for  a  moment, 
but  ft  knowing  smile  soon  crossed  his 
face,  and  drawing  the  young  man  who 
wasn't  smart  confidentially  towards  him, 
said :  "  There  wasn't  only  fifty  cents 
in  coppers  in  my  pocket — my  money  is 
in  my  boot — they  can't  fool  me — I've 


He  Declined  "  Biling.  "  —  The 
students  of  the  Conneaut  Academy 
gave  a  theatrical  entertainment  a  few 
winters  ago.  They  "  executed"  Julius 
Csesar.  Everything  went  off  satisfac- 
torily until  Caesar  was  killed  in  the 
market-place.  The  stage  accommoda- 
tions were  limited,  and  Caesar  fell  nearly 
under  the  stove  in  which  there  was  a 
roaring  fire.     And  when  Brutus  said — 

"  People  and  Senators ! — bo  not  affrighted ; 
Fly  not  i  stand  still— ambition's  debt  is  paid  I" 

he  was  amazed  to  see  Caesar  rise  upon 
his  feet  and  nervously  examine  his 
scorched  garments.  "  Lay  down,  you 
fool,"  shouted  Brutus,  wildly,  "  do  you 
want  to  break  up  the  whole  thing?" 
"  No,"  returned  Caesar,  in  an  excited 
manner,  "  I  don't :  I  want  to  act  out 
Gineral  Caesar  in  good  style,  but  I  ain't 
goin'  to  bile  under  that  cussed  old  stove 
for  nobody !"  This  stopped  the  play, 
and  the  students  abandoned  theatricals 



Theuw  is  a  plain  little  mcctin^-house 
on  Barnwell  street  in  which  the  colored 
people — or  a  goodly  portion  of  them — 
worship  on  Sundays.  The  seats  are 
cushionless  and  have  perpendicular 
backs.  The  pulpit  is  plain  white — 
trimmed  with  red,  it  is  true,  but  still 
a  very  unostentatious  affair  for  colored 
people,  who  are  supposed  to  have  a 
decided  weakness  for  gay  hues.  Should 
you  escort  a  lady  to  this  church  and 
seat  yourself  beside  her,  you  will  in- 
fallibly be  touched  on  the  shoulder,  and 
poUtely  requested  to  move  to  the  "gentle- 
men's side."  Gentlemen  and. ladies  are 
not  allowed  to  sit  together  in  this  church. 
They  arc  parted  remorselessly.  It  is 
hard — we  may  say  it  is  terrible — to  be 
torn  asunder  in  this  way,  but  you  have 
to  submit,  and  of  course  you  had  better 
do  so  gracefully  and  pleasantly. 

Meeting  opens  with  an  old  fashioned 
liymn,  Avhich  is  very  well  sung  indeed, 
by  the  congregation.  Then  the  minister 
reads  a  hymn,  which  is  simg  by  the 
choir  on  the  front  seats  near  the  pulpit. 
Then  the  minister  prays.  He  hopes  no 
one  has  been  attracted  there  by  idle 
curiosity — to  see  or  bo  seen — and  you 
naturally  conclude  that  he  is  gently 
hitting  you.  ■  Another  hymn  follows  the 
[n-ayer,  and  then  wo  have  the  discourse, 
wliich  certainly  has  the  merit  of  pecu- 
liarity and  boldness.  The  minister's 
name  is  Jones.   Ho  don't  mince  matters 

at  all.  He  talks  about  the  "  flames  of 
hell"  with  a  confident  fierceness  that 
must  be  quite  refreshing  to  sinners. 
"  There's  no  half-way  about  this,"  says 
he,  "  no  by-paths.  There  arc  in  Cleve- 
land lots  of  men  who  go  to  church 
regularly,  who  behave  well  in  meeting, 
and  who  pay  their  bills.  They  ain't 
Christians,  though.  They're  gentlemen 
sinners.  And  whar  d'ye  spose  they'll 
fetch  up?  I'll  tell  ye— they'll  fetch 
tip  in  hell,  and  they'll  come  up  stand- 
ing, too — there's  where  they'll  fetch 
up  !  Who's  my  backer  ?  Have  I  got 
a  backer  ?  Whar's  my  backer  ?  This 
is  my  backer  (striking  the  Bible  before 
him) — the  Bible  will  back  me  to  any 
amount !"  To  still  further  convince 
his  hearers  that  he  was  in  earnest,  he 
exclaimed,  "  That's  me — that's  Jones  !" 

He  alluded  to  Eve  in  terms  of  bitter 
censure.  It  was  natural  that  Adam 
should  have  been  mad  at  her.  "I 
shouldn't  want  a  woman  that  wouldn't 
mind  me,  myself,"  said  the  speaker. 

He  directed  his  attention  to  dancing, 
declaring  it  to  be  a  great  sin.  "  Whar 
there's  dancing  there's  fiddling — whar 
there's  fiddling  there's  unrighteousness, 
and  imrighteousness  is  wickedness,  and 
wickedness  is  sin  !  That's  me — that's 

Bosom,  the  speaker  invariably  called 
"  buzzim,"  and  devil,  "  debil,"  with  a 
fearfully  strong  accent  on  the  "  il." 

;i      13 



fi  i 

Mr.  Davenport,  who  has  been  for 
some  time  closely  identified  with  the 
modern  spiritual  movement,  is  in  the 
City  with  his  daughter,  who  is  quite 
celebrated  as  a  medium.  They  are 
accompanied  by  Mr.  Eighme  and  his 
daughter,  and  are  holding  circles  in 
Hoffmjji's  Block  every  afternoon  and 
evening.  We  were  present  at  the 
circle  last  evening.  Miss  Davenport 
seated  herself  at  a  table  on  which  was 
a  tin  trumpet,  a  tamborine,  and  a  guitar. 
The  audience  were  seated  around  the 
room.  The  hghts  were  blown  out,  and 
the  spirit  of  an  eccentric  individual, 
well  known  to  the  Davenports,  and 
whom  they  call  George,  addressed  the 
audience  through  the  trumpet.  He 
called  several  of  those  present  by 
name  in  a  boisterous  voice,  and  dealt 
several  stunning  knocks  on  the  table. 
George  has  been  in  the  spirit  world 
some  two  hundred  years,  lie  is  a 
rather  rough  spirit,  and  probably  run 
with  the  machine  and  "  killed  for 
Kyscr"  when  in  the  flesh.  lie  ordered 
the  seats  in  the  room  to  be  wheeled 
round  so  the  audience  would  face  the 
table.  He  said  the  people  on  the  front 
seat  must  be  tied  with  a  rope.  The 
order  was  misunderstood,  the  rope  being 
merely  dra^vn  before  those  on  the  front 
seat.  He  reprimanded  Mr.  Davenport 
for  not  understanding  the  instructions. 
What  he  ment  was  that  the  rope  should 

be  pasded  once  around  each  person  on 
the  front  seat  and  then  tightly  drawn, 
a  man  at  each  end  of  the  seat  to  hold 
on  to  it.     This  was  done  and  George 
expressed  himself  satisfied.     There  was 
no  one  near  the  table  save  the  medium. 
All  the  rest  were  beliind  the  rope,  and 
those  on  the  front  seat  were  particularly 
charged   not  to  let  any  one  pass  by 
them.     George  said  he  felt  first-rate, 
and    commenced    kissing    the    ladies 
present.      The    smack   could   be    dis- 
tinctly heard,  and  some  of  the  ladies 
said   the   sensation   was  very  natural. 
For  the  first  time  in  our  eventful  life 
we  sighed  to  be  a  spirit.     We  envied 
George.  We  did  not  understand  whether 
the  kissing  was  done  through  a  trumpet. 
After  kissing  considerably,  and  indulg- 
ing in  some   playful  remarks  with   a 
man  whose  Christian  name  was  Napo- 
leon   Bonaparte,    and    whom    George 
called  "  Boney,"   ho   tied  the   hands 
and  feet  of  the  medium.    He  played 
the  guitar  and  jingled  the  tamborine, 
and  then  dashed  them  violently  on  the 
floor.    Tlie  candles  were  lit  and  Miss 
Davenport    was    securely    tied.     She 
could  not  move  her  hands.    Her  feet 
were  bound,  and  the  rope  (which  was 
a  long  one)  was  fastened  tQ  the  chair.  No 
person  in  the  room  had  been  near  her 
or  had  anythmg  to  do  with  tieing  her. 
Every  person  who  was  m  the  room  will 
take  his  or  her  oath  of  that.     She  could 



hardly  have  tied  herself.  We  never 
saw  such  intricate  and  thorough  tieing 
in  our  life.  The  believers  present  were 
convinced  that  George  did  it.  The  un- 
believers didn't  exactly  know  what  to 
think  about  it.  The  candles  were  ex- 
tinguished again,  and  pretty  soon  Miss 
Davenport  told  George  to  "  don't. " 
She  spoke  in  an  affrighted  tone.  The 
candles  were  lit,  and  she  was  discovered 
sitting  on  the  table — ^hands  and  feet  tied 
as  before,  and  herself  tied  to  the  chair 
withal.  The  lights  were  again  blown 
out,  there  were  sounds  as  if  some  one 
was  lifting  her  from  the  table  ;  the 
candles  were  re-lit,  and  she  was  seen 
sitting  in  the  chair  on  the  floor  again. 

No  one  had  been  near  her  from  the 
audience.  Again  the  lights  were  ex- 
tinguished, and  presently  the  medium 
said  her  feet  were  wet.  It  appeared 
that  the  mischievous  spirit  of  one  Biddie, 
an  Irish  Miss  who  died  when  twelve 
years  old,  had  kicked  over  the  water- 
pail.  Miss  Eighme  took  a  seat  at  the 
table,  and  the  same  mischievous  Biddie 
scissored  off  a  liberal  lock  of  her  hair. 
There  was  the  hair,  and  it  had  indis- 
putably just  ,been  taken  from  Miss 
Eighme's  head,  and  her  hands  and  feet, 
like  those  of  Miss  D.,  were  securely  tied. 
Other  thinffs  of  a  stasgerinif  character 

to  the  skeptic  were  done 





■  )•  t 





The  reader  lias  probably  met  Mr. 
Blowhard.  lie  is  usually  round.  You 
find  him  in  all  public  places.  Ho  is 
particularly  "  numerous "  at  shows. 
Knows  all  the  actors  intimately.  Went 
to  school  with  some  of  'em.  Knows 
how  much  thoy  get  a  month  to  a  cent, 
and  how  much  liquor  they  can  hold  to 
a  teaspoonful.  He  knows  Ned  Forrest 
like  a  book.  Has  taken  sundry  drinks 
with  Ned.  Ned  likes  him  much.  Is 
well  acquainted  with  a  certain  actress. 
Could  have  married  her  just  as  easy  as 
not  if  he  wanted  to.  Didn't  like  her 
"  style,"  and  so  concluded  not  to  marry 
her.  Knows  Dan  Rice  well.  Knows 
all  of  his  men  and  horses.  Is  on  terms 
of  affectionate  intimacy  with  Dan's  rhi- 
noceros, and  is  tolerably  well  acquainted 
with  the  performing  elephant.  We  en- 
countered Mr.  Blowhard  at  the  circus 
yesterday.  He  was  entertaining  those 
near  him  with  a  full  account  of  the 
whole  institution,  men,  boys,  horses, 
"muils"  and  all.  He  said  the  rhino- 
ceros was  perfectly  harmless,  as  his  teeth 
had  all  been  taken  out  in  infancy.  Be- 
sides, the  rhinoceros  was  under  the  in- 
fluence of  opium,  while  he  was  in  the 
ring,  which  entirely  prevented  his  iiyur- 

ing  anybody.  No  danger  whatever.  In 
due  course  of  time  the  amiable  beast 
was  led  into  the  ring.  When  the  cord 
was  taken  from  his  nose,  he  turned  sud- 
denly and  manifested  a  slight  desire  to 
run  violently  in  among  some  boys  who 
were  seated  near  the  musicians.  The 
keeper,  with  the  assistance  of  one  of  the 
Bedouin  Arabs,  soon  induced  him  to 
change  his  mind,  and  got  him  in  the 
middle  of  the  ring.  The  pleasant  quad- 
ruped had  no  sooner  arrived  here  than 
he  hastily  started,  with  a  melodious 
bellow,  towards  the  seats  on  one  of 
which  sat  Mr.  Blowhai-d.  Each  particu- 
lar hair  on  Mr.  Blowhard's  head  stood 
up  "  like  squills  upon  the  speckled 
porkupine"  (Shakspearc  or  Artcmus 
Ward,  wo  forget  which),  and  he  fell 
Avith  a  small  shriek,  down  through  the 
seats  to  the  ground.  He  remained 
there  until  the  agitated  rhinoceros  ))o- 
came  calm,  when  he  craAvled  slowly  back 
to  his  seat.  "  Keep  mum,"  ho  said,  with 
a  very  wise  shake  of  the  head,  "  I  only 
wanted  to  have  some  fun  with  them  follcs 
above  us.  I  swar,  I'll  bet  the  whisky 
they  thought  I  was  scared !"  Great 
character,  that  Blowhai-d. 


Artomus  Ward  visits  tho  Tomb  of  Shakspearo  and  makes  a  slight 
.,,-,  mistake. — See jnigo  IS.        , 



Hurrah !  this  is  market  day, 

Up,  lads,  and  gaily  away  !— Old  Comedy. 

On  market  mornings  there  is  a  roar 
and  a  crash  all  about  the  comer  of 
Kmsman  and  Pittsburgh  streets.  Tho 
market  building,  so  called  we  presume 

because  it  don't  in  the  least  resemble  a 
market  buildmg,  is  crowded  with  beef 
and  butchers,  and  almost  countless  meat 
and  vegetable  wagons  of  all  sorts,  are 
confusedly  huddled  together  all  around 
outside.     These  wagon's   mostly  come 



from  a  few  miles  out  of  town,  and  arc 
always  on  the  spot  at  daybreak.  A 
little  after  sunrise  the  crash  and  jam 
commences,  and  continues  with  little 
cessation  until  10  o'clock  in  the  fore- 
noon. There  is  a  babel  of  tongues,  an 
excessively  cosmopolitan  gathering  of 
people,  a  roar  of  wheels,  and  a  lively 
smell  of  beef  and  vegetables.  The  soap 
man,  the  head-ache  curative  man,  the 
razor  man,  and  a  variety  of  other  toler- 
able humbugs  are  in  full  blast.  We 
meet  married  men  with  baskets  in  their 
hands.  Those  who  have  been  fortunate 
in  their  selections  look  happy,  while  some 
who  have  been  unlucky  wear  a  dejected 
air,  for  they  are  probably  destined  to 
get  pieces  of  their  wives'  minds  on 
their  arrival  home.  It  is  true,  that  all 
married  men  have  their  own  way,  but 
the  trouble  is  they  don't  all  have  their 
own  way  of  having  it !  We  meet  a 
newly  married  man.  He  has  recently 
set  up  house-keeping.  He  is  out  to  buy 
steak  for  breakfast.  There  are  only 
himself  and  wife  and  female  domestic 
in  the  family.  He  shows  us  his  basket, 
which  contahis  steak  enough  for  at  least 
ten  able-bodied  men.  We  tell  him  so, 
but  he  says  we  don't  know  anything 
about  war,  and  passes  on.  Here  comes 
a  lady  of  high  degree,  who  has  no  end 
of  servants  to  send  to  the  market,  but 
she  likes  to  come  herself,  and  it  won't 
prevent  her  shming  and  sparkling  in 
her  elegant  drawing-room  this  afternoon. 
And  she  is  accumulating  muscle  and 
freshness  of  face  by  these  walks  to 

And  here  h  a  charming  picture. 
'Standing  besside  a  vegetable  cart  is  a 
maiden  beautiful,  and  sweeter  far  than 
any  daisy  in  the  fields.  Eyes  of  purest 
blue,  lips  of  cherry  red,  teeth  like  pearls, 
silken,  golden  hair,  and  form  of  exquisite 
mould.  We  wonder  if  she  is  a  fairy,  but 
instantly  conclude  that  she  is  not,  for  in 
measuring  out  a  peck  of  onions  she  spills 
S3me  of  them,  a  small  boy  laughs  at  the 
mishap,  and  she  indignantly  shies  the 
measure  at  his  head.  Fairies,  you  know , 
don't  throw  peck-measures  at  small  boys' 
heads.  The  spell  was  broken.  The 
golden  chain  which  for  a  moment  bound 
us  fell  to  pieces.  We  meet  an  eccentric 
individual  in  corduroy  pantaloons  and 
pepper-and-salt  coat,  who  wants  to  know 
if  we  didn't  sail  out  of  Nantucket  in  1852 
in  the  \/haling  brig  Jasper  Green.  Wo 
are  compelled  to  confess  that  the  only 
nautical  experience  we  ever  had  was  to 
once  temporarily  command  a  canal  boat 
on  the  dark-rolling  Wabash,  while  the 
captain  went  ashore  to  cave  in  the  head 
of  a  miscreant  who  had  winked  lascivi- 
ously at  the  sylph  who  superintended 
the  culinary  department  on  board  that 
gallant  craft.  The  eccentric  individual 
smiles  in  a  ghastly  manner,  says  perhaps 
we  won't  lend  him  a  dollar  till  to-morrow ; 
to  which  we  courteously  reply  that  we 
certainly/  won't,  and  he  glides  away. 

We  return  to  our  hotel,  remvigorated 
with  the  early,  healthful  jaunt,  and  be- 
stow an  imaginary  purse  of  gold  upon 
our  African  Brother,  who  brings  us  a 
hot  and  excellent  breakfast. 



Two  female  fortune-tellers  recently 
came  hither,  and  spread  "small  bills" 
throughout  the  city.  Being  slightly 
anxious,  in  common  with  a  wide  circle 
of  relatives  and  friends,  to  know  where 
we  were  going  to  and  what  was  to  be- 
come of  us,  we  visited  both  of  these 
eminently  respectable  witches  yesterday 
and  had  our  fortune  told  "  twict." 
Physicians  sometimes  disagree,  lawyers 
invariably  do,  editors  occasionally  fall 
out,  and  we  are  pained  to  say  that  even 
witches  unfold  different  tales  to  one  in- 
dividual. In  describing  our  interviews 
with  these  singularly  gifted  female 
women,  who  are  actually  and  positive- 
ly here  in  this  city,  we  must  speak 
considerably  of  "  we" — not  because  we 
flatter  ourselves  that  we  are  more  in- 
teresting than  people  in  general,  but 
because  in  the  present  case  it  is  really 
necessary.  In  the  language  of  Hamlet's 
Pa,  "  List,  0  list !" 

We  went  to  see  "  Madame  B."  first. 
She  has  rooms  at  the  Burnett  House. 
The  following  is  a  copy  of  her  bill : 


The  celebrated  Spanish  Astrologist, 
Clairvoyant  and  female  Doctress,  would 
respectfully  announce  to  the  citizens 
that  she  has  just  arrived  in  this  city, 
and  designs  remaming  for  a  few  days 
only.  The  Madame  can  be  consulted 
on  all  matters  pertaining  to  life,  either 

past,  present,  or  future,  tracing  the  line 
of  life  from  Infancy  to  Old  Age,  par- 
ticularizing each  event,  in  regard  to 
Business,  Love,  Marriage,  Courtship, 
Losses,  Law  Matters,  and  Sickness  of 
Relatives  and  Friends  at  a  distance. 

The  Madame  Avill  also  show  her  visitors 
a  life-hko  representation  of  their  Future 
Husbands  and  Wives. 

Lucky  Numbers  in  Lotteries  can  also 
be  selected  by  her,  and  hundreds  who 
have  consulted  her  have  drawn  capital 
prizes.  The  Madame  will  furnish  medi- 
cine for  all  diseases,  for  grown  persons, 
male  or  female,  and  children. 

Persons  wishing  to  consult  her  con- 
cerning this  mysterious  art  and  human 
destiny,  particularly  with  reference  to 
their  own  individual  bearing  in  relation 
to  a  supposed  Providence,  can  be  ac- 
commodated by  calling  at  Boom  No.  23, . 
Burnett  House,  corner  of  Prospect  and 
Ontario  streets,  Cleveland. 

The  Madame  haa  traveled  extensively 
for  the  last  few  years,  both  in  the  United 
States  and  the  West  Indies,  and  the 
success  which  hrs  attended  her  in  all 
places  has  won  for  her  the  reputation  of 
being  the  most  wonderful  Astrologist  of 
the  present  age. 

The  Madame  has  a  superior  faculty 
for  this  business,  having  been  bom  with 
a  Caul  on  her  Face,  by  virtue  of  which 
she  can  more  accurately  read  the  past, 
present  and  future ;  also  enabling  her 



to  cure  many  diseases  without  using 
(\v\vis  or  medicines.  The  Madame  ad- 
vertises nothing  but  what  she  can  do. 
Call  on  her  if  you  would  consult  the 
greatest  Foreteller  of  events  now  living. 
Hours  of  Consultation,  from  8  A.M. 
to  9  o'clock  P.M. 

Wo  urbanely  informed  the  lady  with 
the  "  Caul  on  her  Face"  that  we  had 
called  to  have  our  fortune  told,  and  she 
said  "hand  out  your  money."  This 
preliminary  being  settled,  Madame  B. 
(who  is  a  tall,  sharp-eyed,  dark-featured 
and  angular  woman,  dressed  in  painfully 
positive  colors,  and  heavily  loaded  with 
gold  chain  and  mammoth  jewelry  of 
various  kinds)  and  Jupiter  indicated 
powerful  that  we  were  a  slim  constitu- 
tion, which  came  down  on  to  us  on  our 
father's  side.  Wherein  our  constitution 
was  not  slim,  so  it  came  down  on  to  us 
from  our  mother's  side.  "Is  this  so  ?" 
and  we  said  it  was.  "  Yes,"  continued 
the  witch,  "  I  know'd  t'was.  You  can't 
deceive  Jupiter,  me,  nor  any  other 
planick.  You  may  swim  over  Hell's- 
Pomt  same  as  Leander  did,  but  you 
can't  deceive  the  planicks.  Give  me 
yer  hand !  Times  ain't  so  easy  as  they 
has  been.  So — so — ^but  'tis  temp'ry. 
T'wont  last  long.  Times  will  be  easy 
soon.  You  may  be  tramped  on  to  onct 
or  twict,  but  you'll  rekiver.  You  have 
talenk,  me  child.  You  kin  make  a  Con- 
gresser  if  sich  you  likes  to  be.  [We 
said  we  would  be  excused  if  it  was  all, 
the  same  to  her.]  You  kin  be  a  lawyer. 
[We  thanked  her,  but  said  we  would 
rather  retain  our  present  good  moral 
character.]  You  kin  be  a  soldier.  You 
have  courage  enough  to  go  to  the 
Hostriau  wars   and  kill  the  French. 

[We  informed  her  that  wo  had  already 
murdered  some  "  EngUsh."]  You  won't 
have  much  money  till  you're  thirty-threo 
years  of  old.  Then  you  will  have  large 
sums — forty  thousand  dollars  perhaps. 
Look  out  for  it !  [Wo  promised  we 
would.]  You  have  traveled  some,  and 
you  will  travel  more,  which  will  make 
your  travels  more  extcnsiver  than  they 
has  been.  You  will  go  to  Califomy  by 
way  of  Pike's  Pick.  [Same  route  taken 
by  Horace  Greeley.]  If  nothin'  happens 
on  to  you  you  won't  meet  with  no  acci- 
dents and  will  get  through  pleasant, 
which  you  otherwise  will  not  do  under 
all  circumstances  however  which  doth 
happens  to  all  both  great  and  small 
likewise  to  the  rich  as  also  the  poor. 
Hearken  to  me  !  There  has  been  deaths 
in  your  family,  and  there  will  be  more  ! 
But  Reserve  your  constitution  and  you 
will  live  to  be  seventy  years  of  old. 
Me  child,  her  hair  will  be  black — black 
as  the  Ra/ing's  wing.  Likewise  black 
will  also  be  her  eyes,  and  she'll  be  as 
different  from  which  you  air  as  night 
and  day.  Look  out  for  the  darkish  man ! 
He's  yer  rival !  Beware  of  the  darkish 
man !  [We  promised  that  we'd  intro- 
duce a  funeral  into  the  "  darkish  man's" 
family  the  moment  we  encountered  him !] 
Me  child,  there's  more  sunshine  than 
clouds  for  ye,  and  send  all  your  friends 
up  here. 

A  word  before  you  goes.  Expose  not 
yourself.  Your  eyes  is  sailer  which  is 
on  accounts  of  bile  on  your  systim. 
Some  don't  have  bile  on  to  their  systims 
which  their  eyes  is  not  sailer.  This  bile 
ascends  down  on  to  you  from  many 
generations  which  is  in  their  graves  and 
peace  to  their  ashes. 




Wc     then     proceeded     directly    to 
•  Madame  Crompton,  the  otlier  forcunc- 

Below  is  her  bill : 


The  world-renowned  Fortune  Teller  and 
Astrologist.  Madame  Crompton  begs 
leave  to  inform  the  citizens  of  Cleveland 
and  vicinity,  that  she  has  taken  rooms 
at  the  Farmers'  St.  Clair  House,  corner 
of  St.  Clair  and  Water  Streets,  where 
she  may  be  consulted  on  all  matters 
pertaining  to  Past  and  Future  Events. 
Also,  giving  information  of  Absent 
Friends,  whether  liv-ing  or  dead. 

P.S. — Persons  having  lost  or  having 
property  stolen  of  any  kind,  will  do  Avell 
to  give  her  a  call,  as  she  will  describe  the 
person  or  persons  with  such  accuracy 
as  will  astonish  the  most  devout  critic. 

Terms  Reasonable. 

She  has  rooms  at  the  Farmci*s'  Hotel, 
as  stated  in  the  bill  above.  She  was 
driving  an  extensive  business,  and  we 
were  forced  to  wait  half  an  hour  or  so 
for  a  chance  to  see  her.  Madame 
Crompton  is  of  the  English  persuasion, 
and  has  evidently  searched  many  long 
years  in  vain  for  her  H.  She  is  small 
in  stature,  but  considerably  inclined  to 
corpulency,  and  her  red  round  face  is 
continually  wreathed  in  smiles,  remind- 
ing one  of  a  new  tin  pan  basking  in  the 
noonday  sun.     She  took  a  greasy  pack 

of  common  playing-cards,  and  requested 

us  to  "  cut  them  in  three,"  which  wo 

did.     She  spread  them  out  before  her 

on  the   table,  and  said :   "  Sir  to  you 

which  I  speaks.     You  'av  been  terrible 

crossed  in  love,  and  your  'art  'as  been 

much  panged.     But  you'll  get  all  over 

it  and  marry  a  light  complected  gale 

with  rayther  reddish  'air.     Before  some 

time  you'll  have  a  leggercy  fall  down  on 

to  you,  mostly  •  in  solick  Jold.     There 

may  be  a  lawsuit  about  it  and  you  may 

be  sui>prisoned  as  a  witnesses,  but  you'll 

git  it — mostly  in  solick  Jold,  which  you 

Avill  keep  in  chista,  and  you  must  look  out 

for  them.     [We  said  we  would  keep  a 

skinned  optic  on  "  them  chists."]     You 

'as  a  enemy  and  he's  a  lightish  man. 

He  wants  to  defraud  you  out  of  your 

'onesty.     He  is  tellink  lies  about  you 

now  in  the  'opes  of  crushin'  yourself- 

[A  weak  invention  of"  the  opposition."] 

You  never  did  nothin'  bad.     Your  'art 

is  right.     You  'ave  a  great  taste  for 

bosses  and    Uke    to    stay    with    'em. 

Mister  to  you  I  sez  !     Gard  aginst  the 

lightish  man  and  all  will  be  well."    The 

supernatural  being  then  took  an  oval- 

shaped  chunk  of  glass  (which  she  called 

a  stone)  and  requested  us  to  "  hang  on 

to  it."     She  looked  into  it  and  said : 

"  If  you're  not  keerful  when  you  get 

your  money  you'll  lose  it,  but  which 

otherwise  you  will  not,  and  fifty  cents  is 

as  cheap  as  I  kin  afford  to  tell  anybody's 

fortune  and  no  great  shakes  made  tl^en 

as  the  Lord  in  Heving  knows." 

!'  '  1 



It ' 

15  ■! 

Iv  ■: '  ■ 

On  last  Friday  morning  an  athletic 
jroung  farmer  in  the  town  of  Waynes- 
burg  took  a  Itvir  girl,  "all  bathed  in 
olushes,"  from  her  parents,  and  started 
For  the  first  town  across  the  Pennsyl- 
vania lino  to  be  married,  where  the 
ceremony  could  be  performed  without  a 
license.  Tlie  happy  pair  were  accom- 
panied by  a  sister  of  the  girl — a  tall, 
gaunt,  and  sharp-featured  female  of 
some  thirty-seven  summers.  The  pair 
crossed  the  lino,  were  married,  and 
returned  to  WellsvUlo  to  pass  the  night. 
People  at  the  hotel  where  the  wedding 
party  stopped  observed  that  they  con- 
ducted themselves  in  a  rather  singular 
manner.  The  husband  would  take  his 
sister-in-law,  the  tall  female  aforesaid, 
into  one  corner  of  the  parlor  and  talk 
earnestly  to  her,  gesticulating  wildly  the 
while.  Tlien  the  tall  female  would 
"  put  her  foot  down"  and  talk  to  him 
in  an  angry  and  excited  manner.  Then 
the  husband  would  take  his  fair  young 
bride  into  a  corner,  but  he  could  no 
sooner  commence  talking  to  her  than 
the  gaunt  sister  would  rush  in  between 
them  and  angrily  join  in  the  conversa- 
tion. The  people  at  the  hotel  ascer- 
tamed  what  all  this  meant  about  9 
o'clock  that  evening.  There  was  an 
uproar  in  the  room  which  had  been 
assigned  to  the  newly-married  couple. 
Female  shrieks  and  masculine  "  swears" 
startled  the  people  at  the  hotel,  and  they 
rushed  to  the  spot.  The  gaunt  female 
was  pressing  and  kicking  against  the 
door  of  the  room,  and  the  newly-married 

man,  mostly  undressed,  was  barring  her 
out  with  all  his  might.  Occasionally 
she  would  kick  the  door  far  enough 
open  to  disclose  the  stalwart  husband, 
in  his  Gentleman  Greek  Slave  apparel. 
It  appeared  that  the  tall  female  insisted 
upon  occupying  the  same  room  with  the 
newly-wedded  pair  ;  that  her  sister  was 
favorably  disposed  to  the  arrangement, 
and  that  the  husband  had  agreed  to  it 
before  the  wedding  took  place,  and  was 
now  indignantly  repudiating  the  con- 
tract. "  Won't  you  go  away  now, 
Susan,  peaceful  ?"  said  the  newly-mar- 
ried man,  softening  his  voice. 

"  No," said  she  "  I  won't— so  there!" 

"  Don't  you  budge  an  inch!"  cried 
the  married  sister  within  the  room. 

"  Now — now,  Maria,"  said  the  young 
man  to  his  wife,  in  a  piteous  tone, 
"  don't  go  for  to  cuttin'  up  in  this  way ; 
now  don't ! " 

"  I'll  cut  up  's  much  I  wanter ! "  she 
sharply  replied. 

"  Well,"  roared  the  desperate  man, 
throwing  the  door  wide  open  and  stalk- 
ing out  among  the  crowd,  "  well,  jest 
you  two  wimin  put  on  your  duds  and  go 
right  straight  home  and  bring  back  the 
old  man  and  woman,  and  your  grand- 
father, who  is  nigh  on  to  a  hundred; 
bring  'em  all  here,  and  Fll  marry  tlie 
whole  d — d  caboodle  of  ^cnif  and  we'll 
all  sleep  together/  " 

The  difficulty  was  finally  adjusted  by 
the  tall  female  taking  a  room  alone. 
Wellsville  is  enjoying  itself  over  the 
"  sensation." 





Dear  Plain  Dealer, — I  am  a  plain 
man,  and  thoro  is  a  melancholy  fitness 
in  my  unbosoming  my  sufferings  to  the 
"  Plain  "  Dealer.  Plain  as  you  may  bo 
in  your  dealings,  however,  I  am  con- 
yinced  you  never  before  had  to  deal 
with  a  correspondent  so  hopelessly 
plain  as  I.  Yet  plain  don' t  half  express 
my  looks.  Indeed  I  doubt  very  much 
whether  any  word  in  the  English  lan- 
guage could  be  found  to  convey  an 
adequate  idea  of  my  absolute  and  utter 
homeliness.  The  dates  in  the  old 
family  Bible  show  that  I  am  in  the  de- 
cline of  life,  but  I  cannot  recall  a  period 
in  my  existence  when  I  felt  really 
young.  My  very  infancy,  those  brief 
months  when  babes  prattle  joyously  and 
know  nothing  of  care,  was  darkened  by 
a  shadowy  presentiment  of  what  I  was 
to  endure  through  life,  and  my  youth 
was  rendered  dismal  by  continued  repe- 
titions of  a  fact  painfully  evident  "  on 
the  face  of  it,"  that  the  boy  was  growing 
homelier  and  homelier  c  very  day.  Mem- 
ory, that  with  other  people  recalls  so 
much  that  is  sweet  and  pleasant  to  think 
of  in  connection  with  their  youth,  with 
me  brings  up  nothing  but  mortification, 
bitter  tears,  I  had  almost  said .  curses, 
on  my  solitary  and  homely  lot.  I  have 
wished — a  thousand  times  wished — that 
Memory  had  never  consented  to  take  a 
seat  "  in  this  distracted  globe." 

You  have  heard  of  a  man  so  homely 

that  ho  couldn't  sleep  nights,  his  face 
ached  so.  Mr.  Editor,  1  an^  that  melan- 
choly individual.  Wlioevcr  perpetrated 
the  joke — for  joke  it  was  no  doubt  in- 
tended ■'.  j  be — knew  not  how  much  truth 
he  was  uttering,  or  how  bitterly  the  idle 
squib  would  rankle  ui  the  heart  of  one 
sv.fforing  man.  Many  and  many  a 
night  have  I  in  my  childhood  laid  awake 
thinking  of  my  homeliness,  and  as  the 
moonlight  has  streamed  in  at  the  win- 
dow and  fell  upon  the  handsome  and 
placid  features  of  my  little  brother  slum- 
bering at  my  side,  God  forgive  me  for 
the  wicked  thought,  but  I  have  felt  an 
almost  unconquerable  impulse  to  forever 
disfigure  and  mar  that  sweet  upturned 
innocent  face  that  smiled  and  Loked  so 
beautiful  in  sleep,  for  it  was  ever 
reminding  me  of  the  cui-se  I  was  doomed 
to  carry  about  me.  Many  and  many  a 
night  have  I  got  up  in  my  night-dress, 
and  lighting  my  Uttle  lamp,  sat  for  hours 
gazing  at  my  terrible  ugliness  of  face 
reflected  in  the  mirror,  drawn  to  it  by  a 
cruel  fascination  which  it  was  impossible 
for  me  to  resist. 

I  need  not  tell  you  that  I  am  a 
single  man,  and  yet  I  have  had  what 
men  call  affairs  of  the  heart.  I  have 
known  what  it  is  to  worship  the  heart's 
embodiment  of  female  loveliness,  and 
purity,  and  truth,  but  it  was  generally 
at  a  distance  entirely  safe  to  the  object 
of  my  adoration.    Being  of  a  suscepti- 



bio  nature  I  was  continually  fallin;;  in 
love,  l)ut  never,  save  with  one  single 
exception,  tliil  I  venture  t(»  declare  my 
flame.  I  saw  my  heart's  palpitator 
walking  in  a  grove.  Moved  by  my 
Consuming  love  I  rushed  towards  her, 
and  throwing  myself  at  her  feet  began 
to  poor  forth  the  long  pent-up  emotions 
of  my  heart.  She  gave  one  look  and 

"Shrieked  till  all  tho  rocks  roplicil;" 

at  least  youM  thought  they  replied  if  you 

had  Been  me  leave  that  grove  with  a 
speed  greatly  accelerated  by  a  shower 
of  rockw  from  tho  hands  of  an  enraged 
brother,  who  was  at  hand.  Tl'at  pre- 
|)ossessing  young  lady  is  now  slowly 
recovering  her  reason  in  an  institution 
for  the  insane. 

Of  n)y  further  troubles  I  may  peihiii;8 
inform  you  at  some  future  time. 

IloiMKLY  Man. 



SoMP.  two  yoara  huicc,  on  the  strength 
of  what  wc  regarded  as  reliable  informa- 
tion, wo  announced  the  death  of  the 
elephant  Hannibal  nt  Canton,  and  ac- 
companied the  announcement  with  a 
short  biographical  sketch  of  that  re- 
markable animal.  Wo  happened  to  bo 
familiar  with  several  interesting  incidents 
iu  the  private  life  of  Hannibal,  and  our 
sketch  was  copied  l)y  almost  every  paper 
in  America  and  by  several  European 
journals.  A  few  mouths  ago  a  "  traveled" 
friend  showed  us  the  sketch  in  a  Parisian 
journal,  and  possibly  it  is  "  going  the 
rounds"  of  the  Chinese  papers  by  this 
time.  A  few  days  after  wo  had  printed 
his  obituary  Hannibal  came  to  town 
with  Van  Amburgh's  Menagerie,  and  the 
same  typo  which  killed  the  monster  re- 
stored him  to  life  again. 

About  once  a  year  Hannibal 

"  Geta  on  a  spreo, 
And  goes  bobbin'  around," 

to  make  a  short  quotation  from  a  once 
popular  ballad.  These  sprees,  in  fact, 
"  is  what's  the  matter  with  him."  The 
other  day,  in  Williamsburgh,  Long 
Island,  ho  broke  loose  in  the  canvas, 
emptied  most  of  the  cages,  and  tore 
through  the  town  like  a  mammoth  pesti- 
lence. An  extensive  crowd  of  athletic 
men,  by  jabbing  him  with  spears  and 
pitchforks,  and  coiling  big  ropes  around 
bis  legs,  succeeded  in  capturing  him. 

The  animals  he  had  set  free  were  caught 
and  restored  to  their  cages  without  much 
difficulty.  We  doubt  if  we  shall  ever 
forget  our  first  view  of  Hannibal — which 
was  also  our  first  view  of  any  elephant — 
of  the  elephant,  in  short.  It  was  at  the 
close  of  a  sultry  day  in  tTunc,  18 — . 
The  sun  had  spent  its  fury  and  was 
going  to  rest  among  the  clouds  of  gold 
and  crimson.  A  solitary  horseman 
might  have  been  seen  slowly  ascending 
a  long  hill  in  a  New  England  town. 
That  solitary  hoi-scman  was  ««,  and 
we  were  mounted  on  the  old  white  maro. 
Two  bags  were  strapped  to  the  foaming 
steed.  That  was  before  wo  became 
wealthy,  and  of  course  we  are  not 
ashamed  to  say  that  we  had  been  to 
mill,  and  consequently  them  bags  con- 
tained flour  and  middlin's.  Presently 
a  large  object  appeared  at  the  top  of  the 
hill.  We  had  heard  of  the  devil  and  had 
been  pretty  often  told  that  he  would  have* 
a  clear  deed  and  title  to  us  before  long, 
but  had  never  heard  him  painted  like 
the  object  which  met  our  gaze  at  the 
top  of  that  hill,  on  the  close  of  that 
sultry  day  in  June.  Concluding  (for 
we  were  a  mere  youth)  that  it  was  an 
eccentric  whale,  who  had  come  ashore 
near  North  Yarmouth  and  was  making 
a  tour  through  the  interior  on  wheels, 
we  hastily  turned  our  steed  and  made 
for  the  mill  at  a  rapid  rate.  Once  we 
threw  over  bali^rt.  after  the  manner  of 



balloonists,  and  as  the  object  gaineJ 
on  us  wo  cried  aloud  for  our  parents. 
Fortunately  we  reached  the  mill  in  safety 
and  the  object  passed  at  a  furious  rate, 
with  a  portion  of  a  woodshed  on  its 
back.  It  was  Hannibal,  who  had  run 
away  from  a  neighboring  town,  taking 
a  shed  with  him. 

Drank  Standin'. — Col. 

IS  a 

big  "railroad  man." 


raih'oad    supper 

He  attended  a 
once.      Champagne 

flowed  freely,  and  the  Colonel  got  more 
than  his  share.  Speeches  were  made 
after  the  removal  of  the  cloth.  Some- 
body arose  and  eulogised  the  Colonel  in 
the  steepest  possible  manner — called 
him  great,  good,  patriotic,  enterprising, 
&c.,  &c.  The  speaker  was  here  inter- 
rupted by  the  illustrious  Colonel  him- 
self, who,  arising  with  considerable 
difficulty,  and  beaming  benevolently 
around  the  table,  gravely  said :  "  Let's 
(hie)  drink  that  scdimunt  standin' ! " 
It  was  done. 


:  "Let's 

There  arc  in  this  city  several  Italian 
gontlcmen  engaged  in  the  bust  business. 
They  have  their  peculiarities  and  eccen- 
tricities.    They  are  swarthy-faced,  wear 
slouched   caps  and  drab    pea-jackets, 
and  smoke  bad  cigars.      They  make 
busts   of   Webster,   Clay,    Bonaparte, 
Douglas,  and  other  great  men,  living 
and  dead.  •  The  Italian  buster  comes 
upon    you    solemnly    and    cautiously. 
"  Buy  Napo-leon  ?  "  he  will  say,  and 
you  may  probably  answer  "  not  a  buy." 
"  How  much  giv-ee  ? "   he  asks,  and 
perhaps  you  will  ask  him  how  much  he 
wants.     "  Nine  dollar,"  he  will  answer 
always.     Wo  are  sure  of  it.     We  have 
observed  this  peculiarity  in  the  busters 
frequently.      No  matter  how  large  or 
small  the  bust  may  be,  the  fii-st  price  is 
invariably  "  nine  dollar."     If  you  dc- 
cUne  paying  this  price,  as  you  undoubt- 
edly will  if  you  are  right  in  your  head, 
he  again  asks,  "  how  much  giv-ee  ?  " 
By  way  of  a  joke  you  say  "  a  dollar," 
when  the  buster  retreats  indignantly  to 

the  door,  saying  in  a  low,  wild  voice, 
"  0  dam !"  With-  his  hand  upon  the 
door-latch,  he  turns  and  once  more  asks, 
"  how  much  giv-ee  ? "  You  repeat  the 
previous  offer,  when  he  mutters,  "  0 
ha!"  then  commg  pleasantly  towards 
you,  he  speaks  thus :  "Say!  how  much 
giv-ee  ? "  Again  you  say  a  dpUar,  and 
he  cries,  "  take  'um — take  'um !  " — 
thus  faUing  eight  dollars  on  his  original 

Very  eccentric  is  the  Italian  bustor, 
and  sometimes  he  calls  his  busts  by 
wrong  names.  We  bought  Webster 
(he  called  him  Web-STAR)  of  him  the 
other  day,  and  were  astonished  when 
he  called  upon  us  the  next  day  with 
another  bust  of  Webster,  exactly  like 
the  one  we  had  purchased  of  him,  and 
asked  us  if  we  didn't  want  to  buy 
"  Cole,  the  wife-pizener  !"  We  endea- 
vored to  rebuke  the  depraved  buster, 
but  our  utterance  was  choked  and  we 
could  only  gaze  upon  him  in  speech- 
less astonislunent  and  indignation. 






One  beautiful  day  last  August,  Mr. 
Elmer,  of  East  Cleveland,  sent  his  hired 
colored  man,  of  the  name  of  Jeffries,  to 
town  with  a  two-horse  wagon  to  get 
a  load  of  lime.  Mr.  Elmer  gave 
Jeffries  $5  with  which  to  pay  for 
the  lime.  The  horaes  Avere  excel- 
lent ones,  by  the  way,  nicely  matched, 
ami  more  than  conmionly  fast.  The 
colored  man  of  the  name  of  Jeffries 
came  to  town  and  drove  to  the  Johnson 
street  Station,  where  he  encountered  a 
frail  young  Avoman  of  the  name  of  Jen- 
•dns,  who  had  just  been  released  from 
Jail,  where  she  had  been  confined  for 
naughtycal  conduct  (drugging  and  rob- 
bing a  sailor.)  "  Will  you  fly  with  me, 
adorable  Jenkins?"  ho  unto  her  did 
say,  "  or  words  to  that  effect,"  and  unto 

him  in  reply  she  did  up  and  say :  "  ]My 
African  brother,  I  will.  Spirit,"  she 
continued,  alluding  to  a  stone  jug  under 
the  seat  in  the  wagon,  "  I  follow ! " 
Then  into  the  two-horse  wagon  this  fair 
maiden  got,  and  knavely  telling  the 
"  perlico  "  to  embark  by  the  first  packet 
for  an  unromantic  land,  where  the  cli- 
mate is  intensely  Ti;bpical,  and  where 
even  Laplanders,  who  like  fire,  giet  more 
of  a  good  thing  than  they  want— douig 
and  saying  thus  the  woman  of  the  name 
of  Jenkins  mounted  the  seat  with  the 
colored  man  of  the  name  of  Jeffries , 
and  so  these  two  sweet,  gushing  children 
of  Nature  rode  gaily  away.  Away 
towards  the  setting  sun.  Away  towards 
Indiana — bright  land  of  cheap  whiskey 
and  com  doin's ! 

■    ••;* 

"  Young  woman,  I'm  not  your  Saler  boy.    Far  iliffereut.'" — Hccimijc  2*'. 



We  have  road  a  gvcat  many  stories 
of  whicli  Winchdl,  the  great  Avit  and 
uiiniio,  was  the  hero,  showing  always 

cannot  donbt  that  these  stories  arc  all 
substantially  true.  But  there  is  one 
instance  which  we  will  relate,  or  perish 

how  neatly  and  entirely  he  sold  yonie-  'in  the  attempt,  where  the  jolly  Winchell 
body.  Any  one  who  is  familiar  with  ,  was  himself  sold.  The  other  evening, 
Wjnclicirs  wonderful  powers  of  mimicry  I  while  he  was  conversing  with  several 

1  ,'1 



gentlemen  at  one  of  the  hotels,  a  dilapi- 
dated individual  reeled  into  the  room 
and  halted  in  front  of  the  stove,  where 
he  made  Avild  and  unsuccessful  efforts  to 
maintain  a  firm  position.  He  evidently 
had  spent  the  evening  in  marching  torch- 
light processions  of  forty-rod  whiskey 
down  his  throat,  and  at  this  particular 
time  was  decidedly  and  disreputably 
drunk.  With  a  sly  wink  to  the  crowd, 
as  much  as  to  say,  "  we'll  have  some  fun 
with  this  individual,"  Winchell  assumed 
a  solemn  face,  and  in. a  ghostly  voice 
said  to  one  of  the  company : 

"  The  poor  fellow  we  were  speaking  of 
is  dead !" 

"  No  ?"  said  the  individual  addressed. 

"  Yes,"  said  Winchell ;  "  you  know 
both  of  his  eyes  were  gouged  out,  his 
nose  was  chawed  off,  and  both  of  his 
arms  were  torn  out  at  the  roots.  Of 
course  he  couldn't  recover." 

This  was  all  said  for  the  benefit  of  the 
drunken  man,  who  was  standmg,  or  try- 
ing to  stand,  within  a  few  feet  of  Win- 

chell, but  he  took  no  sort  of  notice  of 
it  and  was  apparently  ignorant  of  the 
celebrated  delineator's  presence.  Again 
Winchell  endeavored  to  attract  his  atten- 
tion, but  utterly  failed  as  before.  In  a 
few  moments  the  drunken  man  staggered 
out  of  the  room. 

"  I  can  'generally  have  a  little  fun 
with  a  drunken  man,"  said  Winchell, 
"  but  it  is  no  go  in  this  case." 

"  I  suppose  you  know  Avhat  ails  the 
man  who  just  went  out  ?"  said  the 
gentlemanly  host. 

"  I  perceive  he  is  alarmingly  inebri- 
ated," said  Winchell ;  "  does  anything 
else  ail  him?" 

"  Yes,"  said  the  host,  "  he's  deaf 

AND  DUMB  !" 

This  was  true.  There  was  a  "  larf," 
and  Winchell,  with  the  remark  that  he 
was  sorry  to  see  a  disposition  in  that 
assemblage  "  to  deceive  an  orphan," 
called  for  a  light  and  went  gravelv  to 



Poets  are  wont  to  apostrophize  the 
leafy  month  of  June,  and  there  is  no 
denying  that  if  Spring  is  "  some"  June 
is  Summer.  But  there  is  a  gorgeous 
magnificence  about  the  habiliments  of 
Nature,  and  a  teeming  fruitfulness  upon 
her  lap  during  the  autumnal  months,  and 
wo  must  confess  we  have  always  felt 
genially  incUned  towards  this  season. 
It  is  true,  when  we  "concentrate  our  field 
of  vision  to  the  minute  gai*niture  of  earth, 
we  no  longer  observe  the  beautiful  petals, 
nor  inhale  the  fragrance  of  a  gay  parterre 
of  the  "  floral  epistles"  and  "  angel-like 
collections"  which  Longfellow  (we  be- 
lieve) 80  graphically  describes,  and 
which  Shortfellows  so  fantastically  carfy 
about  in  their  button-holes ;  but  we  have 
all  their  tints  reproduced  upon  a  higher 
and  broader  canvas  in  the  kaleidoscopic 
colors  with  which  the  sky  and  the  forest 
daily  enchant  us,  and  the  beautiful  and 
luscious  fmits  which  Autumn  spreads 
out  before  us,  and 

"Crowns  the  rich  promise  of  the  opcuiug  Spring."' 

In  another  point  of  view  Autumn  is 
suggestive  of  pleasant  reflections.  The 
wearying,  wasting  heat,  of  summer  and 
the  deadly  blasts  Avith  which  her  breath 

has  for  some  years  been  freighted,  are 
past,  and  the  bracing  north  winds  begin 
to  bring  balm  and  healing  on  their  wings. 
The  hurly-burly  of  travel,  and  most  sorts 
of  i)ublicity  (except  newspapers),  are 
faat  playing  out,  and  we  can  once  more 
hope  to  see  our  friends  and  relations  in 
the  happy  sociality  of  home  and  fireside 
enjoyments.  Yielding,  as  we  do,  the 
full  force  to  which  Autumn  is  seriously 
entitled,  or  rather  to  the  serious  reflec- 
tions and  admonitions  which  the  decay 
of  Nature  and  the  dying  year  always 
inspire,  and  admitting  the  poet's  decade : 

"  Leaves  have  their  time  to  fall, 
And  stars  to  set. — but  all, 
Thou  hast  all  seasons  for  thine  own,  0  death !" 

there  is  a  brighter  Autumn  beyond,  and 
brighter  opening  years  to  those  who 
choose  them  rather  than  dead  leaves  and 
bitter  fruits.  Thus  wc  can  conclude 
trancpiilly  with  Bryant  as  wc  began 
gaily  \nt\\  another, — 

"  So  live,  that  when  thy  summons  comes  to  join 
The  innumerablo  caravan,  which  moves 
To  thnt  mysterious  realm,  whore  each  shall  tako 
Ills  chamber  in  the  pilout  halls  of  death. 
Thou  Ko  not,  lilto  the  quarry-slave  at  night. 
Scourfted  to  his  dunseon.  but,  sustained  and  soothed 
By  an  unfaltering  trust,  approach  thy  grave 
Like  one  who  wraps  the  draiiery  of  his  couch 
About  him,  and  lies  down  to  pleasant  dreams." 




We  have  no  intention  of  making  fun 
of  serious  matters  in  telling  the  follow- 
ing story ;  we  merely  relate  a  fact. 

There  is  a  rule  at  Oberlin  College 
that  no  student  shall  board  at  any  house 
wheve  prayers  are  not  regularly  made 
each  day.  A  certain  man  fitted  up  a 
boarding-house  and  filled  it  with  board- 
ers, but  forgot,  until  the  eleventh  horn*, 
the  prayer  proviso.  Not  being  a  pray- 
ing man  himself,  he  looked  around  for 
one  who  was.  >  At  length  he  found  one 
— a  meek  young  man  from  Trumbull 
County — who  agreed  to  pay  for  his 
board  in  praying.  For  a  while  all 
went  smootldy,  but  the  boarding-master 
furnished  his  table   so  poorly  that  the 

boarders  began  to  grumble  and  to 
leave,  and  the  other  morning  the  pray- 
ing boarder  actually  "  struck !"  Some- 
thing like  the  following  dialogue  occurred 
at  the  table  : 

Landlord — Will  you  pray,  Mr.  Mild  ? 

Mild— No  Sir,  I  will  not. 

Landlord— Why  not,  Mr.  Mild  ? 

Mild — It  don't  pay,  sir.  I  can't  pray 
on  such  victuals  as  these.  And  imless 
you  bind  yourself  in  Avriting  to  set  a 
better  table  than  you  have  for  the  last 
three  weeks,  nary  another  prayer  do 
you  yet  out  of  me  ! 

And  that's  the  way  the  matter  stood 
at  latest  advices. 




Any  name  which  is  suggestive  of  a 
joke,  however  poor  the  joke  may  bo,  is 
often  a  nuisance.  "  We  were  once  con- 
fined" in  a  printing-office  with  a  man 
named  Snow.  Everybody  who  came  in 
was  bound  to  have  a  joke  about  Snow. 
If  it  was  Summer  the  mad  wags  would 
say  we  ought  to  be  cool,  for  we  had 
Snow  there  all  the  time — which  was  a 
fact,  though  Ave  sometimes  wi?hed  Snow 
was  whore  ho  would  speedily  melt.  Not 
that  we  didn't  like  Snow.  Far  from  it. 
His  name  was  what  disgusted  us.  It 
was  also  once  our  misfortune  to  daily 
mingle  with  a  man  named  Berry.  Wc 
can't  tell  how  many  million  times  wc 
heard  him  called  Elderben-y,  Raspberry, 
Blueberry,  Huckleberry,  Gooseberry, 
etc.  The  thing  nearly  made  him  de- 
ranged. He  joined  the  filibusters  and 
has  made  energetic  efforts  to  get  shot, 
but  had  not  succeeded  at  last  accounts. 

although  wc  fear  he  has  been  "  slewd  " 
mimerously.  There  is  a  good  deal  in  a 
name,  our  usually  correct  friend  W. 
Shakespeare  to  the  contrary  notwith- 

Our  own  name  is  unfortunately  one 
on  which  jokes,  such  as  they  are,  can 
1)0  made.  We  cannot  present  a  tabular 
statement  of  the  times  we  have  done 
things  brown  (in  the  opinion  of  partial 
friends),  or  have  been  asked  if  we  were 
related  to  the  eccentric  old  slave  and 
horse  "  liberator"  whose  uecent  Virginia 
Reel  has  attracted  so  much  of  the  public's 
attention.  Could  we  do  so  the  array  of 
figures  would  be  appalling.  And  some- 
times wc  think  wc  will  accept  the  first 
good  offer  of  marriage  that  is  made  to 
us,  for  the  purpose  of  changing  our 
unhappy  name,  setting  other  interesting 
considerations  entirely  aside. 




TIuNTixa  trouble  is  too  fasliionablo  in 
this  world.  Contentment  ami  jollity  are 
not  cultivated  as  they  should  be.  There 
are  too  many  prematurely  wrinkled,  long 
and  melancholy  faces  among  us.  Thercf 
is   too   mucli   swearins,   sweatinjr   and 


slashing,  fuming,  foaming  and  fretting 
around  and  about  us  all. 

*'  A  mad  world,  my  masters." 

People  rush  out  doors  bareheaded  and 
barefooted,  as  it  were,  and  dash  blindly 
into  all  sorts  of  dark  alleys  in  (juest  of 
all  sorts  of  Trouble,  when  "  Goodness 
knows,"  if  they  will  only  sit  calmly  and 
pleasantly  by  their  firesides.  Trouble  Avill 
finock  soon  enough  at  their  doors. 

Iluntmg  trouble  is  bad  business.     If 
we  ever  arc  induced  to  dosend  from  our 
present  proud    position   to  become    a 
member  of  the  Legislature,  or  ever  ac- 
^  cumulate  sufficient  musde,  impudence, 
and  taste  for  bad  liquor  to  go  to  Con- 
gress, wo  shall  introduce  a  "  william" 
for  tlio  suppression  of  Trouble-hunting. 
We  know  Miss.  Slinkins,  who  incessant- 
ly frets  because  Miss  Slurkins  is  better 
harnessed  than  she  is,  won't  like  it ;  and 
we  presume  the  Simpkinses,  who  worry 
so  much  because  the  Perkinses  live  in  a 
freestone-fronted  house  whilst  theirs  is 

only  plain  brick,  won't  like  it  also.  It  is 
doubtful,  too,'  whether  our  long-haired 
friends-,  the  Reformers  (who  think  the 
macliinery  of  the  world  is  all  out  of 
joint,  while  we  think  it  only  needs  a 
little  greasing  to  run  in  first-rate  8t}?io), 
will  approve  the  measure.  It  is  pro- 
bable, in<lcc(l,  that  very  many  societies, 
of  a  refonnatory  (and  inflammatory) 
character,  would  frown  upon  the  mea- 
sure. But  the  measure  would  be  a  good 
one  nevertheless. 

Never  hunt  trouble.  However  dead 
a  shot  one  may  be,  the  gun  he  carries 
on  such  expeditions  is  sure  to  kick  or 
go  off  half  cocked.  Trouble  will  come 
soon  enough,  find  when  ho  does  come 
receive  him  as  pleasantly  as  possible. 
Like  the  tax-collector,  he  is  a  disagree- 
able chap  to  have  in  one's  house,  but  the 
more  amiably  you  greet  him  the  sooner 
he  will  go  away.  * 

A  MAN  in  Buffalo — an  entire  stranger 
to  us — sends  us  a  quarter-column  puff 
of  his  business,  with  the  cool  reqxxest 
that  we  "  copy  as  editorial,  and  oblige." 
If  he  does  not  eventually  subside  into  a 
highway  robber  it  won't  bo  for  lack  of 
the  necessary  impudence. 




Several  years  ago  Bill  McCrackcn 
lived  in  Peru,  Indiana.  [We  were  in 
Peru  several  years  ago,  and  it  was  a 
nice  place  wo  do7it  think.]  Mr. 
McCrackcn  was  a  screamer,  and  had 
whipped  JiU  the  recognized  fighting  men 
on  the  Wabash.  One  day  somebody 
told  him  that.  Jack  Long,  blacksmith  at 
Logansport,  said  ho  would  give  Imu 
(McCracken)  a  protracted  fit  of  sick- 
ness if  ho  would  just  come  down  there 
and  smell  of  his  bones.  The  McCracken 
at  once  laid  in  a  stock  of  provisions,  con- 
sisting of  whiskey  in  glass  and  chickc'ns 
in  the  shell,  and  stai-ted  for  Logansport. 
In  a  few  days  he  was  brought  home  in  a 
bungedup  condition,  on  a  cot  bed.    One 

eye  was  gouged  out,  a  portion  of  his 
nose  was  chawed  off,  his  left  arm  was  in 
a  sling,  his  head  was  done  up  in  old  rag, 
and  he  was  pretty  badly  off  himself.  lie 
was  set  down  in  the  village  bar-room,  and 
turning  to  the  crowd  hp,  in  a  feeble 
voice,  said,  hot  tears  bedewing  his  face 
the  while,  "  Boys,  you  know  Jack  tong 
said  if  I'd  come  down  to  Loginsput  he'd 
whale  h — 11  out  of  mo  ;  and,  boys,  you 
know  I  did'nt  believe  it,  but  I've  been 
down  thar  and  Ifoxind  he  wdultl." 

IIo  recovered  after  a  lapse  of  years 
and  led  a  better  life.  As  he  said  him- 
self, he  returned  from  Logansport  a 
changed  man. 

•     I 




Four  promising  young  men  of  this 
city  attended  a  ball  in  the  rural  districts 
not  long  since.  At  a  late  hour  they 
retiredjleaving  word  with  the  clerk  of  the 
hotel  to  call  them  early  in  the  morning, 
as  they  wanted  to  take  the  first  train 
home.  The  clerk  was  an  old  friend  of 
the  "  fellers,"  and  he  thought  ho  would 
have  a  slight  joke  at  their  expense.  So 
ho  1)urnt  some  cork,  and,  with  a  sponge, 
blacked  the  faces  of  his  city  friends  after 
thoy  had  got  soundly  asleep.  In  the 
morning  he  called  them  abou^  ten 
minutes  before  the  train  came  along. 
Feller  No.  1  awoke  and  laughed  boister- 
ously at  the  sight  which  met  his  gaze. 
But  he  saw  through  it — the  clerk  had 
played  his  good  joke  on  his  three  com- 
rades, and  of  course  he  would  keep  mum. 
But  it  was  a  devilish  good  joke.  Feller 
No.  2  awoke,  saw  the  three  black  men 
in  the  room,  compreliended  the  joke,  and 
laughed  vociferously.  But  he  would 
keep  mum.    Fellers  No.  3  and  4  awoke, 

and  experienced  the  same  pleasant  feel- 
ing ;  and  there  was  the  beautiful  spec- 
tacle of  four  nice  yoiuig  men  laughing 
heartily  one  at  another,  each  one  sup- 
posing the  "  urbane  clerk"  had  spared 
iiim  in  his  cork-daubing  operations. 
They  had  only  time  to  dross  before  the 
train  arrived.  They  all  got  aboard,  each 
thinking  what  a  glorious  joke  it  was  to 
have  his  three  companions  go  back  to 
town  with  black  faces.  The  idea  was  so 
rich  that  they  all  commenced  laughing 
violently  as  soon  as  they  got  aboard  the 
cars.  Tho  other  passengers  took  to 
laughing  also,  and  fun  raged  fiist  and 
furious,  until  tho  benevolent  baggage- 
man, seeing  how  matters  stood,  brought 
a  small '  pocket-glass  and  handed  it 
around  to  the  young  men.  Tiiey  sud- 
denly stopped  laughing,  rushed  wildly 
for  the  baggage-car,  washed  their  faces, 
and  amused  r.nd  instructed  each  other 
during  the  remainder  of  the  trip  with 
some  eloquent  flashes  of  silence. 









♦   . 






•  ■ 





"We  have  licard  of  some  very  hard 
casea  since  we  have  cnlivoiied  this  world 
with  our  brilHant  presence.  Wo  once 
saw  an  able-bodied  man  chase  a  party 
of  little  school  children  and  rob  tlieni  of 
their  dinners.  Tho  man  who  stole  the 
copi^crs  from  his  deceased  grandmother's 
eyes  lived  in  our  neighborhood,  aufl  we 
have  read  about  tho  man  who  went  to 
church  for  tho  sole  purpose  of  stealing 
the  testaments  and  hymn-books.  But 
the  hardest  case  we  ever  heard  of  lived 
in  Arkansas,  lie  was  only  fourteen 
years  old.  One  night  ho  deliberately 
murdered  his  father  and  mother  in  cold 
blood,  widi  a  meat-axe.  lie  was  tried 
and  found  guilty.  Tho  judge  drew  on 
his  black  cap,  and  in  a  voice  choked 
with  emotion  asked  the  young  prisoner 
if  he  had  anything  to  say  before  the 
sentence  of  the  Court  was  passed  on 

him.  'J'he  court-room  was  densely 
crowded  and  there  was  not  a  dry  eye 
in  tjio  vast  assembly.  The  youth  oftlie 
ja'isoncr,  his  beauty  and  innocent  looks, 
the  mild  lamblike  numner  in  which  bo 
had  conducted  himself  daring  the  trial 
— all,  all  had  thoroughly  enlisteil  the 
sympatiiy  of  the  spectators,  tho  ladies 
in  particular.  And  even  the  .lury,  who 
had  found  it  to  bo  their  stern  duty  to 
declare  him  guilty  of  the  appalling  crime 
— even  the  Jury  now  wept  aloud  at  this 
awful  moment.  "  Have  you  anything 
to  say  ?"  repeated  tho  deeply  moved 
Judge. .  "  Why,  no,"  replied  the  prison- 
er, "  I  think  I  haven't,  though  I  hope 
yer  Honor  will  show  some  consideration 


The  Judge  sentenced  the  perfect  young 
wretch  without  .delay. 



The  Oillowing  paragraph  is  goiiix  tin.' 
rounds : 

"■  I  low  many  ft  ;!;rcat  man  la  now  bask- 
ing in  the  sunshine  of  fame  <;cncrously 
bestowed  upon  him  Ity  the  prolifie  genius 
of  some  I'eporter !  II'»w  many  stupid 
orations  have  been  made  brilliant,  how 
many  wandering,  pointless,  objectless 
speeches  put  in  form  and  rendered  at 
least  readable,  by  the  luiknown  re- 
porter. IIow  many  a  disheartened 
8})eaker,  who  was  conscious  the  night 
before  of  a  failure,  before  a  thin,  cold, 
spiritless  audience,  awakes  delighted  to 
learn  that  he  has  addressed  ap  over- 
whelming assemblage  of  his  enthusiastic, 
appreciating  fellow-citizens,  to  find  his 
speech  sparkling  with  '  cheers,'  ])reaking 
out  into  '  iravncnso  applause,'  and  con- 
cluding amidst  '  the  wildest  excite- 

There  is  considerable  truth  in  the 
above,  wo  are  sorry  to  state.  Re- 
porters arc  too  apt  to  smooth  over  and 
give  a  fair  face  to  the  stupidity  and 
bombast  of  political  and  other  public 
humbugs.  For  this  they  are  not  only 
seldom  thanked  but  frecpicntly  are 
kicked.  Of  course  this  sorb  of  thing 
is  wrong.  A  Reporter  should  be  inde- 
pendent enough  to  meet  the  approaches 
of  gentlemen  of  the  Nincompoop  per- 
suasion with  a  flat  rebuff.  Ho  should 
never  gloss  over  a  political  humbug, 

whether  he  belongs  to  "  our  side"  or 
not.  IIo  is  not  thanked  for  doing  it, 
and,  furthermore,  ho  loses  the  respect 
and  confidence  of  his  readers.  There 
are  many  amiable  gentlemen  ornament- 
ing the  various  walks  of  life  who  are 
luider  the  impression  that  for  a  dozen 
bad  cigars  or  a  few  drinks  of  worse 
whiskey  they  can  purchase  the  "opinion" 
of  almost  any  Rejiorter.  It  has  been 
our  pleasure  on  several  occasions  to 
disabuse  those  gentlemen  <>f  this  im- 

Should  another  occasion  of  this  kind 
ever  offer  wo  feel  that  wo  should  bo 
"  adequate"  to  treat  it  in  a  similar 
manner.  A  '  Reporter,  we  modestly 
submit,  is  as  good  as  any])ody  and 
ought _  to  feel  that  ho  is,  everywhere 
and  at  all  times.  For  one,  let  us  quietly 
and  without  any  show  of  vanity  remark, 
that  wo  are  not  only  just  as  good  as 
anybody  else  but  a  great  deal  better 
than  very  many  we  know  of.  We  love 
God  and  hate  Indians  ;  pay  our  <lebts ; 
support  the  Constitutioa  of  the  United 
States ;  go  in  for  Progress,  Sunshine, 
Calico,  and  other  luxuries ;  are  perfectly 
satisfied  and  happy,  and  wouldn't  swop 
*'  sits"  with  the  President,  Louis  Napo- 
leon, the  Emperor  of  China,  Sultan  of 
Turkey,  Brigham  Young,  or  Nicholas 
Longworth,     Success  to  us ! 




A  DRAMA  with  this  title,  wiilteu  \>y  a 
colored  citizen  (iin  artist  l)y  profession), 
the  djaractcra  })(>in^  perfoniied  l»y  col- 
ored citizens,  was  played  at  tho  Melo 
deon  last  evening.  There  were  several 
white  persons  present,  though  most  of 
tlio  audience  woro  colored.  The  great 
variety  of  colors  made  a  gay,  and  iiu 
deed  wo  may  say  gorgeous  spectacle. 

A  hasty  sketch  of  this  gi-oat  moral 
production  may  not  bo  uninteresting. 
Act  Ist,  scene  Ist,  discloses  a  log- 
cabin,  with  fifteen  minutes'  intennis- 
sion  between  each  log.  "  William,  a 
spiritad  slave,"  and  "John,  tho  obedi- 
ent slave,"  are  in  tho  cabin.  William, 
tho  spirited  slave,  says  he  will  be  free. 
His  blood  is  up.  "  Why,"  says  Wil- 
liam, "  am  I  here  thus  ?  Wiis  this  frame 
made  to  bo  a  bondage  ?  Shall  these 
voice  bo  hushed  ?  Never,  never,  never !" 
"  Oh,  don't  say  it  thus,"  says  John,  the 
obe4ient  slave,  "  for  thus  it  should  not 
be.  An'  I  tole  ye  what  it  was,  now, 
jes  take  keer  of  them  pistiles  or  they'll 
work  yer  ruins.  Mind  what  I  say 
Wilyim.  As  fer  me  I  shall  stay  here 
with  my  dear  Julia !"  (Immense  ap- 
plause.) "  And  so  it  has  come  to  this, 
ha  ?"  said  William,  the  spirited  slave, 
standing  himself  up  straight  and  bran- 
dishing his  arms  in  a  terrific  manner. 
"  And  so  it  has  come  to  this,.ha  ?  And 
this  is  a  free  land,  so  it  has  come  to 
this — to   this — to  thi^.'*      William  ap- 

peared to  be  Homewhut  confused  at  this 
point,  but  a  wealthy  newsboy  in  tho 
audience  helped  him  out  by  crying, 
"  or  any  other  man."  "John  and  William 
then  embraced,  bittor  tears  moisteniiig 
their  manly  breasts.  "  Farewel,  Wil- 
yim," said  John,  the  obedient  slave, 
"  and  bless  you,  bless  you,  mo  child." 
Tho  spirited  slave  walks  off  and  tho 
obedient  slave  falls  into  a  swoon. 
Tableau  :  The  Goddess  of  Liberty  ap- 
pears in  a  Mackinaw  blanket  and  pours* 
incense  on  the  ol)edient  slave.  A 
member  of  the  orchestra  gets  u[)  and 
softly  warbles  on  a  bass  drum.  Angels 
arc  hoarn  singing  in  the  distance. 
Curtain  falls,  the  audience  being  soak- 
ing wet  with  tears. 

Act  2,  scene  first,  discloses  the  house 
of  Mr.  Lyons,  a  slaveholder  in  Virginia. 
Mr.  Lyons,  as  we  learn  by  the  play, 
is  "  a  member  of  the  Whig  Congress." 
He  learns  that  William,  his  spirited 
slave,  has  escaped.  This  makes  him 
very  angry,  and  he  says  he  will  break 
every  bono  in  William's  body.  Ho 
goes  out  and  searches  for  William,  but 
cannot  find  him,  and  comes  back.  Ho 
takes  a  heavy  drink,  is  stricken  with 
remorse  and  declares  his  intention  to 
become  a  nun.  John,  the  obedient 
slave,  comes  in  and  a-sks  permission  to 
marry  Julia.  Mr.  Lyons  says,  certainly, 
by  all  means,  and  preparations  are  made 
for  tho  wedding. 






The  wedding  takc3  place.  Tuo  scene 
that  follows  is  rather  incomprehensible. 
A  young  mariner  has  a  clandestine  in- 
terview Avith  the  obedient  slave  and 
receives  $10  to  make  a  large  box.  An 
elderly  mariner — not  that  mariner,  but 
another  mariner — -rushes  madly  in  and 
fires  a  horse-pistol  into  the  air.  lie 
wheels,  and  is  about  going  oif,  when  a 
black  Octoroon  rushes  madly  in  and 
fires  another  horse-pistol  at  the  retreat- 
ing mariner,  who  falls.  He  says  he  is 
going  to  make  a  die  of  it.  Says  he 
should  have  acted  differently  if  he  had 
only  done  otherwise,  which  was  right, 
or  else  it  Avouldn't  be  so.  He  forgets 
his  part,  and  don't  say  anything  more, 
but  he  wraps  himself  up  in  the  American 
Flag  and  expires  like  a  son  of  a  gentle- 
man. "More  warblings  on  the  bass  drum. 
The  rest  of  the  orchestra  endeavor  to 
accompany  the  drum,  but  arc  so  deeply 
affected  that  they  can't.  There  is  a 
death-like  stillness  in  the  house.  All 
was  so  still  that  had  a  cannon  been  fired 
off  it  could  have  been  distinctly  seen. 

The  next  scene  discloses  a  large 
Sfj^uare  box.  Several  colored  persons 
are  seen  standing  round  the  sijuaro 
box.  The  mariner  who  was  killed  in 
the  last  scene  commences  knocking  off 
the  cover  of  the  box.  He  pulls  the 
cover  off,  and  up  jumps  the  obedient 
slave  and  his  wife !  The  obedienfe  slave 
and  his  dear  Julia  fall  out  of  the 
box.  Great  applause.  They  rush 
to  the  foot-lights  and  kneel.  Quick 
music  by  the  orchestra,  in  which  the 
bass  drum  don't  warble  so  much  as 
she  did.  "  I'm  free  !  J'm  free  !  I'm 
FREE ! ! "  shrieks  the  obedient  slave, 
"  0  I'm  free  !"  The  stage  is  suddenly 
hghted  up  in  a  go.   ^^ous  manner.     The 

obedient  slave  and  his  dear  Julia  continue 
kneeling.  The  dead  mariner  blesses 
them.  The  Goddess  of  Liberty  appears 
again — this  time  in  a  IJcaver  overcoat 
— and  pours  some  more  incense  on  to 
the  obedient  slave.  An  allegorical 
picture  of  Virtue  appears  in  a  red  vest 
and  military  boots,  on  the  left  pros- 
cenium. John  Brown  the  Barber  ap- 
pears as  Lady  ^lacbeth,  and  says 
there  is  a  blue  tinge  into  his  nails, 
and  consequently  he  is  an  Octoroon. 
Another  actor  wants  to  define  his  posi- 
tion on  the  Euclid  street  improvement, 
but  is  hissed  domi.  Curtain  descends 
amidst  the  admiriiig  shouts  of  the  audi- 
ence, red  fire,  music,  and  the  violent 
assertion  of  the  obedient  slave  that  he 
is  free. 

The  play  will  not  be  repeated  this 
evening,  as  was  announced.  Due  notice 
will  be  given  of  its  next  performance. 
It  is  tho  greatest  effort  of  the  kind  that 
we  ever  witnessed.  *  n 

Eatikq  Match  for  the  Champiox- 
feiiip. — Wo  understand  that  preparations 
are  making  for  a  grand  Eating-Match 
for  the  Championship  of  America,  to 
take  place  in  this  city  some  time  next 
month.  Two  of  our  most  voracious 
eaters,  whose  names  we  are  not  per- 
mitted to  give,  will  meet  somewhere 
beyond  the  city  limits  and  proceed  to 
devour  mush  and  milk  until  one  of  them 
bursts.  The  one  who  don't  burst  will 
be  declared  the  victor,  and  come  into 
possession  of  the  Championship  and  the 
stakes,  whatever  they  may  be.  Tlic 
contestants  are  now  training  for  the 

ilia  continue 
ncr   blesses 
rty  appears 
or  overcoat 
Jcnse  on  to 
a  red  vest 
left   pros- 
Barber  ap- 
and    says 
i  his   nails, 
ine  his  posi- 
in  descends 
)f  the  audi- 
tho  violent 
ave  that  he 

peatcd  this 

Due  notice 


le  kind  that 


merica,  to 
time  next 
e  not  pcr- 
irocecd  to 
le  of  them 
burst  will 
come  into 
p  and  the 
he.     The 
;  for  HxQ 

L 's  stalwart  frame.-.  He  had  heard 

L spoken   of  as  a  fighting  man. 

He  preferred  not  to  grapple  with  him. 
The  train  was  a  light  one,  and  it  so 

happened  that  L was  the  only  man 

in  this,  the  hind  car.  So  the  conductor 
had  the  train  stopped,  and  quietly  un- 
hitched this  car.  "  Good  day,  Mr. 



L lived  in  this  city  several  years 

ago.  lie  dealt  in  horses,  carriages,  &.c. 
Hearing  of  a  good  chance  to  sell  buggies 
up  West  he  embarked  with  a  lot  for  that 
"  great"  country.  At  Toledo  he  took 
a  Michigan  Southern  train.  Soin<;body 
had,  by  way  of  a  joke,  Avarncd  him 
against  the  conductor  of  that  particular 
train,  telling  him  that  said  conductor 
had  an  eccentric  way  of  taking  up  tickets 
at  the  beginning  of  the  journey,  and  of 
denying  that  he  had  done  so  and  de- 
manding fare  at  the  end  thereof.     This 

the  confiding   L swallowed.      He 

deter;':li'.v;a  not  to  be  swindled  in  this 
way,  anct  so  when  the  conductor  came 
around  and  asked  him  for  his  ticket  he 
declined  giving  it  up.     The  conductor 

insisted — L still  refused.     "  I've 

got  the  little  voucher  in  my  pocket," 
he  said,  with  a  knowing  look,  slyly 
slapping  the  pocket  which  ccmtained 
the  ticket.     The  conductor  danced  at 

-,"  he  yelled,   "just  keep    that 
little    vouchor  in  your  pocket  and  be 

d d  to  you  !"     L jumped  up 

and  saw  the  other  cars  moving  rapidly 
away.  He  was  left  solitary  and  alone 
in  a  dismal  piece  of  woods,  known  as 
the  Black  Swamp.  He  remained  there 
in  the  car  \mtil  night,  when  the  down 
train  came  along  and  took  him  to  Toledo. 
He  had  to  pay  fare,  his  up  through- 
ticket  not  being  good  on  that  train. 
His  buggies  had  gone  unattended  to 
Chicago.  He  was  very  angry.  He 
finally  got  tlirough,  but  he  will  never 
hear  the  last  of  that  "  little  voucher.'* 




Fi:\v  have  any  itlea  of  the  trials  and 
tribulations  of  the  railway  eoniluct^)r — 
"  the  i;entlcinanlv  conductor,"  as  one- 
horse  iiowspajiers  deh'Jit  in  styling  him. 
Unless  you  ai-e  gifted  with  the  i)aticnce 
of  the  lamented  Job,  who,  tradition  in- 
forms us,  had  '*  biles"  all  over  his  body 
and  didn't  swear  once,  never  go  for  a 
a  Conductor,  nie  boy  ! 

The  other  evening  we  enlivened  a 
railroad  car  with  our  brilliant  presence. 
Starting  tiuie  was  not  (]uite  up,  and  the 
passengers  were  amusing  themselves  by 
laughing,  sweanng,  singing,  and  talking, 
according  to  their  particular  fancy.  The 
Conductor  came  in  and  the  following 
were  a  few  of  the  (jviestions  put  to  him: 
One  old  fellow,  who  was  wrapped  u[)  in 
a  horse-blanket  and  who  apparently  had 
a'iout  two  pounds  of  pigtail  in  his  mouth, 
wanted  to  know  '*  What  junt  of  compass 
the  keers   was  travelin'  in  V     An  old 

lady,  surrounded  by  bard-boxos  and 
enveloped  in  Hannels,  w mted  to  know 
what  time  the  H  o'clock  train  left  llock 
Island  for  "  Dultu-kue  V"  A  carroty- 
hairej  young  man  wanted  to  know  if 
"  free  omyibuse?''  run  from  the  cars  to 
the  taverns  iu  Toledo  'i  A  tall,  nizor- 
faced  individual,  e\idcntly  from  the 
interior  of  Connecticut,  desired  to  know 
if  •'  cgnductin  "  paid  as  well  eout  West 
as  it  did  deoun  in  his  country  ;  and  a 
portly,  close-shaven  man,  with  round 
keen  eyes,  and  in  whose  face  you  could 
read  the  interest-table,  asked  the  price 
of  corner  lots  in  Omaha.  These  and 
many  other  eipially  absurd  (piestions 
the  conductor  answered  calmly  and  in 
a  resigned  maimer.  And  we  shuddered 
as  we  thought  how  he  would  have  to 
answer  a  similar  string  of  (piestions  in 
each  of  the%rce  cars  ahead. 




Ifatural  Hi-stury— SiiddcMi  nml  unoxpoc^tod  Plajfiilness  of  tlia 
llt'ur.— Sec  paije  'M. 



Messrs.  Senter  and  Ci)ffiiii)crry,  two 
eBteemed  citizens,  an'  the  candidates. 
Here's  a  faint  attempt  at  a  Hpeeinien 

tickct-pcddlcrs  scent  him  ("  even  as  the 
war-horse  snufts  the  battle,"  etc.),  sec 
him  and  make  a  grand  rush  for  him. 

scene  :  An  innocent  German  is  dis- ,  Tliey  surround  liim,  each  shoves  a  buncb 
covered  about  half  a  mile  from  the  i  of  tickets  under  his  nose,  and  all  com 
polls  of  this  or  that  ward.     A  dozen    mencc  bellowing  in  his  cars  :  Here's  the 



ticket  yer  want — Coffinbcrry.  Here's 
Scnter  —  Senterbcrry  and  Coffinter. 
What  the  h — 1  yer  tryiu'  to  fool  the 
man  for  ?  Don't  yer  spose  he  knowa 
who  he  wants  ter  vote  for,  say  !  'Ere's 
the  ticket — Sen — Coff— don't  crowd — 
get  off  my  toes,  you  d — d  fool !  Workin' 
men's  ticket  is  the  ticket  you  want! 
To  h — 1  wid  yez  workin'  men's  ticket, 
'ere's  the  ticket  yez  want !  No,  by 
Cot,  vote  for  Shorgc  P.  Senter — he 
says  he'll  py  all  the  peer  for  dems  as 
votes  for  him  as  much  more  dan  dey  can 
trinks,  by  tam  !  Senter  be  d — d  !  Go 
for  Coffinberry  !  Coffinbcrry  was  killed 
eight  times  in  the  Mexican  war,  and  is 
in  favor  of  justice  and  Pop'lar  Sovrinty  ! 
Oh  gas !  Senter  was  at  the  battle  of 
Tippe-ca-noo,  scalped  twelve  Injuns  and 
wrote  a  treatise  on  Horae-shoeing ! 
Don't  go  for  Coffinberry.  He's  down 
on  all  the  Dutch,  and  swears  he'll  have 
all  their  heads  chopped  off  and  run 
into  sausages  if  he's  lected.  Do  you 
know    what    George   B.   Senter    says 

about  the  Germans  ?    He  says  by 

they're  in  the  habit  of  stealing  live 
American  infants  and  hashing  'em  up 

into  head  cheese,  by !     That's  a 

lie  I  T'aint — I  heard  him  say  so  with 
my  own  mouth.  Lot  the  man  alone — 
stop  yer  puUin — I'll  bust  yer  car  for 
yer  yet.  My  Cot,  my  Cot,  what  tam 
dimes  dese  'lections  is.  Will  yez  crowd 
a  poor  -Tarman  till  dcnth,  yer  d — d 
spalpanes,  yez  ?  kjen — Coff — Senter- 
bcrry and  Coffinter  -^Working  Men's 
— Repub — Dem — whoop — h — 1 — whoo- 
raw — bully — y-c-o-u-c-h  !  ! 

The  strongest  side  got  thn  unfortu- 
nate German's  vote,  and  he  went  sore 
and  bleeding  home,  satisfied,  no  doubt, 
that  this  is  a  great  country,  and  that 
the  American  Eagle  will  continue  to  be 
a  deeply  interesting  bird  while  his  w^  igs 
are  in  the  hands  of  patriots  like  the 
above.  Scenes  like  the  above  (only 
our  description  is  very  imperfect)  were 
placed  over  and  over  again,  at  every 
ward  in  the  city,  yesterday. 

Let  us  be  thankful  that  the  country 
is  safe — but  Ave  should  like  to  see  some 
of  the  ward  politicians  gauged  to-day, 
for  we  are  confident  the  operation  would 
exhibit  an  astonishing  depth  of  whiskey. 

Hurrah  for  the  Bar-Stangled  Spanner ! 



The  Leviathan,  Capt.  Wm.  Sholl,  left 
the  foot  of  Superior  Street  at  G  o'clock 
yesterday  morning  for  a  fishing  excur- 
sion down  the  lake.  Tliero  were  about 
twenty  persons  in  the  party,  and  we 
think  we  never  saw  a  more  lovely  lot 
of  men.  The  noble  craft  swept  majes- 
tically out  of  tho  Cuyahoga  into  the 
lake,  and  as  she  sped  past  a  retired 
coal-dealer's  office,  the  Usher  borrowed 
our  pocket-hankerchief  (which  in  the 
excess  of  his  emotion  he  forgot  to  return 
us)  to  wipe  away  four  largo  tears  which 
trickled  from  his  light  bay  eyes.  On 
dashed  the  Leviathan  at  the  rate  of  forty- 
five  knots  an  hour.  The  fishing-ground 
reached,  the  clarion  voice  of  Sholl  was 
heard  to  ejaculate,  "  Reef  homo  the 
jib-boom,  shorten  the  mainbraco,  sphce 
the  Ibrecastle,  and  throw  the  hurricane- 
dock  overboard  !  Lively,  my  lads  !" 
"  Aye,  aye.  Sir !"  said  Marsh,  the 
chaplain  of  the  expedition,  in  tones  of 
thunder,  and  the  gallant  party  sprang 
to  execute  the  Captain's  orders,  the 
agile  form  of  first-officer  Ililliard'  being 
especially  conspicuous  in  reefing  tho 
jib-boom.  Lines  wore  cast  and  the  sport 
commenced.  It  seemed  as  though  all 
tlic  fish  in  the  lake  know  of  our  coming, 
and  had  collected  in  that  particular  spot 
for  tho  express  purpose  of  being  caught ! 
What  teeth  they  had — sufficiently  good, 
certainly,  to  bite  a  cartridge  or  anything 
else.  The  Usher  caught  tho  first  fish 
— a  small  but  beautiful  bass,  whose 
weight  was  about  three  inches  and  a 
half.     Tho  Usher  was  elated  at  this 

streak  of  luck,  but  his  hand  did  not 
tremble,  and  he  continued  to  haul  tho 
fish  in  until  at  noon  ho  had   caught 
thirteen  firkins  full,  and  he  annoiinced 
that  he  should  fish  no  more.     Cruelty 
was  no  part  of  his  nature,  and  he  did 
not  think  it  right  to  slaughter  fish  in 
this  way.     Cross,  Barney,  and  the  rest, 
were  immensely  successful,  and  hauled 
in  tremendous  quantities  of  bass,  perch, 
Mackinaw  trout,  and  Connecticut  shad. 
Bono  didn't  catch  a  fish,  and  we  shall 
never  forget  the  sorrowful  manner  in 
which  the  poor  fellow  gazed  upon  our 
huge  pile  of  beautifiil  bass,  which  occu- 
pied all  of  tho  quarter-deck  and  a  large 
portion  of  the  forecastle.    Having  fished 
enough  the  party  went  ashore,  where 
they  found  Ab.   McHrath  (who  was 
fanning  himself  with  a  bam  door),  the 
Grand  Commandant  (who  in  a  sonorous 
voice  requested  the  parties,  as  they 
alighted  from  the  small  boats,  to  "  keep 
their  heads  out  of  water"),  the  General 
(who  was  discussing  with  the  Doctor  tho 
propriety  of  annexing  East  Cleveland 
to  the  United  States,)  and  several  dis- 
tinguished gentlemen  from  town,  who 
had  come  down  with  life-preservers  and 
ginger-pop.     After  disposing  of  a  sump- 
tuous lunch  the  party  amused  and  in- 
structed each  other  by  conversation,  and 
about  3  o'clock  the  shrill  whistle  of  the 
Leviathan  was  sounded  by  Mike,  the 
urbane  and  accomplished  engineer,  and 
the  party  were  soon  homeward  bound. 
It  was  a  good  time. 



Chapter  I. 

"  Life's  but  a  •walking  shadow— a  poor  player." 

"  Let  me  die  to  sweet  music."— J.  W.Shuckers. 

"  Go  forth,  Clarence  Stanley !  Hence 
to  the  bleak  world,  dog!  You  have  re- 
paid my  generosity  with  the  blackest 
mgratitude.  You  have  forged  my  Kamc 
on  a  five  thousand  dollar  check — have 
repeatedly  robbed  my  money-drawer — 
have  perpetrated  a  long  series  of  high- 
handed villainies,  and  now  to-night,  bo- 
cause,  forsooth,  I'll  not  give  you  more 
money  to  spend  on  your  dissolute  com- 
panions you  break  a  chair  over  my  aged 
head.  Away  !  You  are  a  young  man 
of  small  moral  principle.  Don't  ever 
speak  to  me  again !" 

These  harsh  words  fell  from  the  lips 
of  Horace  Blinker,  one  of  the  merchant 
princes  of  New  York  city,  lie  spoke 
to  Clarence  Stanley,  his  adopted  son 
and  a  beautiful  youth  of  nineteen 
summers.  In  vain  did  Clarence  plead 
his  poverty,  his  tender  age  and  inex- 
perience ;  in  vain  did  he  fasten  thot>e 
lustrous  blue  eyes  of  liis  appealini;ly 
and  tearfully  upon  Mr.  Blinker,  and 
tell  him  ho  would  make  the  j)oc\unary 
matter  all  right  Ik  tlie  fall,  an<l  that  lie 
merely  shattered  a  chair  tn'or  his  beau 
by  way  of  a  joke.  The  stony-hearted 
man  was  remorseless,  and  that  night 

Clarence  Stanley  became  a  wanderer  in 
the  wide,  wide  world!  As  he  went 
forth  he  uttered  these  words :  "II. 
Blinker,  beware  !  A  Red  Hand  is 
around,  my  fine  feller!" 

Chapter  II. 

" a  man  of  stranpe,  wild  mien — one  wlio 

has  seen  trouble." — Sir  Walter  Scott. 

"  You  ask  mo,  dou't  I  wish  to  see  the  Con. 
rttitution  dissolved  and  broken  up.  I  answer, 
never,  never,  nevbk  !"—//.  JV.  Faxon. 

"  They  will  join  our  expedition." — Anon. 

"  Go  in  on  your  nnisclo." — President  Bu- 
chanan's instructions  to  the  Collector  of  Toledo. 

"  "Westward  the  hoe  of  Empire  Stars  its  way." 
— George  X.  True. 

"  "WTiero  liberty  dwells  there  is  uiykcdcntry." 
— C.  R.  Dennett. 

Seventeen  years  have  become  in- 
gulfed in  the  vast  anu  moist  ocean  of  eter- 
nity since  the  scene  depicted  in  the  last 
chapter  occurred.  We  are  in  Mexico. 
Come  with  me  to  the  Scarlet  Banditti's 
cave.  It  is  night.  A  tempest  i.s  raging 
tempestuously  without,  but  within  we 
iind  a  scene  of  dazzUng  magnificence. 
The  cave  is  spacious.  Chandeliers  of 
solid  ff)h\  hang  up  susj)e««lc(l  round 
the  gorgeously  furnished  rcjom,  and  tho 
marble  floor  is  star-studded  with  flashing 
diamonds.  It  must  have  cost  between 
two  hundred  dollars  to  fit  this  cave  up. 



It  embraced  all  of  the  modern  improve- 
ments. At  the  head  of  the  cave  life- 
size  pbotographo  (by  Ryder)  of  the 
bandits,  and  framed  in  gilt,  were  hung 
up  suspended.    The  bandits  were  seated 

■  aroimd  a  marble  table,  which  was  sculped 
regardless  of  expense,  and  were  drinking 
gin  and  molasses  out  of  golden  goblets. 
When  they  got  out  of  gin  fresh  supplies 
were  brought  in  by  slaves  from  a  two- 
horse  wagon  outside,  which  had  been 
captured  that  day,  after  a  desperate  and 
bloody  struggle,  by  the  bandits,  on  the 
plains  of  Buena  Vista. 

At  the  head  of  the  table  sat  the  Chief. 
His  features  were  swarthy  but  elegant. 
He  was  splendidly  dressed  in  new  clothes, 
and  had  that  voluptuous,  dreamy  air  of 
grandeur  about  him  which  would  at  once 
rivet  the  gaze  of  folks  generally.  In 
answer  to  a  highly  enthusiastic  call  he 
arose  and  delivered  an  able  and  eloquent 
speech.  We  regret  that  our  space  does 
not  permit  us  to  give  this  truly  great 
speech  in  full — we  can  merely  give  a 
synopsis  of  the  distinguished  speaker's 
remarks  :  "  Comrades  !  listen  to  your 
chief.  .You  all  know  my  position  on 
Lecompton.  Where  I  stand  in  regard 
to  low  tolls  on  the  Ohio  Canal  is  equally 
clear  to  you,  and  so  with  the  Central 
American  (|uostion.     I  believe  I  under- 

'  stand  my  little  Biz.  I  decline  defining 
my  position  on  the  Horse  Railroad  until 
after  the  Spring  Election.  Whichever 
way  I  says  I  don't  say  so  myself  unless 
I  says  so  also.  Comrades  !  be  virtuous 
and  you'll  ho  happy."  The  Chief  sat 
down  amidst  great  applause,  and  v/as 
immediately  presented  with  an  elegant 
gold-headed  cane  by  his  comrades,  a"  a 
Blight  testimonial  of  their  respect 

Chapter  III. 

"This  iH  tho  last  of  Earth."— Paj/e. 

"  Tho  hope  of  America  lies  ia  its  well^con- 
ducted  Bchool-houses." — Bone. 

"  I  wish  it  to  be  distinctly  understood  that  I 
want  tho  Union  to  bo  Reserved."— jV.  T.  Nash. 

''Sine  qua  non  Ips  Dixit  Quid  pro  quo  cut 
bono  Ad  iufinitim  E  TJnibus  plurum." — Drown. 

Two  hours  later.  Return  wo  again 
to  the  Banditti's  Cave.  Revelry  still 
holds  high  carnival  among  the  able  and 
efficient  bandits.  A  knock  is  heard  at 
the  door.  From  his  throne  at  tho  head 
of  the  table  the  Chief  cries, "  Come  in !" 
and  an  old  man,  haggard,  white  hjured, 
and  sadly  bent  enters  tlie  cave. 

"Messieurs,"  he  tremblingly  ejacu- 
lates, "  for  seventeen  years  I  have  not 
tasted  of  food !" 

"  Well,"  says  a  kind-hearted  bandit, 
"  if  that's  so  I  expect  you  must  be  rather 
faint.  We'll  get  you  up  a  warm  meal 
immediately,  stranger." 

"  Hold !"  whispered  the  Chief  in  tones 
of  thunder,  and  rushing  slowly  to  the 
spot ;  "  this  is  about  played  out.  Behold 
in  me  Red  Hand,  tho  Band.t  Chief, 
once  Clarence  Stanley,  whom  vou  cruel- 
ly turned  into  a  cold  world  seventeen 
years  ago  this  very  niglii!  Old  man, 
prepare  to  go  up !"  Saying  which  the 
Chief  drew  a  sharp  carving  knife  and 
cut  off  Mr.  Blinker's  ears.  He  then 
scalped  Mr.  B.,  and  cut  all  of  his  toe? 
off.  The  old  man  struggled  to  extricate 
himself  from  his  unpleasant  situation, 
but  was  unsuccessful. 

"  My  goodness,"  he  pitoously  ex- 
claimed, "  I  must  say  you  are  pretty 
rough.    It  seems  to  me  ." 

This  is  all  of  this  intensely  interesting 
tale  that  will  be  published  in  the  Plain 



Dealer.  Tho  remainder  of  it  may  bo 
found  in  the  great  moral  family  paper, 
"  The  Windy  Flash,"  published  in  New 
York,  by  Stunpkina.  The  Windy  Flash 
curculates  4,000,000  copies  weetJy. 


it's  Tin  crssiDisT  bcat  paprr  in  thb  world. 

IT'B  TUU  CL'SSEDIHT  rest  PAPKR  in  tub  WORLD. 

it's  a  moral  PAPBR. 
it's  a  moral  PAPIR. 
it's  a  moral  PAPIR. 
it's  a  moral  PAPIR. 


'■>■'■'.  "^     • 

':'»•     j  ;>■■ 




A  FEW  weeks  sinco  a  youn^;  Ireh- 
man  named  (!ulkiiis  wandered  into 
Cleveland  from  Now  York.  Ho  had 
boon  in  America  only  a  short  time. 
He  overflowed  with  hook  leaniin-',  hut 
was  mournfully  i^^ioraut  of  American 
customs,  and  as  iiuiocent  mid  conlidiu'j; 
withal  as  the  Bahes  i)i  the  Wood.  He 
talked  much  of  his  family,  their  com- 
manding position  in  Connaught,  Ireland, 
their  immense  respectahility,  their  chiv- 
alry, and  all  that  sort  of  thin^'.  He 
was  the  only  representative  of  that 
mighty  raco  in  this  country.  "  I'm  the 
last  of  tho  Culkinses!"  ho  would  fre- 
quently say,  with  a  tingo  of  romantic 
Badness,  meaning,  wo  suppose,  that  ho 
would  bo  tho  last  when  tho  elder  Culkins 
(in  the  admiretl  language  of  tho  classics) 
"slipped  his  wind."  Young  Culkhis 
proposed  to  teach  Latin,  Greek,  Spanish, 
Fardown  Irish,  and  perhaps  Choctaw, 
to  such  youths  as  desired  to  become 
thoroiigh  linguists.  He  was  not  very 
successful  in  this  line,  and  concluded  to 
enter  the  office  of  a  prominent  law  firm 
on  Superior  Street,  as  a  student.  He 
dovo  among  tho  musty  and  ponderous 
volumes  with  all  the  enthtisiasm  of  a 
wild  young  Irishman,  and  commenced 
cramming  his  head  with  law  at  a  start- 
ling rate.  Ho  lodged  in  the  back-room 
of  the  office,  and  previous  to  retiring, 
]n>  used  to  sing  the  favorite  ballads  of 
his  own  Emerald  Isle.    The  boy  who  was 

employed  in  the  office  directly  across 
iho  hall  iised  to  go  to  tho  Irishman's 
door  and  stick  his  car  to  the  kcy-holo 
with  a  view  to  drinking  in  the  gashing 
melody  by  tlie  (puirt  or  [)erha];»s  pailful. 
This  vexed  Mr.  Culkins,  and  consider- 
ably marred  the  pleasure  of  the  thing, 
as  witness  tho  following : 

"  Oh  c(»ino  to  nio  when  duylight  nots 

[What  ycz  doing  at  that  door  yor 
d d  spaljjane  V] 

Bwoet,  then  como  to  mo  ! 

[I'll  twist  tho  nose  off  of  ycz  pre- 
sently, mo  honey  ?] 

When  softly  kUJo  our  gondolctts 

[Bcdad,  I'll  do  murthcr  to  ycz,  young 

O'er  tho  mooulit  Hca. 

Of  course  this  couldn't  continue. 
This,  in  short,  was  rather  more  than 
tho  blood  of  tho  Culkinses  could  stand, 
so  tho  young  man,  through  whose  veins 
such  a  powerful  lot  of  that  blood  courses, 
sprang  to  tho  door,  seized  the  eaves- 
dropping boy,  drew  him  within  and 
commenced  to  severely  chastise  him. 
The  boy's  master,  the  gentleman  who 
occupied  the  office  across  tho  hall, 
here  interfered,  pulled  Mr.  Culkins 
off,  and  thrust  him  gently  against  the 
wall  and  slightly  choked  him.     Mr. 



Culklns  bottled  liis  furiou-^  wruili  for 
that  iii^ht,  l)ut  ill  the  morniiig  lio  un- 
corkccl  it  and  threatened  the  gentleman 
(whom  for  convenience  sake  wo  will  call 
Smith )  with  all  sorts  of  vcn/^eancc.  He 
obtained  u,  small  lior8owhi|)  and  tore 
furiously  through  the  town,  on  the  look- 
out for  iSiuith. 

He  sent  Smith  a  challenge,  couched 
in  lan;^uago  so  scathingly  hot  that  it 
burnt  holes  through  the  paper,  and  when 
it  reached  Smith  it  was  riddled  like  un 
old-fashioned  milk  strainer.  No  notice 
was  taken  of  the  challenge,  and  (^ulkins' 
wrath  liecamo  absolutely  terrific.  He 
wrote  hand-bills  which  ho  endeavored 
to  have  printed,  posting  Smith  as  a 
coward.  He  wrote  a  communication  for 
the  New  Herald,  explaining  the  whole 
matter.  (This  wasn't  very  rich,  we 
expect.)  He  urged  us  to  publish  his  chal- 
lenge to  Smith.  Somebody  toKl  him 
that  Smith  was  intending  to  flee  the 
city  in  fear  on  an  afternoon  train,  and 
Culkins  proceeded  to  the  depot,  horse- 
wliip  in  hand,  to  lio  in  wait  for  him. 
This  was  Saturday  last.  During  the 
afternoon  Smith  concluded  to  accept  the 
challenge.  Seconds  and  a  surgeon  were 
selected,  and  we  are  mortified  to  state 
that  at  10  o'clock  in  the  evening  Scran- 
ton's  Bottom  wa.s  desecrated  with  a  regu- 
lar duel.  The  frantic  glee  of  Culkins 
when  he  learned  his  challenge  had  been 
accepted  can't  bo  described.  Our  pen 
can't  do  it — a  pig-pen  couldn't.  He 
wrote  a  long  letter  to  his  uncle  in  New 
York,  and  to  his  father  in  Connaught. 
At  about  ten  o'clock  the  party  pro- 
ceeded to  the  field.  The  moon  was 
not  up,  the  darkness  was  dense,  the 
ground  was  unpleasantly  moist,  and  the 
lights  of  the  town,  which  gleamed  in  the 

distance,  otdy  made  the  scene  mo: 6 
desolate  and  'Ireary.  The  ground  was 
pace(l  off  ana  uio  men  ;irrangc<l.  Whilo 
this  wa.s  being  d^nc  the  sun^eon,  by  the 
light  of  a  dark  lantern,  arran^ 'd  his  in- 
struments, which  consisted  of  1  common 
handsaw,  1  hatchet  1  butcher  knife,  a 
large  variety  of  smaller  knives,  and  a 
small  mountain  of  old  rag.  Neither  of 
the  principals  exhibited  any  fear.  Cul- 
kins insisted  that,  as  the  challenging 
party,  ho  had  the  right  to  the  word 
fire.  This,  after  a  bitter  discussion,  was 
granted.  Ho  urged  his  seconds  to  place 
him  lacing  towards  the  town,  so  that  the 
lights  would  bi'  in  his  favor.  This  was 
done  without  any  trouble,  the  immense 
benefits  of  that  position  not  being  dis- 
covered by  Smith's  second. 

"  li'  I  fall,"  said  Culkins  to  his  second, 
"  see  me  respectably  buried  and  forward 
bill  to  Connaught.  Believe  me,  it  will 
be  cashed.  The  arms  (horse-pistols) 
were  given  to  the  men,  and  one  of 
Culkins'  seconds  said : 

"  Gentlemen,  are  you  ready  ?" 

Smith — Heady. 

Culkins — Ready.  The  blood  of  the 
Culkinses  is  aroused. 

Second — One,  Two,  Three — fire ! 

Culkins'  pistol  didn't  go  off.  Smith 
didn't  fire.  "  That  was  generous  in 
Smith,  not  to  fire,"  said  a  second.  "  It 
was  inDADE,"  said  Culkins,  "■  I  did  not 
think  it  of  the  low-lived  scoundrel !" 

The  rtOi'd  was  again  given.  Crack 
went  both  pistols  simultaneously.  The 
smoke  slowly  cleared  away,  and  the 
principals  were  discovered  standing 
stock-still.  The  silence  and  stillness 
for  a  moment  were  awful.  No  one 
moved.  Soon  Smith  was  seen  to  reel 
and  then  to  slowly  fall.    His  second 


and  tho  surgeon  rusliod  to  him,  Culkina 
made  a  tremendous  effort  to  fly  from 
tho  field  but  was  restrained  by  hia 
seconds.  "Tho  honor  of  tho  Culkinsos," 
ho  roared,  •'  is  unturnislied — -wliy  tho 
dovil  won't  ycz  let  mo  go'i'  II — IPs 
blazos,  men,  will  yez  bo  after  giving 
mo  over  to  tho  bailiffs  ?  Doctlier, 
Docthcr,"  ho  shouted,  "  is  ho  mortally 
wounded  ?"  Tlio  doctor  said  they 
could  not  tell — that  ho  was  wounded  in 
tho  shoulder — that  a  carriage  would  bo 
sent  for  and  tho  wounded  man  taken  to 
his  house.  Hero  a  heart-rending  groan 
came  from  Smith,  and  Culkins,  with  a 
Donnybrook  shriek,  burst  from  his 
seconds,  knocked  over  the  doctor's 
lantern,  and  fled  towards  tho  town 
liko  greased  lightning  amidst  a  chorus 
of  excited  voices. 

"  Hold  him !" 

"  Stop  him  !'* 

"  Grab  him  by  tho  coat-tails  !" 

"  Shoot  him !" 

"Head  him  off!" 
And  half  of  tho  party  started  after  him 
at  an  express-train  rate.  There  was 
some  very  fine  running  indeed.  Culkins 
was  brought  to  a  sudden  stop  against  a 
tall  board  fence,  but  ho  sprang  back 
and  cleared  it  liko  an  English  hunter, 
and  tore  liko  a  lunatic  for  the  city. 
Half  an  hour  later  tho  party  might  have 
boon  seen,  if  it  hadn't  been  so  pesky 
dark,  groping  blindly  around  the  office 
in  which  Culkins  had  boon  a  student  at 

"  Are  you  hero,  Culkins  ?"  said  one. 

"Before  Culkins  answers  that,"  said 
a  smothered  voice  in  the  little  room, 
tell  mo  who  yez  arc." 

"  Friends — ^your  seconds  !" 

"  Gmtlemin,  Culkins  is  here.     The 

last    of   tho  Culkinsos    is  under   tho 

Ho  was  dragged  out.  "  I  hope,"  ho 
said,  "  the  ignoble  wretch  is  not  dead, 
but  I  call  you  to  witness,  gintlemin,  tluit 
ho  grossly  insulted  me."  [Wo  don't 
care  what  folks  say,  but  choking  a  niiin 
is  a  gross  insult.  Eds.  V.  1).]  He 
was  persuaded  to  retire.  There  was  no 
danger  of  his  being  disturbed  that  night, 
as  tho  watch  were  sleeping  sweetly  as 
usual  in  tho  1  lig  arnt-chairs  of  tho  various 
liotels,  and  ho  would  1)0  able  to  fly  tho 
city  in  the  morning.  Tic  had  a  haggard 
and  worn-out  look  yeterday  morning. 
Two  large  bailiffs,  ho  said,  hiid  sur- 
rounded tho  building  in  tho  night,  and 
ho  had  not  slept  a  wink.  And  to  add 
to  his  discomfiture  his  coat  was  covered 
with  a  variegated  and  moist  mixture, 
which  ho  thought  must  bo  some  of  tho 
brains  of  his  opponent,  they  having 
spattered  against  him  as  ho  passed  the 
dying  man  in  his  flight  from  the  field. 

As  Smith  was  not  dead  (though  the 
surgeon  said  ho  would  bo  confined  to 
his  house  for  several  weeks,  and  there 
was  some  danger  of  mortification  setting 
in),  Culkins  wisely  concluded  that  the 
mixture  might  bo  something  else.  A 
liberal  purse  was  made  up  for  him,  and 
at  an  early  hour  yesterday  morning  tho 
last  of  tho  Culkinsos  wont  down  St. 
Clair  street  on  a  smart  trot.  He  took 
this  morning's  Lakeshoro  express  train 
at  some  way-station,  and  is  now  on  his 
way  to  New  York.  Tho  most  astonish- 
ing thing  about  tho  whole  affair  is  the 
appearance  on  tho  street  to-day,  ap- 
parently well  and  unhurt,  of  the  gentle- 
man who  was  so  badly  "  wounded  in  tho 
shoulder."    But  a  duel  was  actually 













50   ■^"     M^H 

■^  1^    12.2 

lU     IT  I 



1-25     1.4   111.6 

S=^^^=                    '"            '"          III    ^^B^ 

•• 6"     





W  ^ 


















V'i-J-.  i' 






i-i :. 

There  are  several  reports  afloat  as 
to  how  "  Honest  Old  Abe"  received  the 
news  of  his  nomination,  none  of  which 
are  correct.  We  give  the  correct 

The  Official  Committee  arrived  in 
Springfield  at  dewy  eve,  and  went  to 
Honest  Old  Abe's  House.  Honest  Old 
Abe  was  not  in.  Mrs.  Honest  Old  Abe 
said  Honest  Old  Abe  was  out  in  the 
woods  splitting  rails.  So  the  Official 
Committee  went  out  into  the  woods, 
where  sure  enough  they  found  Honest 
Old  Abe  splitting  rails  with  his  two 
boys.  It  was  a  grand,  a  magnificent 
spectacle.  There  stood  Honest  Old  Abe 
in  his  shirt-sleeves,  a  pair  of  leather 
home-made  suspenders  holding  up  a 
pair  of  home-made  pantaloons,  the  seat 
of  which  was  neatly  patched  with  sub- 
stantial cloth  of  a  different  color.  "  Mr. 
Lincoln,  Sir,  you've  been  nominated, 

Sir,  for  the  highest  office,  Sir ." 

"  Oh,  don't  bother  me,"  said  Honest 
Old  Abe,  "  I  took  a  stent  this  mornin' 
to  spUt  three  million  rails  afore  night,  and 
1  don't  want  to  be  pestered  with  no  stuff 
about  no  Conventions  till  I  get  my  stent 
done.  I've  only  got  two  hundred  thousand 

rails  to  split  before  sundown.  I  kin  do 
it  if  you'll  let  me  alone."  And  the  great 
man  went  right  on  splitting  rails,  paying 
no  attention  to  the  Committee  whatever. 
The  Committee  were  lost  in  admiration 
for  a  few  moments,  when  they  recovered, 
and  asked  one  of  Honest  Old  Abe's  boys 
whose  boy  he  was  ?  "  I'm  my  parents' 
boy,"  shouted  the  urchin,  which  burst 
of  wit  so  convulsed  the  Committee  that 
they  came  very  near  "  ^n'in  eout"  com- 
pletely. In  a  few  moments  Honest  Old 
Abe  finished  his  task,  and  received  the 
news  with  perfect  self-possession.  He 
then  asked  them  up  to  the  house,  where 
he  received  them  cordiaUy.  He  said 
he  split  three  million  rails  every  day, 
although  he  was  in  very  poor  healtili. 
Mr.  Lincoln  is  a  jovial  man,  and  has  a 
keen  sense  of  the  ludicrous.  During 
the  evening  he  asked  Mr.  Evarts,  of 
New  York,  "  why  Chicago  was  like  a 
hen  crossing  the  street  ?"  Mr.  Evarts 
gave  it  up.  "Because,"  said  Mr. 
Lincoln,  "  Old  Grimes  is  dead,  that 
good  old  man !"  This  exceedingly 
humorous  thing  created  the  most  up- 
roarious laughter. 





n.  1  kin  do 
Lnd  the  great 
rails,  paying 
ee  whatever. 
n  admiration 
J  recovered, 
d  Abe's  boys 
my  parents' 
which  burst 
nmittee  that 
Q  eout"  com- 
I  Honest  Old 
received  the 
ession.  He 
louse,  where 
.    He  said 

every  day, 
M>r  health. 

and  has  a 
is.    Daring 

Evarts,  of 

was  like  a 
Mr.  Evarts 

said  Mr. 
dead,  that 
e  most  up- 

Chapter  I. — France. 

Our  story  opens  in  the  early  part  of 
the  year  17 — .  France  was  rocking 
wildly  from  centre  to  circumference. 
The  arch  despot  and  unscrupulous  man, 
Richard  the  III.,  was  trembling  like  an 
aspen  leaf  upon  his  throne.  He  had 
been  successful,  through  the  valuable 
aid  of  Richelieu  and  Sir  Wm.  Donn,  in 
destroying  the  Orleans  Dysentery,  but 
still  he  trembled!  O'Mulligan,  the 
snake-eater  of  Ireland,  and  Schnapps- 
goot  of  Holland,  a  retired  dealer  in 
goi.  and  sardines,  had  united  their 
forces  —  some  nineteen  men  and  a 
brace  of  bull  pups  in  all — and  were 
overtly  at  work,  their  object  bemg  to 
oust  the  tyrant.  O'Mulligan  was  a 
young  man  between  fifty-three  years 
of  age,  and  was  chiefly  distinguished 
for  being  the  son  of  his  aunt  on  his 
grandfather's  side.  Schnappsgoot  was 
a  man  of  liberal  education,  having  passed 
three  weeks  at  Oberlin  College.  He 
was  a  man  of  great  hardihood,  also,  and 
would  frequently  read  an  entire  column 
of "  railway  matters"  in  the  Cleveland 
Herald  without  shrieking  with  agony. 

Chapter  II. — The  King. 

The  tyrant  Richard  the  III.  (late 
Mr.-Gloster)  sat  upon  his  throne  in  the 

Palace  d'  St.  Cloud.  He  was  dressed  in 
his  best  clothes,  and  gorgeous  trappings 
surrounded  him  everywhere.  Courtiers, 
in  glittering  and  golden  armor,  stood 
ready  at  his  beck.  He  sat  moodily  for 
a  while,  when  suddenly  his  sword 
flashed  from  its  silvern  scabbard,  and 
he  shouted-^ 

"  Slaves,  some  wine,  ho !" 

The  words  had  scarcely  escaped  his 
Ups  ere  a  bucket  of  champagne  and  a 
hoe  were  placed  before  him. 

As  the  king  raised  the  bucket  to  his 
lips,  a  deep  voice  near  by,  proceeding 
from  the  mouth  of  the  noble  Count 
Staghisnibs,  cried — *'  Drink  hearty,  old 

"  Reports,  travelling  on  lightning- 
wings,  whisper  of  strange  goings  on 
and  cuttmgs  up  throughout  this  king- 
dom. Knowest  thou  aught  of  these 
things,  most  noble  Hellitysplit  ?"  and 
the  king  drew  from  the  upper  pocket 
of  his  gold-faced  vest  a  paper  of.  John 
Anderson's  solace  and  proceeded  to  take 
a  chaw. 

"  Treason  stalks  monster-Uke  through- 
out unhappy  France,  my  liege!"  said 
the  noble  HeUityspUt.  The  ranks  of 
the.  P.  Q.  R.'s  are  daily  swelling,  and 
the  G.  R.  J.  A.'s  are  constantly  on  the 
increase.  Already  the  peasantry  scout 
at  cat-fish,  and  demand  pickled  salmon 
for  their  noonday  repasts.  But,  my 
liege,"  and  the  brave  HeUityspht's  eyes 







W''.  ',      .  I 

P  ; 



I        i 


flashed  fire,  "  myself  and  sword  are  at 
thy  command !" 

"  Bully  for  you,  Count,"  said  the 
king.  "  But  soft :  methinks  report — 
perchance  unjustly — ^hast  spoken  suspici- 
ously of  thee,  most  Royal  d'Sardine  ? 
How  is  this  ?  Is  it  a  newspaper  yam  ? 
What's  up?" 

D'Sardine  meekly  approached  the 
throne,  knelt  at  the  king's  feet,  and 
said :  "  Most  patient,  gray,  and  red- 
headed skinner  ;  my  very  approved 
shin-plaster:  that  I've  been  asked  to 
drink  by  the  P.  Q.  R.'s,  it  is  most  true ; 
true,  I  have  imbibed  sundry  mugs  of 
lager  with  them.  The  very  head  and 
front  of  my  offending  hath  this  extent, 
no  more." 

"  Tis  well !"  said  the  King,  rising  and 
loookmg  fiercely  around.  "  Hadst  thou 
proved  false  I  would  with  my  own  good 
sword  have  cut  off  yer  head,  and  spilled 
your  ber-lud  all  over  the  floor !  If  I 
wouldn't,  blow  me !" 

Chapter  III. — The  Rover. 

THRiLLiNa  as  the  scenes  depicted  m 
the  preceding  chapter  indubitably  were, 
those  of  this  are  decidedly  thrillinger. 
Again  are  we  in  the  mighty  presence  of 
the  King,  and  again  is  he  surroimded 
by  splendor  and  gorgeously-mailed 
courtiers.  A  sea-faring  man  stands 
before  hun.  It  is  Roberto  the  Rover, 
disguised  as  a  common  sailor. 

"  So,"  said  the  King,  "  thou  wouldst 
have  audience  with  me  !" 

"  Aye,  aye,  yer  'onor,"  said  the 
sailor,  "just  tip  us  yer  grapplin  irons 
and  pipe  all 'hands  on  deck.  Reef  home 
yer  jibpoop  and  splice  yer  main  topsuls- 

Man  the  jib-boom  and  let  fly  yer  top- 
gallunts.  I've  seen  some  salt  water  in 
my  days,  yer  landlubber,  but  shiver  my 
timbers  if  I  hadn't  rather  coast  among 
seagulls  Uian  landsharks.  My  name  is 
Sweet  William.  You're  old  Dick  the 
Three!  Ahoy!  Awast!  Dam  my  eyes!" 
and  Sweet  William  pawed  the  marble 
floor  and  swung  his  tarpaulin  after  the 
manner  of  sailors  on  the  stage,  and  con- 
sequently, not  a  bit  like  those  on  ship- 

"  Marmer,"  said  the  King,  gravely, 
"  thy  language  is  exceedmg  lucid,  and 
leads  me  to  infer  that  things  is  workin' 

"  Aye,  aye,  my  hearty !"  yelled 
Sweet  William,  in  dulcet  strains,  re- 
minding the  King  of  the  "  voluptuous 
smell  of  phasic,"  spoken  of  by  the  late 
Mr.  Byron. 

"  What  wouldst  thou,  seafarmg  man  ?" 
asked  the  King. 

"  This !"  cried  the  Rover,  suddenly 
taking  off  liis  maritime  clothing  and 
putting  on  an  expensive  suit  of  silk, 
bespangled  with  diamonds.  "  This !  I 
am  Roberto  the  Rover ! " 

The  King  was  thunder-struck.  Cower- 
ing back  in  his  chair  of  state,  he  said  in 
a  tone  of  mingled  fear  and  amazement, 
"  Well,  may  I  be  gaul-damed !" 

"  Ber-lud!  ber-lud!  ber-lud !"  shriek- 
ed the  Rover,  as  he  drew  a  horse-pistol 
and  fired  it  at  the  King,  who  fell  fatally 
killed,  his  last  words  being, "  We  are 

governed  too  much — THIS  IS  THE  LAST 

OF  earth!!!"  At  this  excitmg  junc- 
ture Messrs.  O'MuUigan  and  Schnapps- 
goot  (who  had  previously  entered  into 
a  copartnership  with  the  Rover  for  the 
purpose  of  doing  a  general  killmg  busi- 
ness) burst  mto  the  room  and  cut  off 

the  n( 



et  fly  yer  top- 
le  salt  water  in 
,  but  shiver  my 
r  coast  among 
My  name  is 
old  Dick  the 
Dam  my  eyes!" 
ed  the  marble 
lulin  after  the 
stage,  and  con- 
those  on  ship- 
King,  gravely, 
ling  lucid,  and 
igs  is  workin' 

arty!"  yelled 
>t  strains,  re- 
B  "  voluptuous 
Df  by  the  late 

the  heads  and  let  out  the  inwards  of  all 
the  noblemen  they  encountered.  They 
then  killed  themselves  and  died  like 
heroes,  wrapped  up  in  the  Star  Spangled 
Banner  to  slow  music. 

The  Rover  fled.  He  was  captured 
near  Marseilles  and  thrust  into  prison, 
where  he  lay  for  sixteen  weary  years, 
all  attempts  to  escape  being  futile.   One 

night  a  lucky  thought  struck  him.  He 
raised  the  window  and  got  out.  But  he 
was  unhappy.  Remorse  and  dyspepsia 
preyed  upon  his  vitals.  He  tried 
Boerhave's  Holland  Bitters  and  the 
Retired  Physician's  Sands  of  Life,  and 
got  well.  He  then  married  the  lovely 
Countess  D'Smith,  and  lived  to  a  green 
old  age,  being  the  triumph  of  virtue  and 
downfall  of  vice. 



ifaring  man  ? 


i^er,  suddenly 

clothing   and 

suit  of  silk, 

3.    "  This !  I 

ruck.  Cower- 
ite,  he  said  in 
i  amazement, 
ned !" 

•lud !"  shriek- 
a  horse-pistol 
ho  fell  fatally 
g,  "  We  are 


xciting  junc- 
nd  Schnapps- 
entered  into 
lOver  for  the 
killing  busi- 
and  cut  off 




There  is  a  story  of  two  "smart" 
Yankees,  one  named  Hosea  and  the 
other  Hezekiah,  who  met  in  an  oyster 
shop  in  Boston.  Said  Hosea,  "  As  to 
opening  oysters,  why  nothing's  easier 
if  you  only  know  how."  "  And  how's 
hm  ? "  asked  Hezekiah.  "  Scotch 
snuff,"  replied  Hosea,  very  gravely. — 
"  Scotch  snuff.  Bring  a  littlfi  of  it  ever 
so  near  their  noses,  and  they'll  sneeze 
their  lids  off."  "I  know  a  man  wlio 
knows  abetter  plan,"  observed  Hezekiah. 
"He  spreads  the  bivalves  in  a  circle, 
seats  himself  in  the  centre,  reads  a 
chapter  of  Artemu»  Ward  to  them,  and 
goes  on  until  they  get  interested.  One 
by  one  they  gape  with  astonishment  at 
A.  Ward's  whoppers,  and  as  they 
gape  my  friend  whips  'em  out,  peppers 
away,  and  swallows  'em." 

Excellent  as  all  that  Artemus  Ward 
writes  really  is,  and  exuberantly  over- 
flowing with  humour  as  are  nearly  all 
his  articles,  it  is  too  bad  to  accuse  him 
of  telling  "  whoppers."  On  the  contrary, 
the  old  Horatian  question  of  "Who  shall 
forbid  me  to  speak  truth  in  laughter  ?  " 
seems  ever  present  to  his  mind.  His 
latest  production  is  the  admirable  paper 
on  the  Fenians.  Sparkling  with  genuine 
fun  and  bristling  with  pungent  satire,  it 
is  an  epitome  of  Artemus  Ward's  most 
genial  humour  and  of  his  keenly  sar- 
castic truth.  The  domgs  of  the  Fenians 

have  hitherto  been  sufficiently  ludicrous 
to  merit  the  ridicule  which  Artemus  has 
added  to  the  stock  they  have  so  liberally 
provided  for  themselves.  To  use  the 
periphrasis  of  Senator  Sumner,  they 
have  hitherto  been  "the  muscipular 
abortion  of  the  parturient  mountain ; " 
whatever  their  folly  may  yet  lead  them 
to  effect  of  a  more  serious  nature  in 
time  to  come.  As  a  curiosity  of  litera- 
ture, worthy  of  being  preserved  for  the 
amusement  of  posterity,  a  leading 
article  on  the  Fenians,  extracted  from 
a  New  York  paper  of  most  extensive 
circulation,    is    given   below.*      Such 

*  "  The  Fenian  Troubles  at  an  End— The 
Head  Centre  Yictorious. 

"  The  unmitigated  blackguards  and  miserable 
spalpeens  ■who  raised  the  standard  of  revolt 
against  the  brave  and  gallant  O'Mahony  are 
knockedinto  the  most  infinitesimal  smithereens, 
and  chawed  up  until  there  is  not  as  much  left 
of  them  as  remained  after  the  tooth-and-noil 
conflict  of  the  Kilkenny  cats.  The  blessed  and 
holy  St.  Patrick  (may  the  heavens  be  his  bed 
in  glory!)  never  more  thoroughly  extinguished 
the  toads,  snakes,  bedbugs,  mosquitos,  and 
varmint  in  general,  which  he  drove  out  of  Ould 
Ireland,  than  O'Mahony,  the  gallant  Head 
Centre,  squelched,  exterminated,  crushed  out, 
and  extinguished  the  cantankerous  Senators 
and  rebellious  disciples  of  the  brotherhood  who 
thought  to  clutch  the  evergreen  laurels  and 
verdant  greenbacks  with  which  a  patriotic  and 
confiding  people  have  encircled  his  brow  and 
lined  his  wallet.  As  the  blessed  St.  Patrick 
aforesaid  compelled  the  varmints  to  betake 
themselves  to  the  swamps  and  morasses,  and 


ft  r 






i-f<'  ■' 

another  "  leader  "  as  the  one  here  given 
could  not  bo  met  with  in  the  press  of 
any  land  in  the  world,  except  in  that  of 
the  United  States. 

If  Artemus  has  on  any  occasion  really 
told  "whoppers,"  it  has  been  in  his 
announcements  of  being  about  to  visit 
England.  From  time  to  time  he  has 
stated  his   intention    of   visiting    this 

'  chased  tho  frogs  iuto  the  bogs ; '  so  the 
redoubtable  O'Mahony  has  compelled  the 
rebellious  Fenians  to  hide  their  diminished 
head?  nnd  letake  themselves  to  tho  recesses  of 
oblivion,  where  their  contortions  will  be 
watched  by  tho  observer  of  futurity,  as  the 
visitors  of  Blarney  Castle  are  edified  by  the 
gambols  of  the  '  comely  eels  in  tho  verdant 
mud.'  The  bravo  O'Mahony  has  come  forth 
from  the  contest  like  gold  from  tho  crucible,  or 
whisky  from  tho  still,  purified,  etherealized, 
and  elevated,  while  his  antagonists  have  shrunk 
away  like  dross  or  swill,  never  more  to  mingle 
with  the  Olympian  deliberation,  and  Jove-like 
councils  of  tho  Mofiatt  Mansion.  Instead  of 
participating  in  these  august  deliberations,  they 
will  go  back  to  their  shanties,  and  there  behold 
the  glories  they  are  unworthy  to  share.  As  if 
the  O'Mahony  bludgeon  had  not  knocked  the 
breath  completely  out  of  tho  revolters,  the 
idolized  Stephens,  who,  like  the  Roman  Curtius 
jumped  into  tho  gulf  of  Irish  nationality, 
published  a  letter  and  a  proclamation  which 
must  satisfy  the  public  that  the  recreants  are 
'kilt  intirely,'  and  may  as  well  give  their 
neighbours  a  pleasant  wake  and  a  decent  buriaj 
as  expect  to  survive  the  period  of  their  inevitable 
dissolution.  His  proclamation  comes  down  on 
them  like  a  shillaly  in  Donnybrook ;  and  if  it 
does  not  ventilate  their  skulls,  it  is  because 
those  cranial  envelopes  are  as  impervious  to 
physical  force  as  to  the  gentle  influence  of 
reason  or  patriotism.  Having  demolished  the 
rebellious  Senate  and  their  backers,  tho  next 
thing  O'Mahony  has  to  do  is  to  wipe  out  the 
bloody  Saxon  {ind  re-establish  the  nationality 
of  the  Emerald  Isle  as  it  existed  in  the  days  of 
Brian  Boru.  As  Queen  Victoria  is  a  woman, 
we  do  not  expect  to  see  her  locked  up  like  Jeff. 
Davis,  but  she  will  be  allowed  to  emigrate  to 
Kew  York,  and  open  a  boarding-school  or  a 
drygoods-store,  where  she  will  remain  un- 
molested as  long  as  she  behaves  herself." 

country,  and  from  time  to  time  has  he 
disappointed  his  English  friends. 

Ho  was  coming  to  England  after  his 
trip  to  California,  when,  laden  with  gold, 
he-could  think  of  no  better  place  to  spend 
it  in. 

He  was  on  his  way  to  England  when 
he  and  his  companion,  Mr.  Ilingston, 
encountered  the  Pi-uto  Indians,  and 
narrowly  escaped  scalping.  .    ' 

He  was  leaving  for  England  with 
"  Betsy  Jane"  and  tho  "  snaiks"  be- 
fore the  American  war  was  ended. 

He  had  unscrewed  the  head  of  each 
of  his  "  wax-figgers,"  and  sent  each  on 
board  in  a  carpet-bag,  labelled,  "Eor 
England,"  just  as  Mr.  Lincoln  was 

He  was  hastening  to  England  when 
thi  news  came  a  few  weeks  ago  that  he 
had  been  blown  up  in  an  oil-well ! 

He  has  been  on  his  way  to  England 
in  every  newspaper  of  the  American 
Union  for  the  last  two  years. 

Here  is  the  latest  announcement : — 

"  Artemus  Ward,  in  a  private  letter, 
states  that  Dr.  Kumming,  the  famous 
London  seer  and  profit,  having  foretold 
that  the  end  of  the  world  will  happen  on 
his  own  birthday,  in  January,  1867,  he, 
Artemus,  will  not  visit  England,  until 
the  latter  end  of  1866,  when  the  peopliJ 
t)iere  will  be  selling  oflF  and  dollars  will 
be'  plentiful.  Mr.  Ward  says  that  he 
shall  leave  England  in  the  last  steamer, 
in  time  to  see  the  American  eagle  spread 
his  wings  and  with  the  stars  and  stripes 
in  his  beek  and  tallents  sore  away  to  his 
knativ  erapjvehxim"— American  Paper. 

But  even  this  is  likely  to  be  a 
"  whopper,"  for  a  more  reliable  private 
letter  from  Artemus  declares  his  fixed 
purpose  to  leave  for  England  in  the 




steamship  City  of  Boston  early  in  June ; 
and  the  probabilites  are  that  ho  will  bo 
stepping  on  English  shores  just  about 
the  time  that  these  pages  go  to  press. 

Lest  anything  should  happen  to  him, 
and  England  bo  for  ever  deprived  of 
seeing  him,  tho  most  recent  production 
of  his  pen,  together  with  two  or  three  of 
his  best  things,  are  here  embalmed  for 
preservation,  on  the  principle  adopted 
by  the  affectionate  widow  of  the  bear- 
trainer  of  Perpignan.  "  I  have  nothing 
left,"  said  the  woman.  "  I  am  abso- 
lutely without  a  roof  to  shelter  me  and 
the  poor  animal."  "  Animal ! "  ex- 
claimed the  prefect ;  "  you  don't  mean 
to  say  that  you  keep  the  bear  that 
devoured  your  husband  ?"  "  Alas  !" 
she  replied,  "  it  is  all  that  is  left  to  me 
of  the  poor  dear  man  !" 

If  any  other  excuse  be  needed  for  thus 
presenting  the  British  public  with  A. 
Ward's  "  last,"  in  addition  to  the  pertin- 
ency of  the  article  and  its  real  merit, 
that  excuse  may  be  found  in  the  fact 
that  it  is  thoroughly  new  to  readers  on 
this  side  of  the  Atlandc. 

The  general  public  will  undoubtedly 
receive  ^^  Artemus  Ward  among  the 
'Fenians  ^*  with  approving  laughter. 
Should  it  fall  into  the  hands  of  a  philo- 
Fenian,  the  effect  may  be  different.  To 
him  it  would  probably  have  the  wrong  ac- 
tion sf  the  Yankee  bone-picking  machine. 

"  I've  got  a  new  machine,"  said  a 
Yankee  pedlar,  "  for  picking  bones  out 
of  fish.  Now,  I  tell  you  it's  a  leetle 
bit  the  darndest  thing  you  ever  did  see. 
All  you  have  to  do  is  to  set  it  on  a  table 
and  turn  a  crank,  and  the  fish  flies  right 
down  your  throat  and  the  bones  right 
under  the  grate."  Well,  there  was  a 
country  greenhorn  got  hold  of  it  the 

other  day^^nd  he  turned  the  crank  the 
wrong  way ;  and,  I  tell  you,  the  way  tho 
bones  flow  down  his  throat  was  awful. 
Why,  it  stuck  that  fellow  so  full  of  bones, 
that  he  could  not  c;et  his  shirt  off  for  a 
whole  week !" 

In  addition  to  the  paper  on  the  Fenians, 
two  other  articles  by  Artemus  Ward  are 
reprinted  in  the  present  volume.  One 
relates  to  the  city  of  Washington,  and 
the  other  to  the  author's  imaginary 
town  of  Baldinsville.  Both  are  highly 
characteristic  of  the  writer  and  of  his 
quaint  spellings — a  heterography  not 
more  odd  than  that  of  the  postmaster  of 
Shawnee  County,  Missouri,  who,  return- 
ing his  account  to  the  General  OflSce, 
wrote,  "  I  hearby  sertify  that  the  four 
going  A-Counte  is  as  nere  Rite  as  I  now 
how  to  make  It,  if  there  is  any  mistake 
it  is  not  Dun  a  purpers." 

Artemus  Ward  has  created  a  new 
model  for  funny  writers ;  and  the  fact 
is  noticeable  that,  in  various  parts  of 
this  country  as  well  as  in  his  own,  ho  has 
numerous  puny  imitators,  who  suppose 
that  by  simply  adopting  his  comic  spell- 
ing they  can  write  quite  as  well  as  he 
they   . 

Thomas  ilood,  who  said  that  he  could 
write  as  well  as  Shakespere  if  he  had 
the  mind  to,  but  the  trouble  was — he 

had  not  got  the  mind. 

•    *    * 

15«»J>t«e,  1866. 

P.  S.— June  16th.  Artemus  Ward 
really  arrived  in  London  yesterday. 
He  has  come  to  England  at  last,  though, 
like  La  Belle  Hilene  at  the  Adelphi 
Theatre,  he  "has  been  some  time  in 

P   haps  it  would  be  as  well  if 
inhered    the  joke    of  poor 


:i  i 

To  Home,  April,  1866. 

The  Finians  conveoned  in  our  town 
the  other  night,  and  took  steps  toord 
freein  Ireland.  They  met  into  the 
Town  Hall  and  by  the  kind  invite  of 
my  naber,Mr.  Mulroony  O'Shaughnessy, 
whose  ancestors  at  least  must  have  Irish 
blood  in  their  veins,  I  went  over. 

You  may  not  be  awair,  by  the  way, 
that  I've  been  a  invalid  here  to  home 
for  sev'ril  weeks.  And  it's  all  owin  to 
my  own  improodens.  Not  feelin'  like 
eathig  a  full  meal  when  the  cars  stopt 
for  dinner,  in  the  South,  where  I  lately 
was,  I  went  into  a  Resterater  and  et  20 
hard  biled  eggs.  I  think  they  effected 
my  Liver. 

My  wife  says,  Po,  po.  She  says  I've 
got  a  splendid  liver*  for  a  man  of  my 
time  of  life.  I've  heard  of  men's  livers 
gradooally  wastin'  away  till  they  hadn't 
none.  It's  a  dreadful  thing  when  a 
man's  liver  gives  him  the  shake. 

Two  years  ago  comin  this  May,  I  had 
a  'tack  of  fever-'n-ager,  and  by  the 
advice  of  Miss  Peasley  (who  continues 
single  and  is  correspondinly  unhappy  in 
the  same  ratio)  I  consulted  a  Spiritooul 
mejum— awritin'mejum.  I  got  a  letter 
fi"om  a  cel'brated  Injin  chief,  who  writ 
me,  accordin'  to  the  mejum,  that  he'd 
been  ded  two  hundred  and  seventeen 
(217)  years,  and  liked  it.    He  then 

''  In  America  perhaps  nine  complaints  out 
of  ten  are  attributed  to  some  derangement  of 
the  liver.— Ed.] 

said,  let  the  Pale  face  drink  sum  yarb 
tea !  I  drinkt  it,  and  it  really  hclpt  me. 
I've  writ  to  this  talented  savige  this  time 
thro'  the  same  mejum,  but  as  yet  I  hain't 
got  any  answer.  Perhaps  he's  in  a  spear 
where  they  hain't  got  any  postage  stamps. 

But  thanks  to  careful  nussin',  I'm 
improvin'  rapid. 

The  Town  Hall  waz  jam-full  of  people, 
mostly  Irish  citizens,  and  the  enthusiasm 
was  immense.  They  cheer'd  everybody 
and  everything.     They  cheer'd  me. 

"  Hurroo  for  Ward !     Hurroo  !" 

They  was  all  good  nabers  of  mine, 
and  I  ansered  in  a  pleasant  voice,  "  All 
right,  boys,  all  right.  Mavoorneen,  och 
hone,  aroon,  Cooshla'  macree  !" 

These  Irish  remarks  bein'  received 
with  great  applaus,  I  added  "  Mushier! 

"  Good !  good !"  cried  Captain  Sping- 
ler,  who  desires  the  Irish  vote  for  county 
clerk—"  that's  fus'  rate." 

"  You  see  what  I'm  drivin'  at,  don't 
you.  Cap  ?"  I  said 

"  Certainly." 

"  Well,"  I  ansered,  « I'm  very  glad 
you  do,  becaus  I  don't." 

This  made  the  Finians  larf,  and  they 
said  "  Walk  up  onto  the  speaker's  plat- 
form,  sir." 

The  speeches  was  red  hot  agin 
England  and  hir  iron  heel,  and  it  was 
resolved  to  free  Ireland  at  onct.  But 
it  was  much  desirable  before  freein'  her' 
that  a  large  quantity  of  funds  should  be 
nused.    And,  like  the  gen'rous  souls  as 

sum  yarb 
hclpt  me. 
Q  this  time 
et  I  hain't 
I  in  a  spear 
ge  stamps. 
8sin',  I'm 

of  people, 
d  me. 
•00 !" 
I  of  mine, 



■neon,  och 


lin  Sping- 
br  county 

at,  don't 

\rery  glad 

and  they 
er's  plat- 
hot  agin 
id  it  was 
ict.  But 
•eein'  her' 
ihould  be 
s  souls  as 

they  was,  funs  was  lib'rally  contribooted. 
Then  arose  a  cxcitin'  discussion  as  to 
which  head  center  they  should  send  'cm 
to— O'Mahony  or  McRoberts.  There 
was  grate  excitement  over  this,  but  it 
was  finally  resolved  to  send  half  to  one 
and  half  to  t'other. 

Then  Mr.  Finnigan  rose  and  said, 
"  We  have  hero  to-night  sum  citizens  of 
American  birth,  from  whom  we  should 
be  glad  to  hear.  It  would  fill  our  harts 
with  speechless  joy  to  hear  from  a  man 
whose  name  towers  high  in  the  zoological 
and  wax-figger  world — from  whose  pearly 
lipa " 

Says  I,  "  Go  slow,  Finny,  go  slow." 

"  We  wish  to  hear,"  continued  Mr. 
Finnigan,  moderatin'  his  stile  summut, 
"  from  our  townsman,  Mr.  Ward." 

I  beg'd  to  bo  declined,  but  it  wan't 
no  use.  I  rose  amid  d  perfeck  uproar 
of  applaus. 

I  said  we  had  convened  there  in  a 
meetin',  as  I  understood  it,  or  rather  in 
a  body  as  it  were,  in  ref  rence  to  Ireland. 
If  I  knew  my  own  hart,  every  one  of  us 
there,  both  grate  and  small,  had  an 
impulse  flowin'  in  his  boosum,  "  and 
consequentially,"  I  added,  "  we  will 
stick  to  it  similar  and  in  accordance 
therewith,  as  long  as  a  spark  of  man- 
hood, or  the  peple  at  large.  That's  the 
kind  of  man  I  be!" 

Squire  Thaxter  interrupted  me.  The 
Squire  feels  the  wrongs  of  Ireland  deep- 
ly, on  accounts  of  bavin'  onct  courted 
the  widder  of  a  Irish  gentleman  who 
had  Hngered  in  a  loathsum  dunjm  in 
Dublin,  placed  there  by  a  English  tavern- 
keeper,  who  despotically  wanted  him  to 

Peace.  "  Mr.  Ward,"  ho  said,  "you've 
bin  drinkin'.  You're  under  the  iu- 
floo'nco  of  licker,  sir!" 

Says  I,  "  Squire,  not  a  drop  of  good 
licker  has  passed  my  lips  in  fifteen 

[Cries  of  "  Oh,  here  now,  that  won^t 

"  It  is  troo,"  I  said.  "  Not  a  drop 
of  good  licker  has  passed  ray  lips  in  all 
that  time.  I  don't  let  it  pass  'cm.  I 
reach  for  it  while  its  going  by  !"  says  I. 
"  Squire,  harness  me  sum  more !" 

"  I  beg  pardon,"  said  tho  Squire, 
"  for  the  remark ;  you  are  sober ;  but 
what  on  airth  are  you  drivin'  at  ?" 

"  Yes  !"  I  said, "  that's  just  it.  Thaf  s 
what  I've  bin  axin  myself  durin'  the 
entire  evenin'.  What  is  this  grate 
meetin'  dririn'  at?  What's  all  the 
grate  Finian  meetins  drivin'  at  all  over 
the  country  ?" 

"  My  Irish  frens,  you  know  me  well 
enufiF  to  know  that  I  did'nt  come  here  to 
disturb  this  meetin'.  Nobody  but  a 
loafer  will  disturb  any  kind  of  a  meetin'. 
And  if  you'll  notiss  it,  them  as  are  up 
to  this  sort  of  thing,  aller^  come  to  a  bad 
end.  There  was  a  young  man — I  will 
not  mention  his  name — who  disturb'd 
my  show  in  a  certain  town,  two  years 
ago,  by  makin'  remarks  disrespectful 
of  my  animals,  accompanied  by  a  allosan 
to  the  front  part  of  my  hed,  which  as 
you  see,  it  is  Bald — sayin',  says  this 
young  man,  '  You  sandpaper  it  too 
much,  but  you've  got  a  beautiful  head 
of  hair  in  the  back  of  your  neck,  old 
man.'  This  made  a  few  ignent  and  low- 
mindid  persons  larf ;  but  what  was  the 


pay  for  a  quantity  of  choi»fi»d*V?er  jie-  fjit^  of:*bBfe  yojipg  man  ?  In  less  than 
had  consoom'd.  Besides;  !4heV.*Sq»Ji*€i'  a  mcsih'Jj^Utiiii.  died  and  left  him  a 
wants  to  be  re-elected  Just^cej ^of  tbe   fwccp  in  Oxford* »qounty,  Maine!    The 




human  mind  can  piotur'  no  greater  mis- 
fortin  than  this. 

"  No,  my  Irish  frens,  I  am  hero  as 
your  naber  and  fren.  I  know  you 
are  honost  in  this  Finian  matter. 

''  But  let  us  look  at  them  Head 
Centers.  Let  us  look  at  them  rip- 
roarin'  orators  in  New  York,  who've 
bin  tearin'  round  for  up'ards  a  year, 
Bwearin'  Ireland  shall  bo  free. 

"  There's  two  parties  —  O'McMa- 
honeys  and  McO'Roberts.  One  thinks 
tho  best  way  is  to  go  over  to  Canady 
and  establish  a  Irish  Republic  thero, 
kindly  permittin*  the  Canadians  to  pay 
tho  expenses  of  that  sweet  Boon  ;  and 
tho  other  wants  to  sail  direck  for  Dublin 
Bay,  where  young  McRoy  and  his  fair 
young  bride  went  down  and  was 
drownded,  accordin'  to  a  ballad  I  onct 
hoard.  But  there's  one  pint  on  which 
both  sides  agree— that's  the  Funs. 
They're  willin',  them  chaps  in  New 
York,  to  receive  all  the  Funs  you'll 
send  'em.  You  send  a  puss  to-night  to 
Hahoney,  and  another  puss  to  Roberts. 
Both  win  receive  'em.  You  bet.  And 
with  other  pusses  it  will  be  sim'lar. 

"  I  went  into  Mr.  Dolmonico's*  eatin' 
house  tho  other  night,  and  I  saw  my 
fren  Mr.  Terence  McFadden,  who  is  a 
elekant  and  enterprisin'  deputy  Centre. 
He  was  sittin'  at  a  table,  eatin'  a 
canvass-back  duck.  Poultry  of  that 
kind,  as  you  know,  is  rather  high  just 
now.  I  think  about  five  dollars  per 
Poult.  And  a  bottle  of  green  seal 
stood  before  him. 

"How  are  you,Mr.McFadden?"Isaid. 

•  "  Oh,  Mr.  Ward !  I  am  miserable — 

_ .  _  t  »  > *       •      ,  <  •  » t   •  *  •     . 

•  The  first  restaTiraiit'ih'New*  J^<**f  '"^Mre, 
the  best  eatertainment'  for  'the'  higfUe'st  prices 
may  be  obtainecl.— Eo.'  :''»',■"",     ; ;    ',  ■", 

miserable !  The  wrongs  we  Irishmen 
suffer!  Oh,  Ireland!  Will  a  troo 
history  of  your  sufferins  ever  be  written  ? 
Must  we  bo  forever  ground  under  by 
the  iron  heel  of  despotic  Briton  ?  But, 
Mr.  Ward,  won't  you  eat  authin'  ?" 

"  Well,"  I  said,  "  if  there's  another 
canvass-back  and  a  spare  bottle  of  that 
green  seal  in  tho  house,  I  wouldn't  mind 
jinin'  you  in  being  ground  under  by 
Briton's  iron  heel." 

"  Green  turtle  soup,  first  ?"  he  said. 

"  Well,  yes.  If  I'm  to  share  the 
wrongs  of  Ireland*  with  you,  I  don't 
care  if  I  do  hav'  a  bowl  of  soup.  Put 
a  bean  into  it,"  I  said  to  the  waiter. 
"  It  will  remind  me  of  my  childhood 
days,  when  wo  had  'em  baked  in  con- 
junction with  pork  every  Sunday  morn- 
in',  and  then  all  went  up  to  the  village 
church,  and  had  a  refreshin'  nap  in  the 
fam'ly  pew." 

"  Mr.  McFadden,  who  was  sufferiii' 
so  thurily  for  Ireland,  was  of  the  Ma- 
honey  wing.  I've  no  doubt  that  some 
ekally  patriotic  member  of  the  Roberta 
wing  was  sufferin'  in  tho  same  way  over 
to  the  Mason-Dory*  eatin'  house. 

"  They  say,  feller  citizens,  soon  you 
will  see  a  Blow  struck  for  Irish  liberty ! 
We  hain't  seen  nothin'  but  a  Blow,  so 
far — ^it's  bin  all  blow,  and  the  blowers 
in  New  York  won't  git  out  of  Bellusses 
as  long  as  our  Irish  frens  in  the  rooral 
districks  send  'em  money. 

"  Let  the  Green  float  above  the  red, 
if  that'll  make  it  feel  any  better,  but 
don't  you  be  the  Green.  Don't  never 
go  into  anything  till  you  know  where- 
abouts you're  goin'  to. 

-r W^ 

.•'*  A-jdflieT" restaurant — only  a  trifle  less 
famohs  abd  ekpensive  than  its  more  celebrated 
T|val.7^ED/,   ,.'  •,  V 



ill  a  troo 
0  written? 
under  by 
)n  ?  But, 
iin'  ?" 
's  another 
h  of  that 
Idn't  mind 
under  by 

'  he  said, 
share  the 
,  I  don't 
)up.  Put 
le  waiter, 
id  in  con- 
day  mom- 
he  village 
lap  in  the 

f  the  Ma- 
that  some 
B  Roberta 

way  over 

soon  you 
h  liberty ! 

Blow,  so 
e  blowers 
;he  rooral 

B  the  red, 
etter,  but 
n't  never 
)w  where- 

trifle  less 
)  celebrated 

"  This  is  a  very  good  country  hero 
whore  you  are.  You  Irish  hav'  en- 
joyed our  boons,  held  your  share  in  our 
offices,  and  you  certainly  hav'  done  your 
share  of  our  votin'.  Then  why  this 
hullabaloo  about  freein'  Ireland  ?  You 
do  your  frens  in  Ireland  a  great  injoory, 
too ;  because  they  b'lievo  you're  comin' 
sure  enuff,  and  they  fly  off  the  handle 
and  git  into  jail.  My  Irish  frens, 
ponder  these  things  a  lil;tle.  'Zamine 
*em  closely,  and  above  all  find  out  where 
the  pusses  go  to." 

I  sot  down.  There  was  no  applaws, 
but  they  listened  to  me  kindly.  They 
know'd  I  was  honest,  however  wrong  I 
might  be ;  and  they  know'd  too,  that 
there  was  no  peple  on  arth  whose  gene- 
rosity and  gallantry  I  had  a  higher 
respect  for  than  the  Irish,  excep'  when 
they  fly  off  the  handle.  So  my  foUer 
citizens  let  me  toot  my  horn. 

But  Squire  Thaxter  put  his  hand 
onto  my  bed  and  said,  in  a  mournful 
tone  of  vols,  "  Mr.  Ward,  your  mind  is 
failin'.  Your  intellect  totters !  You 
are  only  about  sixty  years  of  age,  yet 
you  wiU  soon  be  a  drivelin'  dotard  and 
hav'  no  control  over  yourself." 

"  I  have  no  control  over  my  arms 
now,"  I  replied,  drivin'  my  elbows  sud- 
denly into  the  Squire's  stomack,  which 
caused  that  corpulent  magistrate  to  fall 
vilently  off  the  stage  into  the  fidlers' 
box,  where  he  stuck  his  vener'ble  bed 
into  a  base  drum,  and  stated  "  Murder" 
twice,  in  a  very  loud  vois. 

It  was  late  when  I  got  home.  The 
children  and  my  wife  was  all  abed. 
But  a  candle — a  candle  made  from 
taller  of  our  own  raisin' — gleamed  in 
Betsy's  room ;  it  gleamed  for  I !  All 
was  still.    The  sweet  silver  moon  was  a 

shinin'  bright,  and  the  beautiful  stars 
was  up  to  tlicir  usual  doiiid !  [  felt  a 
sentymontal  mood  so  gently  ore  me 
stcaUn',  and  I  pawsod  heforo  Betsy's 
winder,  and  sung,  in  a  kind  of  op'ratic 
voia,  as  follers,  impromtoo,  to  wit : 

"Wako,  Bossy,  wako, 

My  Bweot  galoot ! 
Rise  up,  fair  lady, 

While  I  touch  my  luto ! 

The  winder — I  regret  to  say  that  the 
winder  went  up  with  a  vi'lent  crash, 
and  a  form  robed  in  spotless  white  ex- 
claimed, "  Cum  into  the  house,  you  old 
fool.  To-morrer  you'll  be  goin'  round 
coraplainin'  about  your  liver !" 

I  sot  up  a  spell  by  the  kitchen  fire 
readin'  Lewis  Napoleon's  Life  of  Julius 
Caesar.  What  a  reckless  old  cuss  he 
was  !  Yit  Lewis  picturs  him  in  glowin' 
cullers.  CsBsar  made  it  lively  for  the 
boys  in  Gaul,  didn't  he  ?  He  slewd 
one  million  of  citizens,  male  and  female 
— Gauls  and  Gaulusses — and  then  he 
sold  another  million  of  'em  into  slavery. 
He  continnered  this  cheerful  stile  of 
thing  for  sum  time,  when  one  day  he 
was  'sassinated  in  Rome  by  sum  high- 
toned  Roman  genl'men,  led  on  by  Mr. 
Brutus.  When  old  Bruty  inserted  his 
knife  into  him,  C3?sar  admitted  that  he 
was  gone  up.  His  funeral  was  a  great 
success,  the  house  bein'  crowded  to  its 
utmost  capacity.  Ten  minutes  after  the 
doors  were  opened  the  Ushers  had  to 
put  up  cards  on  which  was  printed, 
"  Standm'  Room  Only." 

I  went  to  bed  at  last.  "  And  so,"  I 
said,  "  thou  hast  no  ear  for  sweet 

A  silvery  snore  was  my  only  answer. 

Bftsy  slept. 

Artemds  Ward. 

I  m 

r  nil: 


1    1 1 

■n       .i 

'        I 

81      ^ 


[The  following  papor  was  contributed  by  Mr. 
Browne  to  Vanity  Fair,  the  New  York  Punch, 
which  terminated  its  career  daring  the  late  war. 
Some  of  the  allusions  are,  of  course,  to  matters 
long  past,  but  the  old  fun  and  genuine  humour 
of  the  showman  are  as  enjoyable  now  as  when 
first  written.] 

Washington,  April  17, 1863. 

My  wife  stood  before  the  lookin'  glass, 
a  fussin'  up  her  hair. 

"  What  you  doin',  Betsy  ?  "  I  in- 

"  Doin'  up  my  back  hair,"  she  replied. 

"  Betsy,"  sed  I,  with  a  stern  air, 
"  Betsy,  you're  too  old  to  think  about 
such  frivolities  as  back  hair." 

"  Too  old?  too  oldf^  she  screamed, 
"  too  old,  you  Bald-heded  idiot !  You 
ain't  got  hair  enuff  onto  your  hed  to 
make  a  decent  wig  for  a  single-brested 
grass-hopper !" 

The  Rebook  was  severe  but  merited. 
Hen84th  I  shall  let  my  wife's  ba-^k  hair 
alone.     You  heard  me ! 

My  little  dawter  is  growin'  quite 
rapid,  and  begins  to  scrootinize  clothin' 
with  young  men  inside  of  it,  puthy  clost. 
I  obsarve,  too,  that  she  twists  pieces  of 
paper  round  her  hair  at  nights,  and 
won't  let  me  put  my  arms  round  her 
any  more  for  fear  I'll  muss  her.  "  Your 
mother  wasn't  'fraid  I'd  muss  her  when 
she  was  your  age,  my  child,"  sed  I  one 
day,  with  a  sly  twinkle  into  my  dark  bay 

"  No,"  replied  my  little  dawter, "  she 
probly  liked  it." 

You  ain't  goin'  to  fool  female  Young 
America  much.  You  may  t^amble  on 

But  all  this,  which  happened  in  Bald- 
insville  a  week  ago,  haint  nothin'  to  do 
with  Washington,  from  whither  I  now 
write  you,  hopin'  the  items  I  hereby 
sends  will  be  acceptable  to  the  Gin- 
Cocktail  of  America — I  mean  the  Punch 
thereof.     [A  mild  wittikism. — A.W.] 

Washington,  D.  C.,*  is  the  Capital  of 
"  our  once  happy  country" — if  I  may 
be  allowed  to  koin  a  ffase !  The  D.  0. 
stands  for  Desprit  Cusses,  a  numerosity 
which  abounds  here,  the  most  of  whom 
persess  a  Romantic  pashun  for  gratooi- 
tous  drinks.  And  in  this  conjunction  I 
will  relate  an  incident.  I  notist  for 
several  days  a  large  Hearse  standin'  in 
front  of  the  principal  tavern  on  Penn- 
sylvany  Avenoo.  "  Can  you  tell  me, 
my  fair  Castillian,"  sed  I  this  momin', 
to  a  young  Spaniard  from  Tipperary, 
who  was  blackin'  boots  in  the  wash- 
room— "  can  you  tell  me  what  those 
Hearse  is  kept  standin'  out  there  for  ?" 

"  Well,  you  see  our  Bar  bisness  is 
great.    You've  no  idea  of  the  number 
of  people  who  drink  at  our  Bar  durin'  a 
day.    You  see  those  Hearse  is  neces 


Standin'  in  front  of  the  tarvuns '  on 
Pennsylvany  Avenoo  is  a  lot  of  miserbul 
wretches — ^black,  white  and  ring  strickid, 

*  District  of  Columbia.— Ed. 



Q  Young 
mble  on 

in  Bald- 
in'  to  do 
r  I  now 
[  hereby 
the  Gin- 
le  Punch 
!!!apital  of 
if  I  may 
he  D.  C. 
of  •whom 
:  gratooi- 
unction  I 
lotist  for 
;andin'  in 
on  Penn- 
tell  me, 
le  wash- 
,at  those 
(re  for  ?" 
(isness  is 
durm'  a 
is  neces 


and  freckled — ^with  long  whips  in  their 
hands,  who  frowns  upon  you  like  the 
wulture  upon  the  turkle-dove  the  minit 
you  dismerge  from  hotel.  They  own 
yonder  four-wheeled  startlin'  curiosity's, 
which  were  used  years  and  years  ago  by 
the  fust  settlers  of  Virginny  to  carry 
live  hogs  to  market  in.  The  best  car- 
rige  I  saw  in  the  entire  collection  was 
used  by  Pockyhontas,  sum  two  hundred 
years  ago  as  a  goat-pen.  Becumin'  so 
used  up  that  it  couldn't  hold  goats,  that 
fair  and  gentle  savage  put  it  up  at. 
auction.  Subsekently  it  was  used  as  a 
hospital  for  sick  calved,  then  as  a  hen- 
coop, and  finally  it  was  put  on  wheels 
and  is  now  doin'  duty  as  a  hack. 

I  called  on  Secretary  Welles,  of  the 
Navy.  You  know  he  is  quite  a  mariner 
himself,  havin'  once  owned  a  Raft  of 
logs  on  the  Connethycut  river.  So  I 
put  on  saler  stile  and  hollered :  "  Ahoy, 
shipmet !    Tip  us  yer  grapplin  irons !" 

"  Yes — ^yes  !  "  he  sed,  nervously, 
"  but  mercy  on  us,  don't  be  so  noisy." 

"  Ay,  ay,  my  hearty !  But  let  me 
sing  about  how  Jack  Stokes  lost  his 

"  The  reason  why  he  couldn't  gain  hor 
Was  becoz  he's  drunken  saler  J" 

"  That's  very  good,  indeed,"  said  the 
Secky,  "  but  this  is  hardly  the  place  to 
sing  songs  in,  my  frend." 

"  Let  me  write  the  songs  of  a  nashun," 
sed  I,  "  and  I  don't  care  a  cuss  who 
goes  to  the  legislator !  But  I  ax  your 
pardon — Show's  things  ?" 

"  Comfortable,  I  thank  you.  I  have 
here,"  he  added, "  a  copy  of  the  Middle- 
town  Weekli/  Clarion  of  February  the 
15,  containin'  a  report  that  there  isn't 
much  Union  sentiment  in  South  Caro- 
liny,  but  I  hardly  credit  it." 

"  Air  you  well,  Mr.  Secky,"  sed  I. 
"  Is  your  liver  all  right  ?  How's  your 

"  God  bless  me !"  sed  the  Secky, 
risin'  hastily  and  glarin'  wildly  at  me, 
"  what  do  you  mean  ?" 

"  0  nothin'  partickler.  Only  it  is 
one  of  the  beauties  of  a  Republican 
form  of  gov'ment  that  a  Cabnit  offisser 
can  pack  up  his  trunk  and  go  home 
whenever  he's  sick.  Sure  nothin'  don't 
ail  your  liver  ?"  sed  I,  pokin'  him  putty 
vilent  in  the  stummick. 

I  called  on  Abe.  He  received  me 
kindly.  I  handed  him  my  umbreller, 
ard  told  him  I'd  have  a  check  for  it  if 
he  pleased.  "That,"  sed  he,  "puts 
me  in  mind  of  a  little  story.  There  was 
a  man  out  in  our  parts  who  was  so  mean 
that  he  took  his  wife's  cofiSn  out  of  the 
back  winder  for  fear  he  would  rub  the 
pamt  off  the  doorway. 

"  Wall,  about  this  time  there  was  a 
man  in  a  adjacent  town  who  had  a  green 
cotton  umbreller." 

"  Did  it  fit  hun  well  ?  Was  it  custom 
made  ?    Was  he  measured  for  it  ?" 

"  Measured  for  what  ?"  said  Abe. 

"  The  umbreller  ?" 

"  Wall,  as  I  was  sayin',"  continnerd 
the  President,  treatin'  the  interruption 
with  apparent  contempt,  "  this  man  sed 
he'd  Imown  that  there  umbreUer  ever 
since  it  was  a  parasol.    Ha,  ha,  ha !" 

"  Yes,"  sed  I,  larfin  in  a  respectful 
manner,  but  what  has  this  man  with  the 
umbreller  to  do  with  the  man  who  took 
his  wife's  coflSn  out  of  the  back  winder  ?" 

"  To  be  sure,"  said  Abe — "  what  was 
it  ?  I  must  have  got  two  stories  mixed 
together,  which  puts  me  in  mind  of  an- 
other lit " 

"Never  nund,  Your  Excellency,  I 






called  to  congratulate  you  on  your 
career,  which  has  been  a  honest  and  a 
good  one — unscared  and  unmoved  by 
Secesh  in  front  of  you  and  Abbolish  at 
the  back  of  you — each  one  of  which  is 
a  little  wuss  than  the  other  if  possible  ! 

"  Tell  E.  Stanton  that  his  boldness 
honesty  ^nd  vigger  merits  all  prase,  but 
to  keep  his  under-garmints  on.  E. 
Stanton  has  appeerently  only  one  weak- 
ness, which  it  is,  he  can't  alius  keep  his 
under-garmints  from  flyin'  up  over  his 
hed.  I  mean  that  he  occasionally  dances 
in  a  peck-measure,  and  he  don't  look 
graceful  at  it." 

I  took  my  departer.  "  Good  bye, 
old  sweetness,"  sed  Abe,  shakin'  me 
cordguUy  by  the  hand. 

"  Adoo,  my  Prahayrie  flower,"  I 
replied,  and  made  my  exit.  "  Twenty- 
five  thousand  dollars  a  year  and  found," 
I  soliloquised,  as  I  walked  down  the 
street,  "  is  putty  good  wages  for  a  man 
with  a  modist  appytite,  but  I  reckon 
that  it  is  wuth  it  to  run  the  White 

"  What  you  bowt,  sah  ?  What  the 
debble  you  doin'  sah?" 

It  was  the  voice  of  an  Afrikin 
Brother  which  thus  spoke  to  me.  There 
was  a  cullud  procession  before  me, 
which  was  escortin'  a  elderly  bald- 
hedded  Afrikin  to  his  home  in  Bates 
Alley.  This  distmguished  Afrikin 
Brother  had  just  returned  from  Lybery, 
and  in  turning  a  comer  putty  suddent  I 
hed  stumbled  and  placed  my  hed  agm 
his  stummick  in  a  rather  strengthy 

"  Do  you  wish  to  impede  the  progress 
of  this  procession,  Sah  ?" 

"  Certainly  not,  by  all  means ! 
Procesh !" 

And  they  went  on. 

I'm  reconstructin'  my  shpw.  I've 
bo't  a  collection  of  life-size  wax  figgers 
of  our  prominent  Revolutionary  fore- 
fathers. I  bo't  'em  at  auction  and  got 
'em  cheap.  They  stand  me  about  two 
doUars  and  fifty  cents  ($2.50)  per 
Revolutionary  father. 

Ever  as-always  yours, 

A.  Wabd. 

fore  me, 
•ly  bald- 
in  Bates 

I  Lybery, 
luddent  I 
bed  a^ 



)w.  I've 
Eix  figgers 
ary  fore- 
n  and  got 
ibout  two 
1.50)  per 




If  I'm  drafted  I  shall  resign. 

Deeply  grateful  for  the  onexpected 
honor  thus  confered  upon  me;  I  shall 
feel  compelled  to  resign  the  position  in 
favor  of  sum  more  worthy  person. 
Modesty  is  what  ails  me.  That's  what's 
kept  me  under. 

I  meanter-say,  I  shall  have  to  resign 
if  I'm  drafted ;  everywheres  I've  bm 
inrold.  «I  must  now,  furrinstuns,  be 
inrold  in  upards  of  200  different  towns. 
If  I'd  kept  on  travelin'  I  should  hav 
eventooally  becum  a  Brigade,  in  which 
case  I  could  have  held  a  meetin'  and 
elected  myself  a  Brigadeer-ginral  quite 
onanimiss.  I  hadn't  no  idee  there  was 
so  many  of  me  before.  But,  serisly,  I 
concluded  to  stop  exhibitin'  and  make 
tracks  for  Baldinsville.  My  only 
daughter  threw  herself  onto  my  boosum, 
and  said,  "  It  is  me,  fayther !  I  thank 
the  gods !"  She  reads  the  New  York 

"Tip  us  yer  bunch  of  fives,  old 
faker!"  said  Artemus  Jr.  He  reads 
the  New  York  Clipper. 

My  wife  was  to  the  sowin'  circle.  I 
knew  she  and  the  wimin  folks  was 
havin'  a  pleasant  time  slanderin'  the 
females  of  the  other  sowin'  circle  (which 
likewise  met  that  arternoon,  and  was 
doubtless  enjoying  theirselves  ekally 
well  in  slanderin'  the  fust-named  circle), 
an'  I  didn't  send  for  her.  I  alius  like 
to  see.  people  injoy  theirselves. 

My  son  Orgustus  was  playin'  onto  a 

Orgustus  is  a  ethereal  cuss.  The 
twins  was  buildin'  cob-houses  in  a  comer 
of  the  kitchin. 

It'll  cost  some  postage-stamps  to  raise 
this  family,  ^nd  yet  it  'ud  go  hard  with 
the  old  man  to  lose  any  lamb  of  the 

An  old  bachelor  is  a  poor  critter.  He 
may  have  beam  the  skylark  or  (what's 
nearly  the  same  thing)  Miss  Kellogg 
and  Carlotty  Patti  sing  ;  he  may  have 
beam  Olo  Bull  fiddle,  and  all  the  Dod- 
worths  toot,  an'  yet  he  don't  know 
nothin'  about  music — the  real,  genuine 
thing — the  music  of  the  laughter  of 
happy,  well-fed  children  1  And  you 
may  ax  the  father  of  sich  children  home 
to  dinner,  feeling  worry  sure  there'll  be 
no  spoons  missm'  when  he  goes  away. 
Sich  fathers  never  drop  tin  five-cent 
pieces  into  the  contribution  box,  nor 
palm  shoe-pegs  off  onto  blind  bosses  for 
oats,  nor  skedaddle  to  British  sile  when 
their  country's  in  danger — nor  do  any- 
thing which  is  really  mean.  I  don't 
mean  to  intimate  that  the  old  batchelor 
is  up  to  little  games  of  this  sort — not  at 
all — ^but  I  repeat,  he's  a  poor  critter. 
He  don't  live  here ;  he  only  stays.  He 
ought  to  'pologize,  on  behalf  of  his 
parients,  for  bein'  here  at  all.  The 
happy  marrid  man  dies  in  good  stile  at 
home,  surrounded  by  his  weeping  wif& 

|i'  i'-'-' 

'  i  '(-< 



and  children.  The  old  batchelor  don't 
die  at  all — ho  sort  of  rots  away,  like  a 
pollywog's  tail. 

My  townsmen  was  sort  o'  demoralized. 
There  was  a  evident  desine  to  ewade  the 
Draft,  as  I  obsarved  with  sorrer,  and 
patritism  was  below  Par — and  Mar  too. 
f  A  jew  desprit.]  I  hadn't  no  sooner 
sot  down  on  the  piazzy  of  the  tavoun 
than  I  saw  sixteen  solitary  hossmen, 
ridm'  four  abreast,  wendin'  their  way 
up  the  street. 

"  What's  them  ?    Is  it  cavalry  ?" 

«  That,"  said  the  landlord,  "  is  the 
stage.  Sixteen  able-bodied  citizens  has 
lately  bo't  the  stage  line  between  here 
and  Scootsburg.  That's  them.  They're 
stage-drivers.  Stage-drivers  is  ex- 

I  saw  that  each  stage-driver  carried 
a  letter  in  his  left  hand. 

"  The  mail  is  hevy  to-day,"  said  the 
landlord.  "Gin'raUy  they  don't  have 
more'n  half-a-dozen  letters  'tween  'em. 
To-day  they've  got  one  apiece !  Bile 
my  lights  and  liver  !'* 

"  And  the  passengers  ?" 

"  There  ain't  any,  skacely,  now-days," 
said  the  landlord,  "  and  what  few  there 
is,  very  much  prefier  to  walk,  the  roads 
is  so  rough." 

"  And  how  ist  with  you  ?"  I  inquired 
of  the  editor  of  the  Bugle  Horn  of 
lAherty,  who  sot  near  me. 

"I  can't  go,"  he  sed,  shakm'  his 
head  in  a  wise  way.  "  Ordinarily  I 
should  delight  to  wade  in  gore,  but  my 
bleedin'  country  bids  me  stay  at  home. 
It  is  imperatively  necessary  that  I 
remain  here  for  the  purpose  of  an- 
nouncin'  from  week  to  week,  that 
our  Qov'mmt  is  about  to  take  vigor- 

ous measures  to  put  down  the  rebel- 

I  strolled  into  the  village  oyster  saloon, 
where  I  found  Dr.  Schwazey,  a  leadui' 
citizen,  in  a  state  of  mind  which  showed 
that  he'd  bid  histin'  in  more'n  his  share 
of  pizen. 

"  Hello,  old  Beeswax,"  he  bellered  ; 
"  how's  your  grandjnams  ?  When  you 
goin'  to  feed  your  stuflfed  animils  ?" 

"  What's  the  matter  with  the  eminent 
physician  ?"  I  pleasantly  inquired. 

"  This,"  he  said ;  "this  is  what's  the 
matter.  I'm  a  habitooal  drunkard.  I'm 

"  Jes'  so." 

"  Do  you  see  them  beans,  old»man  ?" 
and  he  pinted  to  a  plate  before  him. 
"  Do  you  see  'em  ?" 

"  I  do.  They  are  a  cheerful  fruit 
when  used  tempritly." 

«  Well,"  said  he,  "  I  hain't  eat  any- 
thing smce  last  week.  I  eat  beans  now 
because  I  eat  beans  then.  I  never  mix 
my  vittles  1" 

"  It's  quite  proper  you  should  eat  a 
little  suthin  once  in  a  while,"  I  said. 
"  It's  a  good  idee  to  occasionally  instruct 
the  stummick  that  it  mustn't  depend 
excloosively  on  licker  for  its  sustain- 

"  A  blessm,"  he  cried — ^"  a  blessin 
onto  the  hed  of  the  man  what  invented 
beans !    A  blessin  onto  his  hed  1" 

"  Which  his  name  is  Gilson !  He's  a^ 
first  family  of  Bostin,"  said  I. 

This  is  a  speciment  of  how  thmgs  was 
goin'  in  my  place  of  residence. 

A  few  was  true  blue.  The  school- 
master was  among  'em.  He  greeted 
me  warmly.    Ho  said  I  was  welkim  ta 




the  rehelr 

ber  saloon, 
a  leadin' 

3h  shoyred 
his  share 

bellered ; 
^en  you 
nils  ?" 
le  eminent 

what's  the 
kard.   I'm 

ifore  him. 

erful  fruit 

eat  any- 
beans  now 
never  mix 

ould  eat  a 

'  I  said. 

r  iitotruct 

t  depend 

;s  sustain- 

a  blessin 
t  invented. 

!    He'sfr 

things  was 


he  school- 

e  greeted 

welkim  to 

those  shores.  He  said  I  had  a  massiv 
mind.  It  was  gratifyin',  ho  said,  to  see 
that  great  intelleck  stalkin'  in  their 
midst  onct  more.  I  have  before  had 
occasion  to  notice  this  schoolmaster. 
He  is  evidently  a  young  man  of  far 
more  than  ord'nary  talents. 

The  schoolmaster  proposed  we  should 
git  up  a  mass  meetin'. 

The  meetin'  was  largely  attended. 
We  held  it  in  the  open  air,  round  a 
roarin'  bonfire. 

The  schoolmaster  was  the  first  orator. 
He's  pretty  good  on  the  speak.  He 
also  writes  well,  his  composition  bein' 
seldom  marred  by  ingrammaticisms. 
He  said  this  inactivity  surprised  him. 
"  What  do  you  expect  will  come  of  this 
kind  of  dob's?    Nihil  fit " 

"  Hooray  for  Nihil !"  I  interrupted. 
"  Fellow-citizens,  let's  ^ve  three  cheers 
for  Nihil,  the  man  who  fit !" 

The  schoolmaster  turned  a  little  red, 
but  repeated — '■^Nihil  fit." 

«  Exactly,"  I  said.  "  Nihil /f.  He 
wasn't  a  strategy  feller." 

"  Our  venerable  friend,"  said  the 
schoolmaster,  smilin'  pleasantly,  "  isn't 
posted  in  Virgil." 

"  No,  I  don't  know  him.  But  if  he's 
a  able-bodied  man  he  must  stand  his 
little  draft." 

The  schoolmaster  wound  up  in  elo- 
quent style,  and' the  subscriber  took  the 

I  said  the  crisis  had  not  only  come 
itself,  but  it  had  brought  all  its  relations. 
It  has  cum,  I  said,  with  a  evident 
intention  of  makin'  us  a  good  long  visit. 
It's  gom'  to  take  off  its  things  and  stop 
with  us.    My  wife  says  so  too. 

war  as  they  like.  I'll  bet  ye.  My  wife 
says  so  too.  If  the  Federal  army 
succeeds  in  takin'  Washington,  and  they 
seem  to  be  advancin'  that  way  pretty 
often,  I  shall  say  it  is  strategy,  and 
Washington  will  "be  safe.  And  that 
noble  banner,  as  it  were — that  banner, 
as  it  were,  will  be  a  emblem,  or  rather, 
I  should  say,  that  noble  banner — as  it 
were.  My  wife  says  so  too.  [I  got  a 
little  mixed  up  here,  but  they  didn't 
notice  it.    Keep  mum.]  * 

Feller-citizens,  it  will  be  a  proud  day 
for  this  Republic  when  Washington  is 
safe .  Gloucester,  Massachuse  tts,  is  safe . 
Gpn.  Fremont  is  there.  No  danger  of 
Gloucester,  Massachusetts,  as  long  as 
Gen.  Fremont's  here.  And  may  the 
day  be  not  far  distant  when  I  can  say 
the  same  of  Washington.  But  if  it  is 
saved,  it  will  be  strategy.  Vermont 
will  soon  be  safe.  Gen.  Phelps  is 
comin'  home.  Let  us  all  rejoice  that 
Vermont  is  about  to  be  safe.  My  wife 
says  so  too. 

The  editor  of  the  JBugle  Horn  0/ 
Liberty  here  arose  and  said :  "  I  do  not 
wish  to  interrupt  the  gentleman,  but  an 
important  dispatch  has  just  been  received 
at  the  telegraph  office  here.  I  will  read 
it.  It  is  as  follows :  '  Q-ov'ment  is  about 
to  take  vigorous  measures  to  put  down 
the  rebellion  !'*     [Loud  applause.] 

That,  said  I,  is  cheering.  That's 
soothing.  And  Washington  will  be 
safe.  [Sensation.]  Philadelphia  is 
safe.  Gen.  Patterson  is  in  Philadelphia. 
But  my  heart  bleeds  partic'ly  for  Wash- 
ington.   My  wife  says  so  too. 

There's  money  enough.  No  trouble 
about  money.    They've  got  a  lot  of 

This  is  a  good  war...  For  .thos^.^fh© ;  firstHjlasJ  bank-note  engravers  at  Wash- 

;,.•«•      'k.'iik.  «•••••• 

Uke  this  war,  it's  jusi:'6jut;n'pi:kiia.(7f  :a]  ingtoni^^hldhoplace,  I  regret  to  say,  is 

•  • 

•  •      •  •  •  • 

•  ••  •     • 

•    •••«»     •    • 

\  •   •  •  •  •     • 

•  •  •      *     • 


mr'/fprnw'-"^  ■'^■"' 

I.'t-'i '  ■■ .    « 



by  no  means  safe)  who  turn  out  two  or 
three  cords  of  money  a-day — good 
money,  too.  Goes  well.  These  bank- 
note engravers  make  good  wages.  I 
expect  they  lay  up  property.  They  are 
full,  of  Union  sentiment.  There  is 
considerable  Union  sentiment  in  Vir- 
ginny,more  especially  among  the  honest 
farmers  of  the  Shenandoah  valley.  My 
wife  says  so  too. 

Then  it  isn't  money  we  want.  But 
we  do  want  men,  and  we  must  have 
them.  We  must  carry  a  whirlwind  of 
fire  among  the  foe.  We  must  crush  the 
ungrateful  rebels  who  are  poundln'  the 
Goddess  of  Liberty  over  the  head  with 
slung-shots,  and  stabbing  her  with  stolen 
knives !  We  must  lick  'em  quick.  We 
must  introduce  a  large  number  of  first- 
class  funerals  among  the  people  of  the 
South.    Betsy  says  so  too. 

This  war  hain't  been  too  well  man- 
aged.   We  all  know  that.    What  then  ? 

We  are  all  in  the  same  boat — if  the 
boat  goes  down,  we  go  down  with  her. 
Hence  we  must  all  fight.  It  ain't  no 
use  to  talk  now  about  who  caused  the 
war.  That's  played  out.  The  war  is 
upon  us — upon  us  all — and  we  must  all 
fight.  We  can't  "  reason"  the  matter 
with  the  foe— only  with  steel  and  led. 
When,  in  the  broad  glare  of  the  noonday 
sun,  a  speckled  jackass  boldly  and 
maliciously  kicks  over  a  peanut-stand, 
do  we  "reason"  with  him?  I  guess 
not.  And  why  "reason"  'with  those 
other  Southern  people  who  are  tryin'  to 
kick  over  the  Republic  ?  Betsy,  my 
wife,  says  so,  too. 

The  meetin' broke  up  with  enthusiasm. 
We  shan't  draft  in  Baldinsville, — not  if 
we  can  help  it. 

Yours  considerably, 

A.  Ward. 



The  End. 


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<  ,♦»! 


WOAKS  0rii7£ii»S  WAM; 

liiii.  II )»  I  I  "III  It  III 



Artemtus  Ward  in  London    -------  50o 

Do       do.  '  BiM   Travels   among   the 

Mormons p  60c 

do.     His  Book  - -   26o 
















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